Monday 16 September 2024

the next phase

 ... Socratix, on the move all summer.

But often on the plod, i am trying to summarise things, as i walk... for 'reflections'  two " birds" one stone

this one not planned to put up raw..

and i forget to turn off my chronicler... why in the last imaginable place,  i found the second great mind that day ( of four!)

hashtag REALITY of environmental destruction

hashtag no one CARED in the 90s about whither or not skirt or pants or what was in them.... i lived  then near the hick smalltown the home of the first 'trans'.. 

and a few other hashytags  too.

oh yes REAL ' creativity' 

and hashtag to prove Lewontin ( doctrine DNA,last audio)  right that US  medicalised Nazis are wrong, life expectancy  hadnt gone up much in the last  200 years if you got past 5 you often lived a long life.. the ' average' slewed the fantasy version still one hears by default ..

ultra SIMPLE  living old Poles  live to be very old and extremely lovely too

but the real hashtag is stop being even Meghan and Sarah  ( the only broadcast i can even tollerate) and stop the Western bullshit neurosis one only hears from over 'educated' western,  thick,  self selecting  suposedly educated elites, who more or less only moan... using clever terminology..   and go and stick a gun to some REAL people's heads and find out REAL gonzo shut the fuck up until you tell me your real truth, Socratic  technique ... and set that ' free'..  cos ten years i search and no one does.   

how you beat 'woke' ... and or grow up....

which i HATE being ... really vommitting a hatecrime upon myself as i have nearly a decade on an odyssey among many Magdas... and HATE sharing....cos its not at all who i am, sat now on a quiet cliff all afternoon.... but  ONLY realspeak can get reality back....

and at ladt met some brit beauties who ... get it, as all Europeans still do,  " ' passion'.. is not the same as anger  all Brits seem  not to know this  any more" .. the saterlast, agreeing, ultrabeaut ....i mean an 11, normally the most nuclear of strategic arms lengthening: " dont come near me pleb" ...... .you should have seen her eyes....

cos i make em listen tellin' em..its only for their beautiful cildren, listen  and shut up, or youre a chikd abuser... and they know its true... they bred into a dystopian America that pretends its a beautiful aisle, above American nutjobism...  .. which is the same thing as  Alex Jones being minister of schools: worse for you than having everyone shooting each other... a ' theme park' kills everyone, always, in the end... great American cinema of the 60s was most clear on this...  UK couldnt listen 

when the cousins do get it right

even if they can never say " less is more" even Bernie,even  bloody fabulous  RFK jr  who surely  knew via 'lived experience' ( the parrot words of the uk so called intelectual class none if whom ever dare do lived life so have no idea what their parrotsqueeks mean) Camelot does more harm than good to its sprogs...

and other hashtags  to add in if i ever get a quiet winter electrical socket and a bad weather period

as i have a LOT of wonderful talks with Europeans to work through, recorded for REAL historiosis... or wgatever her wird was, into a beautiful real LIFE AFFIRMING, or hit single

As i want to come back... 

all  terrible waffle and muttering, some things  i probably shouldnt say unbleeped  but now i know UK really is finished for good.....and Gwerkian  intelligent beauts agree, too... .its all the way time


but then.....

54 minutes in

too good to edit or bleep.

THE next or i hope one day prime minister of Poland

Magda the already great..

and a real looker for a lillywhite allergic to the sunshine, too...

and .

.she AGREES with me on the big one....

the one big one thats ruined everything...

And i really must not assume...

that ALL people wearing stupid black filmstar sunglasses on a september day ( pandemic in England especially here that makes me feel continually ill) are NPDisordered...or just too stupid to speak with

I must have been particularly bored to break my rule, thank god,  sat outside  the house of god, i did ...

audio 227 13 sept

she changed my life...  fourth Pole in just over a year...

( proving really mindfucked societies are good for you in the long run if you ...?? as the great Russian writers did know... )

dowloadable windows audio file in my google drive store

will be in other formats, too,  one day

REAL top hashtag...  you will hear at the end, why Former Soviet states one could say are MORE evolved..or were, if you were FEMALE....once we get through the Pretty Woman,  or to quote him! " Dynastia" phase.  which maybe dragged some societies  back into the stone age again..

57 year old women dont waste time saying things to please...  as even 55yr olds seem to by default... they only wanna know reality... 

but, out of sequence ..( even more of a hatecrime towards myself) much nicer summery many day trudging videos are just nice and wise and smiley...


the grooming operation

 supermodelyummybeauts tickbox

as only a fool thinks us ordinary lot are taken notice of by the bimbo generation  ...

but wait til the  distillatiom of hundreds of hours such fun work, is ready...

as we GOT there... they loved "The Fuller Monty..."


to do.... soon

And moviestars need hooks...of course they only really value as equal their own type....

And just like Hay Way...all the shabbies whom couldnt cut the custard in the vig citt gradually turned up to overlord evertone else...

small fishies... 

well until the sharks head up North, too . .

thats not very good too predictive text..... i now need a fuller team of actual committerated...

( Sean McPhilemy so many years on must be smiling.... Finnucan,  too gets his day per his great book.....  bearing witness, it being borne.... as those Crets discovered aeons ago, the key to Earthly justice....... dont matter if youre dead.... truth outs, eventually....)

so, the rhetoric


As i cannot share, yet....

But the beuat'yummymummie #1 agreed the ' message' has not even begun to 'awaken' anyone except a slither of sour cream atop an otherwise  full fat  chirn of milky slobbery...

And as i am loyal   ALWAYS to the greatnesz of Europe espexially niw so many truly fine Krauts under my belt, and the fine words of even Greater Serbia... ( though Switzerland towers above much of the EU 

i discovered, too) 

I twll them, the beautiestoo to check in with Sabine Hosserfelder ( no time to check spelling i bet its right i  those i value  it is wedged in to my tjick skull)... her evolution into a shut the fuck up ist and  now...nowist ...we must change

( from her data a best scientist in the woeldfirst equal she has mergilated)

But..of many fabulous Eurobabes... maybe the other first equal was the scientist walking  and camping, not ' glamping' suzi...couple

who stated " in our region of Bohemia....  we have had real muvvafucker african mozzies thats not ' mossies'... 

...for a decade.... as it warms..."

 " what with real pukka nalaria too?" 

" Ja..! aufmerksam machen !!!"

i dont know whete tjis weird foematting comes from...but its not dark arts...its fact....

Sarah Haider for president ( and education)

on MERIT as greatest modern communicator and thinker 

substack audio

Sarah Haider for president. audio with post at link below

( but you'll have have context - dozens of hours of their waffle over several years, before me)

Now... the problem is this is ' episode' about 100, of about 100 made the last 2 years ( my first ten are called 'I should be dead' made spring 2022)  NOT a moan at all.... my only moan is i forgot where i put them.... life TOO full of weird turnups

I create... only cos everyone else went nuts.... no one sane to speak with, except Europeans passin' through...

but   episodes about  50 - 100 i have made the last 6 months, arent ready yet cos i have listen to my own dull tones to  ... find them.. and figure if any bleeping needed... i know PURE journalistic ethics 

Among  which are many of my " discussions" with quite a few wise women( the European ones) , on The Track, the last six  wonderful months

All prove UK went Affluenza ( ie adopted  American social mores) sick, most of EU children still go through childood and young adulthood, healthily

this unplanned audio inspired by listening to the ONLY goodish minds i can find in the ' new' media i put on  under my pillow at night

Sam Harris if i really DO need to sleep as its impossible to stay 'awake' longer than 5 min listening to his faux intellectuality ... major critique ready, soon...

Sarah and sexy Meg:

ugly hashtags :  


is not Dawkinsian

is more waffly,  Stephen Jay Gouldian...

how to THINK .. Sarah may one day

i am for brownie points - quotas but they must be longterm, Meghan ( i,  like all her audience, as she knows - thats a fine womanly woman! fancy,  and 75% respect) still dominates,  even her genuine companera... 

Tony Judt's wink...

 " dont dare THINK

 i wanna be snuffed out..yet... til my memoirs are finished"

ADD in... film and photos of Fifi the ferret  2019ish ..( the story of a REAL female....that story many times Socratically told face to face on streetcorners ever since... she demanded to live...made me feel small, and guilty for not killing her... even with stage ten throat cancer....)

 hashtag all my millions of words memoirs, ' reflections ' over 15 years, lots still to load ... no paywall ever... ...though always constant and  philosophically ' happy'  100s of days since  jan 2010 utterly skewered upon a Serbian bbq no hope of ever having joy or life again  no happiness no beauty no nothing and everyone i ever meet a twat... and i no longer have a pssport to run away to sanctuary in saner Europe ..  or apply for asylum i really think any sane person should.. 


hashtag there is only one super sweet  zenned lovely smiley extremely beautiful  born bred  woman in all Pastyland... and no way would i encounter her again...  ever...

so, yet another reasom to have Meghan administer  a fatal dose.. 

until yesteraft the duelling alley... that narrow escape......

"  ehhh.... i noticed its just you and i... in almost this whole shithole...... the only ones for miles not allergic to the sunshine..." 

And two hours later  a whole life ...changes... i knew! was over

 her astonishing story.... she needed to tell

And be LISTENED to...

even if its  maybe nuts... thats not the point

" dont ever think you are not academic... sadly places like these oppress subtly...  as they opress the  genius Serb..... its a Wasteland of dodgy dinosauritis ....  you are the most fabulous UK born  communicator i have heard for years     ... do not believe your own bs you are lesser... i know you CAN think...  and evwn throughout these years of pain your eyes are still truly gorgeously...bright....." 

actual real ... earned... verbatim...compliment

hashtag it is astonishing ( not only does his for sale  ' buddhism'  not guide him to think  PEACE whatever it costs is preferable to revenge for oct 7th.... and that 'jihaddis' can and DO  change... evolve ...) that Harris  resorts to the last bastion of the scoundrel: the " iq determined by genes"  tests... long ago determined as philosophically dubious...  by the few of us could think and read and think,  thirty fucking years ago... all of twitter should ' pile on' him in real life.... smother him .... even if i wouldnt wish Trump a bad cold, or a third time lucky... at least pay him to shut up and go and live in a zen monastry  cell forever  on his immoral false mindfulness the harm Harris does is almost immeasurable...

( everyone even Meg wrongly sucking his  so wonky knob... as they did Brit,  Fuller..... even worse.... 

so dont for a second allow this Williams to take over .. he really is the devil incarnate......i studied him...and can  essay as to just why...)

really important big hasgtag: how neurotic ' healing', body vudu, mindful monkeybusiness ... all for money,  even if " by donatiom" flutter of the eyelashes, really did fuck England up its shitpipe .. and is a lethal fundamentalism ..... Wales caught up around 5 or 6 years agotoo.... i have wonderful chronicle of it all especially this summer of a load of REAL minds meandering the pathway ( Meghan would have us down, to Liverpool [  pathway  = snuffing out peeps, defacto allowedish here...])  with me as we audio riff on this whole towny neurosis of the body etc etc ... lifecoaching " DM me for change" coaching is easier than being a cleaning lady, like me,  as  the beauties of Gwerk have seen me smilingly

 at work at....

real work.... all of it... us sweaty Europeans on The Track riff upon.... just how they all made themselves mad and ill...  cos they dont, like me, and even the certificated  gorgeous fruitloop......   just walk on... day after day despite them .   

which makes her Fruitiness ( " i will watch One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest tonight after meeting you no one has made me think like you have ..ever.. ." as i said our eyes so totally  and utterly  burning each others brain like ECT .. on   max,   burning stare into each others, setting... " as i really am not sure whom is 'mad' any more.. as we knew from GREAT 80s culture and debate    ... i do know all The South is.... by any sane definition of them pissing into their own watersources.... via unnecessary cowboy  hats and my my the latest must have fashion item the pukka Arabian white supremacist sunhat thingy....   but you who prophesise .. with your eyes.... we alone know walking and UV ... a lot....  blahh blahh..."    .)

the only sane one....

And such a truly astounding speaker...

" love ehhh... your story... even if fantasised... i have genius radar for the  real BPD ...[ Meghan's duscussion on that  with a psychh expert ... clickbaited on polygammy but otherwise superb....a yearish ago i think is important  but sexist they said its a woman thing,  Borderline PD ... nope i am expert at court liars.. did give extraordinary access from inside...15 years of the ..   so called ' victims' of injustice...

the blokes started to catch up a decade  ago... BPD i would say 50/50 nowadays...  defo BPD is not mainly  a girly thing...

its a UK USA thing.... but nothing to do with ... sex

except both nations are real repressed hung up about it, obviously...still... relative to Europe...] your eyes and gob... state you totally know your story is true..... .i sense no kink in your auora or vibration.... 

i accept you 100% as the you, you, are....  bonkers or not, as the rest really are verifiably bonkers....and dont get through my  subconscious bullshit  detector... fadcism being they dont know its  in"human" ultimately dangerous, bs....sadly ."


( i only skit on HTs seeing a year ago the only good mind i knew, so so hashtaggy..... but they really are a cheap way to say sadly nothing to more... no yank knows ' less is more' ....i have real socratic dialog on just that from years ago. )

this is the LAST post recording of many made even yesterday..... 

that contextualise... my words

as i did with Dawkins, then ' al'..

 ( 'et al' as they say) 

i did a LOT of work over some years... to learn how to learn

and thus my  output i know is work.... but if you want to learn how to learn...i is a good teacher.

i really was a partially most  self aware,  subtly self assured  partially conceited cunt in the universe in my 20s....and master of it.. .and taught myself... 

how to be .. different...and learn, the real way... and there aint no manual.


Sunday 15 September 2024

did i just here that right!


Aronovich, broadcaster on lore... left a paper due " made up [ false allegations]" .. who i am sure wrote a slightly arsey piece on my sunshine lore 2006.... .. but i may be mistaken, one of them Established creeps did...

doesnt matter which People, of The Book, or not....

Someone  needs to write that book,  of a nation of sneaky  tale tellers and fabricators and wolfy criers.... who cant make anything any more...    

Except for crocodile tears.

Even the footie clubs 

( lastereve's dull fallasleep  homework but at last!  a plod with a fine brain! and balls!) 

Even if this whole silly  business of big girls blouse or no..

( diverting even their Crow....

masks the real " human" necessity of calling out actual harm and Big Brotherliness such as when some unreconstructed  Gestapo  member threatens a parent with the worst ' solution' when they dont like their free lifesylle and some accidentialchild injury turns into a 'spirit'ual death sentence for mum and dad of the 96.7% (as census data says ) of kids born to those   of the oldschool  simple way of Bee ing with someone not the same ... 

Even ex plod making a new  career out of  of antagonising ' terfs'  for attention , 

is merely a weakman diversion in to easy publicity 

thats absolutely nothing to do with 

' free speech' ..why?

For the great majority.

" leverage"

 ...the posh " bird"s version of the great unwashed's 'black..male'

Espesh as Mr B#2 nost aware of


Anyone else would have sued #1... a year ago in front of many witnesses.   2 ... and certainly 3. And imagine the damages, even if here a set of fine  functional balls may as well be obsolete


Dog bites in one pestilent 

Pasty ridden


when thirty years in previous places, not even a lick

define neuroric:

the dog knows, the truth. They pick it up bodily

through the ether

actual ' second sight' ..

No one actually does have ' zen' despite half the fake new agers kids it bein' their middle name   

dogs  get conditioned... from birth... 

so, 2020 was perfect enough...

 Sat by the river writing, at last

 " The Sublime....  is ..

[ waterblotmark, on My Landscape.. as the 4 year old is carried off in the current, and i have to prove i can still be Lee, Majors " i have him!!" the chubbie sat at the bank, still... still still] ... here to make us know ... there js more so be not afraid.... of im with 'is scythe.


" the wars i must live 

within .

twenty years....just to  keep it tp a bit of scything  rather than their Apocolyptic machinery ..."

La Grandest Belle...of The Agency

...( " theyre a load of twats but i can't say

so") did indeed get... 

But the very best line

As if, after all dodgy self obsessed, fraudulent friend- fellow,  Babb, Fellow of Oxford, could see the future of every day with his " i STILL don't know what it is and how to  finish the last chapter of mine lifetime's great work  but it.... The Sublime...recreates itself annew ...every day..."

Comes true even with Les Grandes...

Whom needed to be u derstood.

As i now do..

The mind-changer got it so perfectly 

in line one.

. whether boy or babe

"...only the very  beautiful..".dot dot dot 
'ts extraordinary indeed to see 
" beauty" so....  divided, by  Shitty little Creekside, of the suburbs .. and the other places... not on the beauty map.... such as ordinary Joe towns, inland...  and... the, my walkers.... most of whom are ... above mere looks as they werent born with them...

Funny world where such an apartheid 
is totally denied

So be...

Its just all ...  perfect when over
 a  bleeding child
there is only community....

But, there have to be laughs, and good lines:
" well you have your official Sanctuary that side...  i offer sanctuary myside....  from that side
" aww bless you are on a break from thatside...and dont want to be surrounded by those you  need a break from... myside... the most QUIET place for many a dozen km....
" THING IS... to keep this side your santuary.... you may have to compromise 
and kidnap a few  over to thisside 
or you'll be stuck yourside..."

There has been no better real performance arty, and fartin on...  the other side by nod and nuanced...
performance. Of....   in my garden.

But all agree.... there's cash in knots . 
Tiein' 'em.....

Or we do not keep sanctuary, alive to make more Northern stroppy bags ... Social Worker or teacher....all screaming ' no more" ..looking ten years younger 
after one week at my cliff... 

But you"d have to be as tough as the barefoot  Fantastique ...   for whom it was real pleasure to find a sticking plastique....

To face the forces here as on a bad day, nature would have a louder say when it comes to" I DO..." 
come to think abput it  a most propitious
excuse... for not meaning what these Southerners say...
" well ... did you actually hear me vow  it then.. that fuckin gale,  as you were too cheapskate to hire a hall or jetset me to Mauritius....!... I will not only eat our children to spite your, bought boho,  face, but bbq them using the rotten wood you never got to fix from the hull of your dinky little banana boat! stillstuck Creekside decades on... " 

Just a little  fantasy opera in mind
But ... they  were real...

As was the 

... touch...

at the foot of the hurt child.... 

The problem with these Belles is they really dont have the lowdown belief of the  awkward non dancers, too ugly to Bee

like me....

" its all us hill men know.....  drag her down to that cove there and make a good woman of her.... and then you really  will own this place twenty thirty ..years hence .. and all ypu have is memory...unless you believe IT ... bites my  balls as your mate's mutt actually just did and we both laughed... as it fitted in with my proposition to her as ifit were listening for its stage direction ferkin cue

..' only the true beauts like you may just have the' 

... out Greta, Greta...  and make the world like you, too "


The biggie, but ... the story, soon...
Its not funny

superest ever "SIMPLE" but it goes to my simple only site i aint tellin anyone about
unless face to face

totally out of sequence
and even worse there will be some bits i didnt intend to put up yet until i had run away as my my the vicious assuming and backstabbin' all over...

but the big question...dare i tell someone a truth...for her own benefit
I should...
its about looking much younger ....
in the natural state even if sprayed on

And a REAL 'community' operation she couldlead...

But my two months ago to one month ago far more interesting happy as a lamb in the hayfield clips still to sort out and put up...

one day

ohh yes and one perfect day

But...chief beauty

 Their gatheration...

At my facilities...

( i left early the only one above their absurd little creek  - Buddhists soon... our one back in last region.. the way he paraded his meat ..trafficked in on your 'donation' the ultra Bud guru... ... young 'Eastern' boys to educate at..our river... HAy beach, The good as any Mediterranean spot.... .. until perhaps 2005ish...... the dribbles of KY "runnin' down their legs.."...pollutin.. as everyone knew but not one " bird" said a he did king fu, too.. the day The Buddhist came back to town....with his little fucking [sic] entourage... .)

Being as at last we were on THE SAME SIDE...of the horrid county at least

" in ten years at your Gwerkian Barbies.. maybe they will hold you to account, too..." 

And some...truth...

Even :LA Grandest bel... her eyes opened up with consternation...

At an old git being himself no more coy performing being you..

Dancin the dialogs; arms flailin'

100% body

added to soul..

Never for sale...

I think maybe 



cos some old fuckers dance as she saw to a real lifelong rhythm...and never for just  show

" righty ho...all your dads .. their loot in Panama, still..the Panama PApers may as well be papering the walls of my organic recyclin' even your shit,  operation... the good that did...

.shell companies all those houseboats and even pretend businesses..... maybe one day you will get it... thats the SYSTEM.... nothing new... until maybe just possibly you

say ...something

[grown up] its US..too"

good weather

 bad for my bad media operation

as every dawn

"gotta get back to the sequence"

and there is much

but then perfectly positioned for the 8am warming up and light

nothing else matters

and i dont use devices from teatime on

why i sleep perfectly, always

Well three

 is a crowd

Of too many perfect QUIET ones...

Southerners are people too

 It's just that their disastrous MORAL 

yes it exists

lack of education

Didn't even send them to The Tube and not even need to go to the pirates

And find for free when American culture was the best in the world

Two hate crimeing each other day after day

And 't turns to violent struggle

Penury starvation wife envy and fuckery


One day a shared enemy

The River comes along and tries to kill 

off the worst enemy

And only the CHRISTIAN (that may be fake news, or rather life saving propaganda implanted in my fingers by the devil, herself [ i call their 'god' female as give them 3000 years of their turn in the boss seat and maybe we may have  abit more REA;l solidarity in the cheap seats down here,  so she needs her Real EQUAL enemy].. as every single Chret i know of many is so stuck on saving the personal soul rather than good works on this earth as i thought their boss required) members of Oscar judging 'community' blocked it


Actually better and more real life than their first draft 

of the book of how to Bee a better human

despite the cant and vanities

But all that is simplest culture which was always available.. To Sir With love dealt with the black lives issue in that Sidney all those years ago everyone knew was the greatest actor and role model, almost ever,  regardless of skintone..

There was something bugging me - just one small bug...  


Why the Big Brotheration of the face..

Never letting any REAL emotion out into this  fetid swamp except my territory..?

And then at last... one of the beauties (chief among them, really... no makeup ever... such a superb natural complexion)

Actually told me her


And i think its important to ponder

As it was NOT "the phones"

I corrected her a bit not educated enough to think

1992 for several years even if i hated the place in central London truly entangled in the lives of a couple of great fully engaged fabulously intelligent mothers and one sad but very real man ... me so thick i didnt know he was an addict ... for a year but he was so apparently functional... i mention as in fact between them - my Oxford grduate of medicine superhero mum friend Katarina..and the now dead Kirsten, dead of herself...all bases were covered..

No one ever spoke  about a toxic mad terribly sad can of worms in childhood and these two or theree ..four of us were only convcerned with children..and near some pretty dysfunctional slums... and NOT 'elite' at all... 

92.. 3.. five even...all was still just about ok...

But your youth, only 100 or so km away...

turning teen 95 or 6...

by which time i had fully dropped out ran away...

way out as West as can be and back down south in 3 hours if desperate for work for food

or a bit of culture never findable in the stix

But even that i realised was a false way to be so stop all Southern  ..

.... well i guess it was when 'road rage' first became a thing..

So, your teens.. thats when it started self harm, built on top of already started upchuckitis and starving onesself to death

 i do think the self harm thing the real rubicon i mean 5 year olds are FAR more aware of whats going on around them than we credit ..

when a five or seven or ten year old hears of a cousin or classmate cutting

I think that was the point of no return or at least REAL 'trauma' widespread and quite irreversable... it never existed  thirty years ago..

And dint get to my hideway in The MArches until about 15 years ago i first heard the local tales..

Poor you .. real caring  poor you.. now i get it.. the painted on smiles to hide in facat real trauma and a new harder way of being..

 thanks the only one ever told me her real human truth... just as a no agenda real human history



No guru

 No vudu


Herbert's Four


( including the youngun' " i never seen a youngun so carbon copy of a parent

 its truly viscerally bone tinglin'...almost scary"

" you and your data on the big sewer... even at Shitcreek laster June... that one... you' especially,  are the beautifullest of peeps..i think we all agree... Einstein was right in his terming of the definition of madness... so... whatyer gonna do about it...NOW... cos in a decade your nips may just be around the Gwerkian campfires holding y'all to account for what did you do in the war.. ma and pa.... "

But that isn't my business.

Mine is,  i really did think that the actual..mermaid her job... could never be the only one " ... Ive had this conversation a thousand times in ten.. twenty years really.... and you 

alone are the only one whom

with your degree in Heath Robinson devices to make no carbon energy

And knowing that all this terrible male energy

showing off which gizmo works best bang for buck

But theyre all bonkers as shitpower was the always best coefficient of bang

to buck 

per bucket of free human muck

[over hers  a work of art, in progress]

you alone... the only one ever who has said without me guidin'

' before we get clever stop... and use far less in the first place'

well i wouldnt dare think about parenting styles 

even if your neighbour thrilled me with A Scerbic poetry

' and the way you bring your kids up, ohh dearie me..'

But here, just a few weeks ago a schoolmistres and boss of inschool ecology

and the earth -  saving it

admitted under my torturing device: here on the cliff there is only real people and real human advice

that even the teachers dont bother teachin' the kids to turn off running bathroom water after theyve been in the bogs to wash away the self harmin' blood

And certainly never to actually teach them to be human

and turn off  the light or computer when they leave a room...

...really, you're the ONLY  sane one ever met...". parked up my bum

off to mermaid  ok some are allowed,

 in her big station waggon

that June .. Shitcreekside...

" ... as youtoo love the actual no vudu just real rural place the only one left in suburbiton-on-Stepford pissed in the sea and their 'prozac pee' [ even top supermodel beauty laughed at that]

  loonyfied even the fishies... in your...sea...

well you better mean what you say and we gotta sort of save a bit the only last standing actual slightly real rural place and peeps in this whole ..

... in fact i gonna put up a sign: ' no vudu allowed, you were  ALL conned, it just meant Bee ing happy in nature, away from  the city cives..' and her shaman crap didnt keep  sight of the second sight of turds floating downthat Creek..... and do fuck all about it... " 

But what IS this place.... 

I don't get it...

There's a force field innit...

But they cannot be persuaded to whip it up and MAKE some cash from it...

When in fact thats whats needed

and wanted

By a few real ones... especially my foreign "birds"...

An di cannot do it myself " i know no one" 

Saturday 14 September 2024

But "do come back"

 ( a series of videos already up....but not yet made ' public'). 

And nothing much new a year...


Already in audio maybe even a year ago

all linked here ..then...

wotds to the effect

" mindfulness... a good straight back and bright eyes....  the absurd iltellectual pipsqueeks... even their  vainest Greek god Yannis and his new fangled ' technofeudalism' ... some smart alec rubbish book, will not tell you as i did.... 

And no dad immagure younger man ever can tjink cos tjinking only comes frpm.having, lived


" fuck me the feds may be bugging me ...[ war eith The Straw Man... i won...]  horrifying...i am vulnerable..  god i feel awful... i cannot know for sure  but i am fairly certain.....and esti and dad no neighbours for 2 km..... ...." 

only  a few days im " silly me...  it is the ultimate FREEDOM... i feel mind bodily great... knowing gje geenie cannot be put back on tbe bottle marked" £100 quid for top notch spyware...anywhere... " forver... 

and thus every single word i ever even mutter

i must be prepared to live by



as long as in context, the out of context last bastion of a scoundrel 

i happen to have made sure my contexts are forever treble backed up but thats a simple country fool's obsession

But a really thick fool, thinks you  can stop the nosing in....

And only illnesz and stress comes frpm not accepting and finding the 'seam of gold'  in all ' negative' change.. 

merely called the most mindful thing there is 

fait accpmpli...

And its one of em' mindfulmess' will become a swearword, or sulkyface,  of pity... when i really get to work publishing 100s of Socratic joke sessions ...

on just how silly that whole cult is..and harmful.....quite a few do agree..

I would t i sider trade 

on Mindfulness inc.  shares until... i have in the past ' taken part' and even got stuff done ..

And i know the manifesting mindfulness talk is just as poisonous to kids as  the other things we tried to protect them from, like Stockholm bars....  or all that lying, and vanity...

camper prices coming down especially in Gwerk, one day ...if...

Bit i dont care if no one ever hears or sees or reads...

i know what has been said... all year long... 

Better than any Fuller Monty you could ever dream up...

No ' guru'

 And imperialist homoerotic.. distrustful ( of the faeries)  crap is defined by

off Oggle

"...What is the Socratic Method? Developed by the Greek philosopher, Socrates, the Socratic Method is a dialogue between teacher and students, instigated by the continual probing questions of the teacher, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students views and opinions."

'probing' her...La Galloise

A true probee fights back....

" your data... data.. but think for YOUR self ....  La France is far more integrated with, and happy lapdog of a lived experience  way... The Ceciles' De Galles.  may spit at it but know it probably shouldnt be [ probed]  or Vladimir'd out of existemce... Britain however you say men hold tons more loot here, but what IS ' Britain'?

"unlike the stone age  continent  which isnt petfect,  inellectuals and poets ( even Wordsworth a true newmind) and writers and Surrey bankers  and even false allegators living in London... making a big packet of dough.... move OUT to the fresher air..unless liars like sadly Katarina the first...... it .. the ' cpuntrydide' is their status the expensive showoff boat or even houseboat.... it is their pathetic little playground ... for their toys

 but NOT in the city...

unlike all of Former Sov placrs and much of Europe...

But even that, aside...

London, what IS it?

Long ago we knew every drugdealer cartel owner oligarch arms trader could set up 10,000 fully legal shell companies in a rotting  houseboat on the Thames...

The centre of wordwide dodgy dosh....

And international  legit money flocks there, too... as the dodgy dosh gets coparented into the same pension funds so basically all of UK ... even the sweetretirees to the coast on NHS pension pots... is an arms dealin' dope pusher...

dealer in death

good summary within:

long ago ..1991...any sane person knew .

" blessem these poor refugees from wartorn Yugoslavian lands.

.i...tried to warn our inhouse refugee one  half croat the other Serb... we loved ... ' you know not where you come...  Poles think Pretty Woman is a documentary... [ confirmed by the fabulous first equal great mind she laughed and nodded her head  .. at my telling her  her muvvalands ..recent... Polish banker biker babe May 2023 en route here] ' ...and Dynasty too...  i now hear...

Forget them all... now...even the saltlick just sadly a passing lost cause

Only La Galloise showed trurst socratic jousting...

" your data...  look, what IS ' britain'? ... think...  London really is its own weird wonky universe... built on  more or less only corrupt practices ... all the outflowers to places like here live in denial their property prices inflated by mass murdering oligarchs and cartels... buying their castoffs as they downshift, here...

 and buy up the Natural Store to rebrand themselves not living off dodgy dosh or overinflating  " bought boho" vw vans the must have accessory

( pr black golfs to maych his dodgy knee accessory)

just coke a  coke addicted city boy commodity

they only know the price of everything ( even if in Gwerk never areal life penny  is mentioned  as if all  5 grand campers worth only 2 due real rust rather tham spray on, just 'manifested' themselves there for free.)

but value if nothin'

.. usually on  'his'  citycash ...or mummy's...

If you looked at the data this way, no one will ever provide you with, so guesstimate... Vlad takes out just London   which has little to do with the real rest ofBritain...

So the land... all around... i know for a fact the last 20 or 30 years a lot...i would say majority...of the rural lands .. have gradually transferred into female hands... some, perhaps many, by false allegations in courts, others because fact: women live longer so have longer to ponder who to pass on to.... and be ' lobbied' by...

( anf fact all the babe journos i knew  in the 00s said they know far more babes lie... hand on the bible... than blpkes.. but of course thats just hearsay from the most respected her sayers in the land who ran ' society,' journalism... even legal ed of Times,  Fran....)

Even if entirely  innocently...( though blokes could rarely care less when 60ish plus ....but the older nag brigade  my my ...god they backstab and ultra bitch to retaim pony land my whole 2020 and 1 was caught up in their horrible  painted on smile, duplicity... 

to one another (f)... absolutelly couldnt give a toss about my children using illicitgirlspadocks for free.

.nope one snuck in  under my radar....even i was pulled in  by her at first....who smiley smiley would sell hers for just one acre... of my borrowed 5 acres only for the girls....

.  i observed many more  female landholders...  especially in The Marches...

so.... before you say the ultra data says blokes still have loads and dosh

think for yourself...

me i couldnt give a shit who owns it... but the way that every single one of the 90%  female landowners i have done some of their landwork for.

. them too precious to scratch their fingernails... just to save from the weather their reusable wood.... so busy pozsting i heart nature on Fakebook at 3am cant sleep as they dream...about who they really are and it hurts poor the....

 their business, but the way they shaft you even on agreed WAGES.. for work DONE( my recorded conversations sadly self protectorate  necessary to begineth over 10 years ago).. no man would  ever do that....

But even that's just a Fuller Monty documentary Monty Python would piss in his smakey  litter  


It is how, having pissed off every honest day labourer for miles... or rather they KNOW they will get found out...

Almost every single one,  i would see ..espesh after their big Faragiste ...white  flight year 2016...  hires in towny men in white vans..... from many miles away...

hire in likely ex cons really nasty ones or litter  window chuckers ( every white van in The Marches for years left its lunch packaging by the its mot part of the ' community' just a thug from the inner city in overalls....)  ... hire....ANYone but some bloke offering to use his chainsaw to  saw up the fallen tree...

 from the same ' community'... 

But Wye? 

As a three year old knows


at being found out to be

Not quite what your smile says



Nor your endless Fakebookery all night about ' community'

The arrogance to think no one

( or maybe just one or two left 

immune to starvation and angstyitis their thievery spreads) would kinda see... obvious patterns..

Anyway that is Britain

I couldnt care less, knew a decade ago no hope 

.but"  La Gal.... .. data... amortise it ...lovely Frog  word arbitrage it...for where, say, the bookreading middle classes live or dream of.... being 

I think you will find  female landholding in the Noncity places.... has massively equalised... 

the only thing unequal, is  most are too thick to understand  ... where their really dodgy loot came from..or how they likely got more than their fair share....and how there is ALWSYS a price... god eben stoneage blokes writing bibles cigured that unjversal " human" mattrer aeons ago..."

definition: Hay...  from around 2005...many photos and names spom one day...

..... now .. this Socratic stuff... on action face to face

the above never even occurred to me ..until in full superbest full on  flow with 

proving? you need a  debating chamber,  tension? or  a cruel and sadistic tribe of fairies allowing each step up evolution 

as such bosoms true torture where tje mond only a pleasure

( a Frencie ignores ..the  compliment )

it proves you gotta trust...


i guess, 

an equal.... 

un  plus une 

equals trois (  no a gender,  certainly no 'femenine'.. just positions, finding their true level... )

in good conversation,  no agenda, merely the truth.... 

perhaps one foes get 'help' frpm..

above, below, 

not one knows


so, if the.. ( i forgot ...thw trendy latterday obsessive easy blame.. defaulting to, ' intergenerational trauma'

 " Mars Room  ...only great book this century, and you are right ...but it shouldnt be about, any difference or even a genderisation.. even if ONLY a woman can get away with weaving the 

mass murderer's manifesto 

or at keast the rather gorgeous unedited highlight  ... bits

the scene where he smashed up the chainsaws still i adore it was so atmospherically perfect a zcene set in a misty community in thewoods... what i had always wished to fo myself.... and no the art must be seperate from the artist i guess most of the time. .  a REAL woman, says always....( even if you cannot SAY ANYthing here to any so called 'artist'. .. i have magbificent chroniclesof exactly that)

into her superb real poetry of a novel... with no confected pity in it,  thus we LEARN... so please factor that into your moaning ... lets have ALL the data... ..." 

if she only knew... how 

Even if she probably doesn't even know how she wove into her tale of ' trauma ' ( rightly she is Hoddess enough to never use their trendy word) and oppression.... 

into the Kushner Principle

she probably doesn't even know it exists 

( the scene where the oppressed are waiting by the Big Brother signage) 

But may just be amazed when,  even if the meaning of life  is only a big pile of bananas  .. and the quay to persisting ( in vid diaries 2 weeks ago . .god theres a backlog)

a masterclass on the KP.... no matter what..... just bide your time...

And stuff happens

And even the  ' natural' beauty 

... ( he laughed at my " mermaid" crack ... thought he may spit at my first hello,  " ohh from there,  poor you  ") 

..... of Gwerk, in time...

Is made to laugh

even she

By me....

I couldnt do that, even a year ago....

Even if i dont want to evolve, quite happy as me, thank you very much.. 

However... this intergenerational traum theyre all trying to monetise rather than being cleaning ladies, or wedding event facilitators.. i realise is yet another cage dangling  in the sharktank... .only the privelaged enough to afford the strongest metal bars  can afford to Bea....... to hide behind and spit it out like some dodgy diatribe to their all-like-them 'tribe' . ..

( we laughed at the £350 quid a Devonian workshoping weekends...)

And...our mutual... if-you-cant-beat-them-join-them....

But its the intergen....

And i forgot my link! 

Earlier thoughts, for the Devonian Galloise...  said instead to today's fabulous" bird".    buy my memory is near perfect dor anyone who ever follows through, it can be recalled verbatim, any year

" FACT love, Esti and dad roamed Europe and this fetid aisle by van.... for a decade. .  as far down this peninsula of only one good pennist ... even if the " bird" one will never be seen cos you gotta let go and leverage things into  the so awful gatekeeprs...gatekeeping only fraudelent bait.... unless they can be MADE to take note of great writing... by having something on them as smiles do t work you only have to look at their lines to know fact, from their so dull personal fictions...all you ever hear

"it would be inconceivable in the EU anywhere ever ... all generations being one, to traumatise anyone as i was,  walking around that little Devonian shithole the famous one of the steep hill and lifeboat people.. 

"At the base, some polluted little harbour tourist village spot

"At least 2 of the 3 pubs serving meals, and no one would conceivably wish to be there at night, no community ...just fatter fancypantier tourists  from Primrose Hill or the drugbaron kingpins'  streets of Bristol,  had signs outside " children barred from here"

" Gwerk... for their own good... this smiler here..... go.... over yonder seas... 

"you reaped what was sown here long ago.... god... thank god one honest man, Foulmouth a horrid dangerous  bad vibe  and leary stare, dump...."

Anyway i have zero interest in any local blood, ever, except the farmers granddaughter    

As her man ... also

Is a real " human" .  

But that KP.... i have a definition in my material from 7 july i dont even need to look that up as its in my memory this is all i ' do' ... and no one pays me for anything at all ... probably, ever...

But to find, or be in a KP ... that actually causrs good communicatiin and good heart all around

Has even surprised me.... and i do'trust' in something.... 'life'? ... or the faeries? or.... 

Maybe i just stopped caring

Even if i now see  a rather good back passage and doorway...  maybe, back to the only place i cared to....

.... well.... coincidence, first place explored.... of course... and Odysseyus did  need to transition a load of dodgy ' big girls blouses' a splendid term of endearment from before the Stone Age returned... 

And even the Mosses ...on public money, subtly ..  cannot avoid pimping just more confusion onto their ( customers') heads  

And i knew 40 years ago #1 cause of real genuine  depression

is confusion

about whom to 


I have the lawsuit material ready ( a range if rudely unanswered messages as with all Southern

rhymes with witches

 working at only their behest) for ..

... i showed the man

" sorry to ehhh... rain on your perfect parade  at this perfect zen'space' ..but 2 years ago... here ... 

he reversed here ... 

probably just here where we are now and

peddle to the metal.

Thelma n Lou...

no smiling as he launched into 'space' ... 

I know why.... 

The most 'rational' man for many a km....

of the most lonely place ive ever, Orwellian in his good one Paris/London...standin' aside, observed...

But there is a way....

to be cont

The Wedding Present

 oops near forgot

Whilst Gwerk and such London-on-Shttycreek and bad writers on their tube, i yet another fake bigging himself up on " indigenousity" i think thats his neword...straight out of Big Brother.. the Orwellian version

so as he can afford his city crack (and 'craik')

"to answer your q about 'barefoot' footwear very expensive latest fashion..i gave this to my lass for a late birthday present IN  actual South America, symbollically... you het it for her... the ultimate walking tip book.

that answers all you ever need to know about a few good tips from the otherwise poison tipped arrow brigade...moccasins in the Mts.. even minus 10..... far better than walking boots..."

And i trust Mr Bridges as he had NO 'agenda' or expertise or anyone to please ( the ultra lonely life he lead as so many men who like rather than Fakebool post' i luv naycherr' ..must lead.)... and above all he told ALL his stories... just as they were...  foot warts and all ...

But .. 'rationality' or facts please..

Only one has ever 'got'..  THE only way .. Vladimir finger on the button today perraps.. [ thats in honour of the other Galloise i loved and her ' Proustian stream of conscious bile has MANY stories yet to loop back into..]

" 1992... Januaryish... my maximum speed around the North Circular maybe 80... mph...... Misummerish having fallen in total love and caring for 2 young nippers and a bun in her oven.. I am the old fart from that very moment, who NEVER exceeds 50 mph ever since that REAL moment of FREE "change" .. because it changed entered my consciousness i can NEVER EVER crash my vehicle as i may hurt or kill someone elses nipper..."

" i could not ever have a crash its impossible....  unless of course i may be snailpacing along the drug addict boy racer filled roads of Geek even nine pm..  but then in fact i wouldnt be on them, so dangerous despite what their FAkebpooks say...and i still only think of her and how dangerous such places are... 

" but men.. be it finger on the button, trigger..or foot on the fucking floor... [ as the childless hedgehogged one once did...]...  are FAR 'safer' if they are near little kids a LOT... my lifes work for that reason above all...."

Only one has 100% meant her look of ... wow.. he is right

But i never even thoufght to look...

Even i amamazed

Knowing that ALL road accidents or murders, or manslaughters as they know not who they are until around kids a lot....

MANY could be stopped .. most..if loadsa blokes were in a REAL 'community' loadsa time.. i think the moinimum is about 25% of ones waking hours for a t least a few years... where theytoo are fededing and washing the poo off a little un... or their vomit..

But ... its the ultimate unvirtuous circle when women NEVER know (i gently quizz many for a decade)

that you want 'safety'.. you gotta include men in all...or they drive off at 100mph up the M1 and  go and press some trigger.. these days droning the so called 'enemy' to death...

I think these numbers so beautifully demonstrate a mad irrational people...

Never mind complete inability EVER to think...

unless you are her...

Right thats it...

loadsa lovely vlogger vid even if i hate a word

bit i shall look forward to looking her up the one purest saudade English brideto-be of them all..

.me my waffle ...its all surreal absurdism

reflecting the non sequitur of them to them...

catchup soon

 notes to self and les autres...

oops note to self remember to look up her 'vlog' of her O' Groats,

" you WILL! ... on the way back drag her by her unpainted toenails.... to Gretna mate, if you don't you are as insane as  a Liverpudlian .... and that snog was REAL... "

Painted Bird the truly great bible book that did change the West  into the 70s

about time Poland knew whom their rightful geniuses woz....

education required

And we all went to see Beautiful LAundrette out of respect and curiosity

 but most were changed by 

KieÅ›lowski's ... Trois Coleurs...

But .. i know she will. Stendhal and his Reddish one...

Not much, a year ago in the worst beachside showoff place of them all.. Porthleven apparently they use more coke than beer there.. the ex addict now Cret told me born there...

A year ago Mission Impossible, failed..

could get me giggling at last getting to Bernhard's reading list

" why did i not listen to the master.. him riffing on Red and Black.. as one of the greats.. this gut was better than Dickens before Dickens was even out of nappies... its the greatest book of all firsdt equal with all of Mrs Middlemarches...but even georgie couldnt quite make us laugh as Marie-Henri Beyle... its impossible i can laugh here and 'now'...but .. persist with it and.... he wrote the greatest ever ... i still dont know quite what to call it other than cant and vanity = comeuppance.... and giggling at almost every page of the last fifty... ...  ..

Men are NOT free... ( Ragged Trousered 1904 about today, 'now' there is no better book about YUK...all of it especially the evil bitch of a thing called 'church'...only so someone will look at it faking charity or community (for its own coffers but that was already apparent in Vicissitudes of The Clergy - rit about 1700- WILL SHE !! even remember i asked her to getit or some ISBN number to prove it exsted Esti and dad in tears of joy " and the vic did getteth rather skewiffy on the vestel vino and gooffe the lady in the front pew... before fpewing all over her then ran off with the moneybag from the pauperf plate collection.." for me  - the only copy in the world i have to assume....and she was the fuckin Bish of it, back there in St Davids...and was cancelled behind her back with a dangerous breakdown causing stab.... just as Silas predicted is always the case... ... 

......... backthen - Raggedmen 

times... a man must wear a suit even if a totalvagabond tramp and nothing in his belly except paint thinner for weeks...even here, 2now2...  a man must wear a cowboyhat costume  - i am quite sure only the fifty quid plus model will do.... so says my many an image go to, say Cot Cove  boulder trendy beach of being with the boulders...or he will be rejected by the coowboyhatted girlies... . and chapter 1 he predicted EXACTLY Now.. " immos take all the jobs" etc... )

ohh my ohh my

 When Serbia isstill in the stone age plotting how to come and con via the tarot or other nonsense homespun vudu witchcraft easier work than bein a cleanin' lady like me... after they got bored of bad fake "warrior" marching tunes...

And decades on a great soul singer would be Totness infected with several really dodgy lines..

Marriot, the actual REAL soul singer... and Rodney on one stage...

Pity the lot of them about fifty years even if the rest jumped off the cliff into her shitcreek...

pretending to self actualise low footprints when they indeed each one sourly unlaughing lines of ... lives in their big boat and one to one woodburner.. (one of them used to follow me around a bit.. poor lamb..i could tell her ...loneliness..)

Totness...wouldn't even be able to stop for a minute and think

What the Answer to at least 30 or 40 % of old fart emissions may just be..never mind the absurdity of

(back to vids next)

Whats really astonishing is that even Aubrey showed a bit o' his great art...

And Stevie went all the way... no Totty ever could (silly me)

This lot terrified of even taking their expensive Vogue front page

sunhats off....

in ferkin Sept...

Southern* lives matter

 So, unlike all of them..*

My whole dull life story, i summed up in a few sentences to the only REAL one on the track..


Ok i missed the first line: thirty years ago i 'dropped out' to the High Mountains of The Black ones.. 10 km from the border.

Craswall way

For one reason more than any 

" my ohh my... in thirty years i shall speak with a great one, with a bun in her oven...

"Neruda compliant, too, that 'a conversation does not begin until we have been speaking for an hour'

" as she would say in thirty years hence... all of the whole damn thing...  but the thing started then

"poor them

"If every single one one has ever had the displeasure of brushing up against is so 'FLAKY'....

"So completely incapable of ever ever ever meaning what they say behind their Southern Smiles...


"Especially the Womens Aider who at the foghorn foghorned in front of her many year mates

"albeit yanks

"she will ask around and let me know ' so how do i find you...give me your phone number'  who the ginger friend sat in my class as a kid was..maybe still is...

" not one was ever capable of even remembering that we had a date Thursday next for just a pint on a Nottin' Ill pub... until the hour before when it gets cancelled if they remember to have..manners...

" but she alone will understand ... her last debating point: ' why....are the English so apathetic and do nuthin...?' even if her bun will sadly  pop out of the oven in these polluted sceptic shopping aisles...

" well... among other things - in short it is merely pitiful arrogance, but they wont like that word... let me put it this way, pity, is a hundred times more offensive or arrestably harraserating.... i mean if you want to get one to drive off the cliff,  with her car full of Groundhogs, all squealing  ' never' you arent worth it you ageing fake! too stupid to know that post 53 only a true "warrior" spirit remains sexily desirable amd fuckable always...' a valid complaint would be that 'he pitied me' because to pity  - as i would explain ...confected vulnerability and self pity

the currency


* southern, define.. well it was then, before Gwerk found The MArches too, almost exactly down the border England [fake] Pays de [fake] Galles... which had no 'culture' to the west as all myths are made up for tourists and the bank book of fat Easterners who immo in for the grant money..

But still back then the ultra consumerist ways  of everywhere East had not crippled or more correctly emotionally retarded  them all... and by definition, symptomatically made every single one flaky

In past Western lands an arrangement was a deal

break it and you really are remembered 


as unreliable..

or if we wish 


And perhaps a Northern line - roughly going through Manchester certainly including Yorkshire... 

what you say you mean..

But pity .. the only actual offence..

Because to follow through with things - so many a time things not at all enjoyed and most employers or people like Hilary seen through on day one as a mad lying drug addict... up all night writing shit books, except for Closure... and merely figuring how hetoo can grab some 'festival' cash...from his 3 range rovers... all black...

simple: the ONLY thing truly good for the soul, and a mind full of REAL humanity, is even when you are 'traumatised' by her sunglasses... [ as i was even lastereve even her... moviestar ridiculous ugly ones....absurdist in one picture - at the only beautiful quiet spot as the sun is setting... .] you FOLLOW THROUGH with what you say or write by whatsap or... any words... or plans...

And apart from leading them to have a truly lesser "human" experience - the total Apocalypse of fey fake words

just flaky

you can see... [ she will know as i said on the cliff ' but English are SO imnfantalised they cannot even remember bible classes when i am sure theres something about how a lie or false opinion even hurts the LIARRR.. more than anyone else over a lifetime... ]

Indeed that would be my maybe one thing if i also had two years... as you can see it on their faces as they get into their fifties.. the excruciatingly sourbitch lines .. countenance..of "  i have gone through my whole life being terminally flaky.. " it so hurts them...

really does age them... by a factor of about ten or even fifteen... 

years older than they are

Anyway i dont lie and am in real distress in that i have a rough schedule this week getting down to next phase, but simply no way do i catch up omn 50 gb of bits of madmovie waffling when the ..

weather is so perfect even her sunglasses just made me... 

pity hertoo...."

Nothing changed in thirty dull years, except they (cos some fool defrauded them that 'Gaul' or Gaelic' is a 'thing'  - other than as my pure Madame Socrates knew full well the modern day truth:  her load of Asterixes are, just like in all 'Gaelic' places.. " ohh la la..... they vote 50% Le Pen...on immigration mainly when theres no blacks or brownies for beaucoups des kilometres...!"  all 'gaelic'  or INDIGENOUS..places...populated by dinosaurs...  but then add in all the flakies that immo'd in from the South, we should pity FAR more than blacks or homos...  because they have GREAT role models... who tell some truth.. (again to LA Gaulois(e) " me and my brown friend.. two years building the fences in the stony ground in the woman to help hold the rails or be EQUAL and dig her own post holes, too... while getting me to hold the fencing rails....   we would quip all day by text ... as he is building the leaky shitpipes of Pastylandshire...  ' ahhahh.. today.. i think 4chan [radio 4] had 85% homo content and only 63% black materially abused by false stories about y'all...'re slipping down the charts...hahh hahh hahh...  "

And i have so many loose ends and threads to weave in to the tapestry ..

Never mind pictures..

But i do mean what i say:


But how could i forget ... i dont think i wove him in...or was it her..

( i never reread anything but i did have this tab open i dont think we got him in... how EVERY single 'human' 1982 or 3... never even asked if they were chopped off under the skirt..

or keks

As every single human, then.. even if you only listened to heavy metal or punk rock.. knew a genius when he popped his made up face on T O T P...

And still going strong even if nowadays it seems EVERY incomer man in this region must wear pretty much the same compulsory uniform of fancy hat, STATEMENT t-shirt..  and they would wear the make up too if they werent off to the beach where they parade it all all day especially the fey little fancy boy hideaway beaches...

I mean basically, its all quite simple, back a year: " every single one here.. has arrived to but her quay or 

Drugdealing childrens park..

Via, and After returning their self 'actualised cell', at the ferkin Priory.."


And as if to cap off 80s superb culture, a truly superbest ever song often on the wireless...and on my record player...

despite having 3 or 4 pretty close homo mates from age 16.. " you fuckin do that again Stewart Brown i will stab you in the hand if it ever heads to my only hetro balls, sac..." (the last one took me to the front room of the woman who simply changed my life forever .. even lastereve i am getting out the toys for the little ones, here.. always... no matter what they come first... ones opinions of their no mannered parents are irrelevant...)

Listening 100s of times..i had no idea it was a homo hymn...i just always saw it as universal about mad lost bullies from anywhere...

In the 70s...80s..NO one cared

And when some Southern richboy  unable to keep to his overpriced ticketing arrangements and plans as CAmilla so flaky she forgot to come, or wasted his ticket money some way or other:
was shouting in the Blue Boar Hay one evening

" anyone want free tickets for Julian Clary  in ten minutes..!"

Mustv been about 2006 or 7... ... 

No one else shouting back.. oh well why not lonely as usual all these fey boys from down South and their fake feyer wimmin come and play country adventurer then forget they were even here a few days later...

I never wet my pants at a public performance...

And even if i will still homohatefully say " Otis Lee Crenshaw that year...  simply changed my life so funny..." the truth is yes i forget.. Julian Clary i didnt even know who he was ... was first among equals, too..

And still is the only one who always makes me laugh.. Rich HAll becoming a little too fond of his own cowboy hat, too

LA GAlloise.. " i am assuming hahh hahh"

"Never do that....  its what all the others you know are sick...are addicted to...  but not you... i saw you change within just two hours..."

( " combed my hair in a thousand ways..but it came out just the same" the simply genius gorgeous nuance of a true poetess... describing the grooming addiction of the so called men from Gwerk as they are planning just an afternoon at a local beach.. Except 'Rod the Sod' as we calle dim..i had no idea... at least he could laugh at HIMself... none of these TomPAul upes ever could,.... why - thats the answer for LA Gren... [ my poetical ref to Grenouilles... but i met their Queen at last.... fourty years i been telling myself that story that a real perfect one exists, but ever so slightly eludes...... to be the next Houellebecq....Note Bien - i live off grid and NEVER have a moment to reread my typos or Miss Spellings.. but both those last FRog words.. Gren and Houll...i speedtyped and got the spelling right..i just checked... cos i care and have been having the same dull conversations at the cliff edge some British pitiful groundhogger hogging the anger, when we have none, only passion.... as i have never seen a better example of ever....and yes humour is important but what Houellebecq described in the dangerous self obsessive mindful of cultish stuff... has destroyed UK.. my last region... this 100% .DArtmoor [fakes - they have a cottage 10 km away they bought with Monsanto share cashins..] . Gwerk HQ of it...even her... ..only Michele had 'second sight' in his glorious EastEnders on mushrooms of a book.. the cult killing each other for English would DARE to point the finger at reality... their FRIENDS inhabit... just in case they want a weekend in their yurt to look good on their FAkebook, too.. C'est LA Guerre.. honet et droit.. [Serge... ok i had no idea!] daughter needs this to end.. finis.. le fin... 

And Suzi [mine Brexiteer enemy but she does know about arts grant funding bigjobs] agrees, too...