Tilda Swinton and Pedro Almodóvar angels of death on the final pathway

 Just like the worst writer in history, 

who sure warped and dumbed down this society

With his little dead Discworld

One Day - the best with European stock, rather than merely blood, with a real angel. Of a few it has to be said, but chief angel most of the day. 

(who was pronounced only a few years to live, by Misstake..only a few months ago... they were wrong, that wouldn't be nice on your gravestone- indeed big last joke on you.. )

Which is a very serious matter. Ask Tony Judt who held on writing his memoirs with only the blink of an eye... to the very last flutter of her gorgeous eyelashes... oops his...i still vibrate with a  REAL "human" being her very best self...one day -happiest day first equal with someone alive and well, for near 15 years... by far...and i thought i was dead or no reason to live many a time...

But for years the 'serious' essay has been brewing, about what kind of message they try to send... snuff yourself out  - take the 'Liverpool Pathway'  - i never met a Liverpudlian who is alive in the 'now', so fair dinkum, it is appropriately named. 

But rather than screaming at the top of your voice, " live the fuck on, no matter what..!"  (as Intouchables vs Me Before You, is the best of real culture, inspiring anyone to.. juxtaposed against this death-on-two legs every worthy Tilda in the Uk has been bleating for years..... reason to actually go over a cliff, UK cannot breed actors any more, just poseurs...who justify, nothing...but goin' over the cliff so as to never see her bad acting ever again...) 

World Service 4am ish news or maybe here too..


m\y be out of order

a mere sneak preview of a TRULY philosophical day with one of two beautiful minds met on one day - middle of nowhere.... which for us was the middle of where we wished to be

many wonderful deep chats... "what is said on the hill stays on the hill" meaning her truly private  difficult long 'losses' ...she should write up for the world... but they all fall at that last fence.

So, some bleeping needs to be done...it was a LONG day...

And Almodóvar films are by far the least good European films with his weirdo kitsch and presenting all women as needing weirdo costume or behaviour to be interesting... there are MANY European films where women are not so pimped, for nothing...as you learn nothing from them... just how to look good telling others about them... (famously even in Even The rain the woman film director rewrote history to write the women out.. the Bolivian revolution starting 2003 was started by several hundred Bolivian baes...who lost their lives for freedom, to drink their own gutter water...  beware of Spaniards.. its not a  coincidence fat english men, bought it...)