I don't wanna be a cleanin' lady

So, if i die.... soon.

Just remember the one simplest extremists unsayable thing said, to Sweats,  in the glorious year of 2020, as I am three years ago walking up into the hills alongside newfriend, behind her daughter trotting off ahead  

" all these people - silly rich incomers who pretend they belong to the countryside and 'COMMUNITY' - a word they copied from Time Out in about 1980,  who pay you good money, and so much of it,  to   go and move their body for exercise in your disco sweat operation, rather than go and use their body to perhaps saw the logs of some local impoverished old folk in the actual COMMUNITY who desperately need some labour or they may die of cold this winter  ... is basically a selfish tragic pathetic shadow of a real human ..."

 " i don't disagree with you... look i just take the money .."

One could add more in to that vignette but not now because of the joy to encounter just a few who do sincerely agree " ... it is wonderful, there are a range of conversational topics, and even opinions, one couldn't go anywhere near  -  even 2019... but even if no one changed, and fools stillnow ENDLESSLY go on about unlawful parties and medical matters during what was a three times pneumonia as was obvious in about week two, we are allowed to at least share them now... take for example that one about there being utterly NO community despite  years of brainwashing by those who may get a grant for pretending they are founding one.... ive seen so many times in 20 years...or that sexism returned so so cynically in 2020 even i was shocked " ehh up lass now we've a crisis i better do more hours [in the carpark outside work on the porn] and you better do most of the housework.." clearly the case in all The Marches i rambled for years and knew what was what 

(especially that only 0.1%  ever do any real work and how TRULY gorgeous it makes them look, bodily Be, and smell.... as i have manyphoto studies of them... because they have bright eyes and a real backbone " of course i am proud of my posture so why should i mind if you take pictures to maybe show your girl one day of... well maybe as you say you come from somewhere that doesnt exist any more... so do i i know exactly whatyou mean....and why it matters.."   

But to think... poor Zoom... just a few years and ....

( put my time in 2020 encountering my first full on seemingly sane Kundalini lassie ... " ok ... so I am interested, please explain the processes you go through you clearly are dying to explain, and define yourself by..." i have all the time in the world and am a good listener... ok just maybe the 2nd and 3rd 'rising'  if you haven't got all the time in the world you don't have to talk me through to number 9.. ..." funny that... I didn't even hear " i cannot explain" i just heard nothing )

And then nothing, exploded...as of course it's better for your nails than being a cleaning lady

anyway twenty years its the .... end in a mere fortnight

And i don't odd essay i am long interested in a scholarly understanding of what actually happened rather than some clever dick bad hypothesis,
 cos it looks good, as your Wolverhampton Polly Phd...

The moment near a decade back I heard 
" i wanna be star
i don't wanna be a cleaning lady"

Not only did one know that in a scholarly correct way, as per Stendhal Scarlet and the Blacks...

There was one honest woman.

Never mind one with a  product that one actually was all the better for it
rather than all the others desperate not to be stuck bein' a cleanin' lass....

Funny that the only seemingly ok British born woman ive met for years  (time to burn all bridges and leave the mess for any old cleaning lady i did my decades of cleaning and know its great zen) ... is one  ... down here

Maybe the shit of shitcreek got to her too....
I know nowt 
Except real social history and have so many files of it just for fun, its daft