does this work?

where there are 1000s of pages of the ' transcript' where a shabby mum from Worcester or somewhere like that, having joined the colonisation of 'wild'er  places GArway Hill..where the cops are more widely spaced out... and then over to my previously sane patch Craswall... diarises daily her messages from the divine powers above mainlined straight into her consciousness manifestly instructing her to basically abuse her kids, and the now dead father of her kids and.. she even admits it..

That was taken to social services a decade ago,  in poor Portugal which has to nowadays host these fraudsters all setting up their little mini cults from the late 00s based on mindful yoga mats included in the workshop price of the magic carpet that wont get them back and forth to Portugal so they have to get the smelly machine... ... just like Billy ...poor Billy... The Undercover Hippy who would crowdfund for more bucks to pop over  to bali and write songs about the planet burning due all these plane rides... and twatter his daily strumming progress back to loving lovely tribes of suport back in the cold of a British winter... 

Portuguese SS just laughed..

" we didn't start all this.."