

first sketchy version

page started 22 Oct 2023

7 oct - 5 nov

just a start selection of what went on to be a deep humanist correspondence up until today 5 Nov

SEE ..or listen to END audio - we have a REAL adult friendship we are BOTH above offense and "you cannot say that" as we both DO deeply care - my friend and i are both pro total peace, and in fact NO differences between people - she is brown

And we know so  we poetically play with words ... such as raghead and the "y word"

ed note  - Yasmin a wise modern woman who would even allow a wise elder to be uncle or grandad figure...village to raise a child

(NB i am PRO the little guy ALL my life-  watch the award winning movie The Mayor. Ramallah and the (county seat) town of Hereford have roughly the same population. The facilities in Hereford are dire - dilapidated. The facilities in Ramallah are palatial in comparison.  There has seemingly developed an aid or 'attention' dependency - not their fault, but in some ways it hides some simpler sad reality of what they are fighting 'for'.

much more after this maybe we should turn into a little book- for the first time  in 18 mths acquaintance yasmin writes me long wonderful ultra peacenik caring essay messages (some FROM the pro Palestine rallies in London - her husband is Moroccan they are totally pro peace ) .....but why has she at last cared? she is wise enough to know all this is cant and vanity. In fact has had it with The west

4 audios

one from 12 Oct 2023 a second `14 oct

Then two from 20 Oct 2023

They are better.


Between 7 Oct 2023 and today i have about 20 links to list here of a whole range of media monitored.  An arms race to say the so so wisest things ..

Finkelstein every thoughtful person's new darling, BUT even he has such angst in his words....angst has always been the cause of this. 

I shall fill in here later.

This is the last one of that list from about 18 Oct


Mister Weinstein in my opinion the first to be grown up and real and suggest a non emotional possible solution that just could lead to fewer deaths on both sides..

Every grazed finger matters to me - both sides

This follows from only one other senior news commentator (link to follow) who quite rightly points out that sadly all we have had for years is one side (Palestine)  lost and failed to behave like a normal conflict loser in conflict (accept peace treaty terms negotiated in the 1980s - 90s).  I personally have ALL MY LIFE been for Palestinian solidarity - supporting the underdog. I understand fully (and with true justice in mind) all arguments connected with the causes and justice at every level (for decades) but i accept my opinions and wishes  - Palestinians held out for a return to some negotiated solution as per two state solution of 30 years ago, are not going to deliver the greatest safety for the greatest number or people. Especially the Palestinians.   

But comments on my pages here  - 7 Oct or 8 Oct are still most pertinent:  The 'side' that has the most money to buy the most drones in the end  will prevail. Assuming some other much richer state does not join in on behalf of the least well equipped side. 

GIVE UP...leave.... 

Nothing has happened since 7 Oct and no statement has been made by any world power to suggest that ANY warfare conducted by Israel  - now or in the future, will be sanctioned. Accepting the need to defer to military might is now essential. It is more than 'pacifism' as i term myself, it is the only rational future that saves the largest amount of innocent people from slaughter or life changing injury. 

There will be 50..maybe 75 billion spent on the aftermath of 7 Oct 2023...  that could pay for resettlement or some great life and great education for most Gaza families.... accept the end! And start to live.

I am making a video about 'justice' AND RETRIBUTION. In fact it is about how even I (kind of totemic justice fighter ) accept that 'justice' is in many ways in the medium to longer term a naive concept. And i have suffered a massive life changing truly awful injustice myself that has completely defined the last 14 years of my life - still does, the exhausting pain inside can still exhaust me. I have thought this through and i think what it (all) comes down to is that if one has suffered great loss  - of a loved one - a person usually of ones household who for years ones is in a state of  daily 'love' with - child, life partner, younger parents,  and that person is seriously damaged or killed, no 'justice' matters or makes much real difference.   I know what matters is that if one is 'innocent'  - the crime or harm is unambiguous (and the bereaving person left behind has no conceivable blame or even inadvertent slightest  responsibility) ,  then the grief and loss is borne over the years in a more dignified and philosophical state. It may even be at times in a genuine state of grace or bliss. 

Tapping in to such grace and bliss (i still do myself) is the opposite of retribution. In fact maybe is even the opposite of justice. And i know it is better. Of course it can take some years to reach this state.

Grieving relatives of either side the last few weeks  i wish they could be reminded of this. No 'justice' or retribution will make them actually feel better. An 'eye for an eye' is a very backwards way of looking at the human soul. 


the google drive folder above is a bit mixed up.

the 'sequence' is by date of file.

the final file is 061 sunday 22 oct afternoon.

i try to explain the 'gift' in a true loss where blame is unambiguous.

( many losses in Western society may have weird 

ambiguities interlaced - as there is so much weird psychopathy on the west. I give an example of my cousin)


4 nov 2023

LAST WORD finale..... 


his first and last word - sorry it does NOT help.... except get him more false 'love'..(this one so widely posted). In fact all of these people are just making CAREERS out of saying nothing helpful....

Many more nearly as bad but seeing the Gabor ...say NOTHING .. was the last straw i retire ever ever having any words to THINK about anything...your society has gone very wrong with all this... it does not WORK.



earlier in year

John Mearsheimer: Ukraine war is a long-term danger


