9 december 2024
cloaked means a non indexed page only findable with the url otherwise it wont show up online or in any search - at present i don't wish to overload a certain person .... she must live her life (knows very little about me)
i have created merely to share my one interesting gender politics+ absolute madness of the pack.... with a few specific people i know
specific stories saving for anyone of next generation especially my daughter - as salutary lesson sort of... and what was her dad (very ordinary!)
(especially WHY did he utterly avoid all the 'b' list celebrities his parents and siblings made the centre of their life sucking up to them all...still probably do....one day she will be curious about )
Me i am rugged country boy...(even if highly literate version of that and rather cosmopolitan-sophisticate) and saw through them ALL...
but had one truly wonderful scary experience that showed me how utterly weird ALL celebrity world is... and also why i never believe any celeb takedown story unless there is evidence of a very high quality...
AND you cannot think me bad sharing this, after all today i could go to the press and paint myself as ultra VICTIM.. to pity pity pity..... (yes it did shock and hurt me at first) . ehhhh.... nope.... i think i rather enjoyed the 'silver lining'
in this but a few more to add
google drive store downloadable audio file (virus checkable)
voice 184 going in to 'Nutz specific' folder as it is in fact part of the 'therapy' section....
in fact in this great big elephantine issue... i neglected to even mention that large dollop of flesh in the room. Merely as aside i happened to know once a woman 'honest' enough to tell me she had made up false allegations against a bloke at her ( major entertainment business) work... and got a large payout - on the quiet. How on earth is that not a major factor in any modern day 'outing'? .. even in the church... everyone knows even a 11 year old in a deprived London suburb it is a way of getting rich... stories.
From my own actual real work assisting parents with social services case against them from 2005ish, i know that many the last 10 or so years have extremely-hard-to-understand obsessions and extreme fantasy cases against someone - in authority i mean now - an social worker or person at child services... .....which they are SO good at describing such that it seems possible what they say but getting to any actual facts the judgement of Solomon
All i know - as it has been known for millennia is that a payout on false grounds will eventually cause hurt for the false alledger ... most people eventually even if in older age partially admit to themselves inside themselves they harmed someone else for their own greedy, or merely temporarily insane ends, then it hurt them too... so they are to be pitied by metoo especially as i knew from the inside once how pathologically driven so many can be
the Konda story... family celeb links... and a bit of Lou Le C (just to make me happy thinking of one who was maybe different)