Saturday 7 September 2024

But even the Kings...

 Eric of the " love...cheesy love songs.... actually are great real reality of ...  all my many lgbqt mates indeed more than a  normal dose...  well... humanity needs actually good relationship counsellors to guide and philosophise.." 

to paraphrase 

such a refreshing bit of reality

on the future of "human"ity...

His absurd bigworded little lapdog, Mister only to impress

Even Eric needs to simply pause

Whilst explaining all of even string theory

just a maybe

And how the "is"men... 

(i so needed that three weeks ago the "we"men - there are no enemies, just things to listen to as MAYbe useful...) 

so timewarped all science and perceptions of Bee


Being as Lewontin...Gould.. decades ago

Never mind the (not a fable) hedgehog and the fox scientific metastudy

proved beyond all doubt

Those whom pontificate "this MAY be the key to reality"

Are so much more often right, longer term

than those whom grant-funded cashgrab for their research or FAkebook posts 

 mainly blokes but the babes caught up " this IS what is.."

And being 

rubbish ruins everything its  almost impossible to find now but decades ago it was even Kings like Eric fail in - their rhetoric...

(may be the Speigel)

" shut up stringtheorey superhero gods... as we have known several decades for sure... one thing IS a fact.... even your founder god Smolin... he said in 2020 'it, my baby,  MAY be all wrong..'... those who are fundamentalist like Dawkins... science nearly always proves are in fact wrong, when the lost less charmy wafflers of the maybe world are more often, right" 

oops... as so so so often said to all in socratic dialogues 


(foxes far better at 'predicting things.. than hedgehogs - the metastudy STATED)

But he entirely misses the point in this usual Teletubbie dumbed down talk -  hedgehog does NOT have 'one big idea'  - that only muddies the waters...

In ANY 'idea' - eg a potential scientific development, Hedgehog is charmy and clear in his (eg DAwkins) presentation. Quite ascertive and smart Alec nasty cunt... Fox waffles and "maybe's"    .. regarding the SAME chunk of knowledge under discussion...

And the waffly fox usually is seen in the rear view mirror  of longer term history, as not squashed like all the Hedgehogs of the South west, but more likely to be still alive to be proved right,  as s/he was right.

 Simplifying the real useful lesson in what the data said - at the time of the metastudy being released,  i read propper... unlike everyone nowadays rewriting actual history.

but i am not stupid...and know my foxiness... " before sticking a homoerotic many grand mic in front of your smarmy hedgehoggy gob... get some REAl education 

you absurd cretin.... as one thing i will be very hedgehoggy about, is i have lost... you won...sadly a whole generation have been spiked in their eyes - by the seduction in your whole showman  act...  spiked to death by cretins like you... who now will never ever ever share real wisdom and thats  not even a maybe foxy fact in time...

.its already happened.. some years ago... it started with the Tom-Pauls... as my chronicle  rather well describes if its ever finished"

I wonder if she listened...1st May...i told her, and the stories... "dont go! " he the original Paul will only fleece you for a few hundred... 

... by his healing gongs.. and rather shabby oldman PR, compared to yours even more dangerously Hedge........ when theres only one thing he really wants... clever Dick... "

The problem with sheep, they preach the world has changed...   just because they saw it on someones


chucked in the sheep trough merely to fatten up the next generation

of lambs

and slaughter

Massive Attack...

 of actual artifice

comming up...

( hahh hahh they missed a trick, i never seen so many sunglasses in my life... but not one thought, to also give cancer by dint of dysregulating their natural systems in the inner eye...all seeing all that UV then naturally creating a borderline between you and me

... doggie sunglasses... i could be very rich the amount they spend on their mutts here...

moi... powered by Toblerones and very Sweetkrauts.. havent even begun my actual symphony, yet.... 

... so a real massive attack via data dump... soon

Ohh i wish i had captured him and his knee...

patinated against the assumption that hes merely some ordinary human

But much other arty farty is in the can...

Better go find another wigwam

Small minds do nothing but make

big assumptions

Not one person nor place for 18 months interests me whatsoever

Except a giraffe and a salt lick..(every other single one sadly so totally transient even the fine Humbersider, her words so prescient..... ). but i guess they were just ships crashing into vodka on the rocks or

 mindfulness disease....

And will never find their voices  other than to people, please

Time to get arty with ..the Bees

A real 'poet'

 just ignores the horrid pumped up lapdog

Sat in some yankee town the streets littered with fentanyl dopes..

Worth struggling through -worth a relisten or two

As Eric has wise words, often

And he had, rightly, none when in a time when all those dopes need role model

or two

The lapdog must grab the stage as they exit:

... " well next time maybe i can get you to snort a beer with me..or even a line of coke, too..."

problem with these fake cowboys...

littering every cove and shore here i had NO idea how retro...all just want to look like some myth from a dull past..

none of them actually were at row six...

Astoria if i recall, a month or two after it hits the charts...

There he is standing tall... 

( a line or two of Columbian Marchin' Powder as preshow perk up... )

Just starting out, so no immunity or  'tollerance'

The Marching powder was made, to just once

be kairos perfectly

timed getting high when

 full volume

 And a grown up knows, never again

That was too good.

Only downhill from here so

Dont even ever again think again about any artificial high or betterment of real entertainment

That foretold

All seeing eye...

second sight

what came be, only all around

a real estate signage  blight

day and night

 of merely ideas, for sale... 

None will even think, may just not quite be what a 'human' needs

There is no sanctuary, mindfulness, healing ... unless it all works out, for free

And try telling some poor Helstoned mum as i stood just down the road from the sanctuary...


 your 14 year old... high on ket

(the childmnen round here wont even remind him to buy safe drugs in safepace the most likely way he will die, from his 

doctored high)

well i have no idea what to say as no one can say ... without acting out some pitiful role 

Life a million times better  

 a clearest head every dawn... 

all substance free

me, thirty five or more years...  and the actual fact of all of it, even more their grape...(an extremely rare once a decade go back and check).. its extraordinary, you live so much longer..  because its as if every moment of every decade

is at least twice as long...maybe even a factor of three

 But even their absurd heterodox god, ive listened every word

from 'mindful' Sam

Thinks the key to life and the mind

And 'healing' it

(when he cannot even use his to utter ONE word of 'Buddhist' peace ref Galilee)

is  clever git elitist drugs... mushrooms. Aheyyou askher...

and LSD

 to warp... 

lovely unadorned 



 Herr.... German vs the post Jew Jew...

two million clicks cannot be wrong  can they but then....

Most will be for the 

+++++++++++++++++++ yestereve++++++++++++

To the swiss, aside the extremely peopledless bay... the really very very remotest one along this sceptic aisle...

" it just depresses me...

I lived once where Hemmingway set

 his Old Mn and The Sea....

He didnt have to dodge plastic bottles and Mounts Bay 

chucked over the side fishies by the net

full, of  death and waste and everything done in haste

especially their theme park smiles and special toothpaste

 Addictions, to, being everything but you

Stood staring... 

Runaway rom caring

Any more to teach

social work ... ditch it and live on the beach.

Just a few hours ago aside the cliff

A big fat one and her Margarita can

(i told hark over yonder hill, an Eastender chill

in the heir to nothing 

real, but backwards fantasy themepark  myth)

In front of her reclining daughter same age as mine

they go once a year to fatsit beside the old mine

And drink their booze

No more news

" tell your lass, dont bother...

when you began your new career nineteen ninety one

Just a few years later little Bulger news at ten

and six, one five and six

For weeks of soul searchin' national nervous breakdown.

Yestereve a nearly James, gets only news item number three  

If you love her... looks like you do...

hahh hahh hope you didnt feed her funcans of booze age on your lap

Ive known a few social workers whom arent what they preach

To say the least

But if you love her, see 

that sea

make her leave and find a life, 'safeguarded' 

Over the other side

And you may have some littleones one day 

sane and brighteyed to play with grannie

 oops... i have no interest in chubby thirty year social workers right at the 'coalface'

the fucked up mums n dads

and kids beyond remedy

 who agree

with me

boozin' at the cliff face

No hope at all ...flee!

But a fine Euro mind, who in fact taught that line of work..

That is another world,  ours beserk

Poignant, look up poignant in 

"[stage direction: smiling -  a real one]   hahh hahhh... yes we speak German ... but they cannot understand US in our mothertongue...but we can,  them.."

But no words, you cannot get more poignant than one last walker stood at the side of the one unpeopled large bay at dusk... " so do you see the lighthouse at night..?"

" dyer know what i didnt even know it lit up to retain sanity and health and bodily safety. never mind actual reducing my footprint on this plasticated soup of a planet..

 i drift to sleep with the dusk and awake with the natural...light...  and you know what, i still am thrilled every dawn i wake up ad all my mental notebooks from the day before are stark and clear as day

just as the first fountain penned letter i wrote to her .... 

 ... brought me to


and all your wonderful, kind...

Life is curiously kind.... if you spit in its face every day at dawn, no faceguard

...  just because you


... ohh yes, ignore, a autopoetical (not even thinking for one second of form or why) mere moment

I should, even if it will make me very ill, study their German ..if he is one,  Mister Tolle...  likely spend most of the time in some awful Californian  sprayed on

gold mine panning for the scraps left after the few great minds of the actual counter

culture (i heard a wise woman speak at predawn today as to how only '"culture" causes rapid change whereas politics takes a long long time... problem anyone with a brain knew 15ish years ago..ours went very very performatively enforced garbage

And 'enlightenment' that was done fully thank you very much in the 50s-70s...


2 million clicks...

The only  - i just wish he was a she

mind i respect on this planet, after SAint Joan De CAlifornia...and a few ragged trousered Siouxsis and her like though they never had the true peacefulness and authenticity

and constancy

 Had she said... (as she said to the gaol 'bird'

authentic, in for his values and authenticity

 "ok matey ill watch yer back

from outside your federal  pen... and be your mother hen...  )

As even a British social worker, in job

to me,  just down the coast 

" i have survived him - his evil banality

 by the two 'w's... "

"prey tell?"

" walking and wanking"

fast forward a week or so

" w number 2 .. i will let you watch if you are a good boy" 

oops i am still talking to the Swiss in my head explaining why ... thats enough, 1000km of here is enough for a lifetime

" i even had it in writing, several times.... 

... but no English can ever mean what she said, or  stated even if your job is about accurate protective speech... helpin' the helpless, or ..."

But then perhaps only a (mongrel) English would also, understand

The only GREAT art ...conceptual or otherwise  (ohh they wouldnt know the first of themtoo) i have heard of here

 " he an artist..painter as well as a ridiculous smug creep ... i just wanted to  squat over his artwork on our laminated patinated [ i add in to merge many bought boho old car badminds] kitchen table top ...and make even better art, adaptationing his rubbish

with a big pile of my poop... "

All irrelevant, i value the best in people and forget the rest

well i dont but the REAL subersists... 

its astonishing how the 'sisterhood' does have them

 as they let slip to me 


 who they are

But they can never be whom they 

want to .. Bee...

So be it.. the end

All i know... the only beautiful mind i have found on this whole planet, 

Hetoo ...with Harvard creds and 

nuclear physics  findings

 in his history

values the song, just like me...

Never mind the only great speaker over fifty ...

And you can only start anything real fifty... or fifty three...

Except also educate the youngers... 

With crap or not so crap songs and a little poetry

However it is the ... something so so so Tom-Paul, ill about his little lapdog

THE lapdog

The in-man lapdog with actually nothing ever to say

Who makes every conversation something to lament and  even safely far away

Bleep out every smug look-at me  steroid enhanced fizzy unpoetical ripplin bicep total end of nuance


the most artless human ever has ever said

as i doze off listening and laughing to the one beautiful mind...left

who so wonderful word wraps and gesticulates poetical tangentialism... as i can too, in so many see (even 'Moviestar Mary'* - of course i am so stupid... her simply gorgeous silvergrey hair when first we word and spirit

duelled so silently..

... it occurred at eureka time today - first light... god i am so stupid..i thought there were two of her... or sisters or something.. as i recognise not the latter.... nope the original gorgeous silver grey.. that made her... why i noticed her... made her look so much younger and beautiful... i am such a was a wig! or spray on! ...fake.... and thefake hairdyed version is far far less thrillingly  gorgeous-sexy ...wild woman of the sea..

...or cliffs or whatever myths being perpetuated oat the behest of more crap art...) when on a track i am happy...  and only content

( but one should never ever value 100% of anyone...even ones gods or goddesses.. except Saint Joan... 80% is all they should ever deserve. and shouldtoo be critiqued for... missed bits of what still is the problem....)

* no intended reference to any living person as i have no interest in any except a failed "warrior";  and a rare instance of using someone elses words BAch in his rather great book Bridge Across Forever where two in a couple stood up together against nasty nature destructors, and won... watching each others backs and 1+1 = 3.. times more work done as it was fuckin hard work all the ' environmental activist' paperwork ...called his 'bird' "Mary Moviestar..". Leslie Parrish... i am sure that was his term of endearment for her...

i believe in books, and Some good art.... - that one was real....  i am not a cynic. 

Friday 6 September 2024

Quiet ( dying hungry bees)

 .. filled up with enough quiet for some months now

action stations


its really  not good for me,  a day of rains, yrsterallday

to  begin to get  some hours of  film ' shorts'


He agreed...i thought he,  new  vanman playing olf on the Trustlands Wastelands -  for nature.. wasted by their thresshing.  may be a problem... but he did like " Nazi Trust" ... at least they were up front about their plans... 

mine just  to get up some heartfelt real film abput some reality

others dont even notice.

When busy just blaming others, elsewhere...

Or performing ( in) "paradise"

But every word i utter 

or anything by shutter

is only universal

and only ever really about the universal claptrap cant and vanity

from the most BBC covered

 ' natural'  place in a region 

such case study 

of why

even radio star The Wye

died too

And it wasnt Cargill that killed it...

I know i was too long there...

 in the real historicity 

Amd have a very good memory for people,  their body language, even what they said...

or more likely, didn't...

The " shitshow" pt 1 of many.

 So, 'oldschool' times there certainly was a code of 'honour' especially among the original van type "community"

i have film and pictures taking my daughter to meet a local one in the Black Mountains, on our doorstep 10 'safe space' km out of Luvvie London-Hay

Dale and Lola... real old gypsy waggon... several nippers mucking around in the dirt...

( we had noticed over a few weeks)

thoughtbubble, and bodylanguage,too 

" whats my mad bad dad doin' takin' me to see some tramps scroffulatin' in the woods... ohhh woe is me.. ohh well he has TOLD me we must go say hello to our nearest neighbours 2km away down yonder, the cunt... i will

 get himtoo done for manipulation and day"

5 minutes later her gob-jaw is umhinged. .. .. at the perfect children who made tea for her at their gypsy fyre....  actual ' community'  and perfectly reared children i had the pleasure of rencountering as young adults ... the most mature 19ish year olds i had ever met....

hard to tear lass away from these wonderful new friends...their play perfectly balanced and kindly blahh blahhh

( even if so sadly the female one ended up in the fake 'communities' preaching "community".... even Dale couldnt handle that....  as he knew her new one rather infested with rugrats. .)

oldschool knew that for example many misyreated the land or waters but you cannot SAY anything about Hilary the Globe owner doin so.... to his Wye tributaries, 2008.... snd trying to hire me to fo his unlawful bidding ( bet he has had Monbiot at his How The Light ... gets inverted into his pocket money)...

 i have the film..... i cannot be sued, but i could have bern smashed up if Dale and zlola had not done as i asked  " thats reality of even up here, tjis stream...but dont say a word...its us and them sadly...and if they hear i even know he was doing illegal water pollution ... i will be beaten up [ by his local man 'community' slave crumb eater] or lose my work or... etc"

there is no oldschool any more  as one cannot say a word to even the educated

 incommer 'comunity' they arent efucated say by The Russians.    (literature) ... Syalin is never far away, there are only two sides, with him or against him  even having fireside private chats about him... . so one needs to be a bit cryptic

Here its ( Londonitis meaning inability tp be no one abd only focus on what is real, in your inner region..the real verdion.... such as truly terrible drugs or othersuch)..of course even worse than 25 years, there...  which doesn't bother me as i schismd... there....

here is merely  treading water

until a few months ago some glorious new real people were found.... none from here, most not even this  tragic little Aisle ( many conversations last few months sticking up for the GREAT cinema, drama and radio 4 plays we had  - much better than a lot of i European stuff in the 80s into 90s....i know as i mainly  lived my REAL life there much in the 80s and 90s and partly 00s... obvious exception french arthouse or even mainstream eg Three Colours...)

And as for family ( crucial) childrearing psychologies... ( the recording i made monday of a 30ish year old woman  screaming using the f word  im yhe most viscious her 8ish year old.... even i cannot face again, yet....

why you will have dozens of ( even if it was a miscariage and shes innocent)  Letbies,  in the making, or i guess ' "shipman" is safer....

or  tragic Venablrs and Thompsons...ohh errata thats already started ...  some years ago.

Clearly some resettled to Penzance to keep the good old virtuous circle going.....

but when i saw them  arriving even in Knighton a few years ago...i have zero interest im the SW..

or uk

 these tragic  dangerous, unfixable  people...even by the worst ' influence' ever Gabor.... are  pretty much unknown  in most of the EU.... like, 99% of it...i know, i almost entirely only speak with Europeans.... in three months of saudade paradise   on the Eurotrack.....

not the polite fake version of speaking, but any reader knew 40 years ago from gteat books,  best i have written by a farmer woman in the Dales about 70 years ago " visitorism always corrupts everyone... she described her real community being ruined by it "

old news

real news " walkers still have a brain... usually.... dont just take when touristing..give too... a real gift!.... equalise it... so please  tell me of your real daily life back home with children  or animals and in 'community'.. the real version...not the prostitutional Rosamund  Pilcherisation ( aww her... their ..faces, the wonderful Germans when i threw in that so called author's name hahhh Mona Lisa perfection]  version thats still alive and well... especially here...... " .

And then the....i only just married things together fully, as i know full well the ... utter acedia amongthe so called 'good burghers' is laughable...and rather pathetic

And as my bookshop 27 years ago was called Acedia  in Hay-on-Stepforditis,  as a part ' leg pull'  .... but, as always, with English wit, with a  grain of....or in that case big ROCK of truth ... crunching below the fancy walking boots....

I amconstant ( in that case my Europeancustomrs wanted SNY old tatty copy of some rare book...ALL English...well at least 95%  nerded a' collectable' edition such as Biggles  ...for£10k...

And thus...i named my shop after the  populidt majority

( only one academic ever  even pondered why.... )

As with the petfect Queen " i was born seeing through all of their cant and vanity... or bullshit.." 

But you cannot just Nest bess mutt...  you also have to dedicate most of your time to sollutions or just good REAL conversations about reality or you get nowhere but ... your own acidic  little utopia.... 

( not my words that last phrase, a local mum's ..of 6.... really well home educated kids.....i merely chronicle, reality...cos someone gottoo... collect so much material over 20 years there are 200 amazing operas or radio plays...none of which are based on made up myth for tourists... in just in half of it.

i  only ever met one 'Welsh' person who knew the word ' hiraeth'..

 whereas many Portuguese know ' saudade'....

.... anyway one of the hardest tjings, about 27 years explaining to the Former Soviets that unlike all Soviet places... ( recent second superb young Ruskie long bookswapping sessions) ... the thoughtful peeps...many poets riters  filmpeeps... the last in UK about Bruces Killing Fields i guess....  generally spend most of their life in the countryside places.... not real-rural...  they cannot handle that.... many km from a trendy cafe or pub.... nowhere...  where nobody is anybody, ever...

.. and thus all are simple " human"  and most still stuck in the stone age and one has to learn not to be oneself and shut up as not being dangerous....

 ... though the only true truma i know is years of deluding others one is  them and not onesself.... just on the environment never mind attitides to children or other modernity issues.. like sugar was clasdified by Seeds of Change 30 plus years ago.... cant you read....  nope...


anyway... as the luvvies or just suburbanites  invaded decades ago... you learn, no one will " watch your back" or even just remain constant,  i realised they cannot... ( the few sane parents left  " basically  all this angst they pass pn to all their kids  when it is never necessary theres always a way  i just called it years ago Eastendersitis..." all agree)

But no one will ever remaim simply constant... " he wrote a polite note to even Ms Hurn year 7 year olds suggesting rewarding schoolkids with a sweet per sum is not very healthy... so shut  the fuck up with your  nasty bitchin' about him and anyway his kid everyone knows one of the most child out popular kids in school... and got to be supreme ferret babe too"

( ohh yes ... "Frettchen" i got to, too... but never the time tp efucate " because they are the ome animal that teaches all children to enjoy, svcream with laughter at their games.... but also respect and treat  with equal respect....  we had many,but the fuzzies above all were the learning animal....  how to be the best of " human"...every suburbanite incomer woman i ever knew.. 100s..

 merely spoke of their  " ewwww bit they...smell.."..there are, sadly, only two cultures..

and hers[pl],.

 that parfum... or other chemical reeking... makes me feel quite ill.... i lnow, i have lived both....  a good natjral  saltlick is best of all..most would be 'disgusted' at the mere  thought...never mind Rememberance of Things Past

I bet Tolsty had Ń…орек ... ss...loads of em....  he even MADE his kids sleep splendid gun hot waterbottles  and learning devices  whem nomadvanning ...around.... to get aeay from.those who couldnt learn: " using London as every other word whem you dont live there... is so so passeee... as you lived thete in the past... so try and live here, now... 

30 years ago a  local hoodlum ( even if fake, some slum, into the SAS..

 lots of Hay is SAS...and retired out yo live there, gone war aleays majes everyone the duperb Deerhunter so fabulously efucated us nastily said that to me ...violently...just muttering the L word to a friend in his pub .. andafter a frw weeks being traumatised seeimg him ambling up the small shopping street... i lrmearned,  yes he is completely right...

for my own sake AND respecting dysfunctional.  interbred stoneagers....  shut the fuck up never evem think of that horrid silly place. .. anyone li i g ybete 30 years ago knew... was lost to the worldwide corrupt moneylaunderes and cartels ...

and where the money is made, 

ALWAYS  eventually twists your face into a face as lined as the rusty corrugated  iron on their southern lucre bought,  outbuildings... they couldnt be bothered to fix... themselves... 

as anyone can

which, alone, was the one being


sadly  all o e ever met from many years ago.... exvpt one or two very rare few   

i filmed one 2 years ago ... her smile real...age she belted around her mountains herding her sheep.....

and i have a few other ROLE MODELS... in my realfilm can of real people.. .


even if The Giraffe  maybe is best of all..... bit of course cannot listen


....its always the same,even in Tobleroneistan ....

To be cont

( 1000s of rather good pictures but like peterja .. chimed a year ago.... his  fabulous paintings often need a few lines of poetry with them... cos the 'inspiration' may be sp so much more onterested than artless pictures of " nature' all pissed on anyway... its the people, and WHY they  ever fo anything, that is real art....

quite extraordinary hpw one can have that conversation 100s of times... and be hissed at....

no one tp watch ypur back or just say shut the fuck up go back to dchool hes right even the ancjent greeks tried to tellsome reality in their art....  its not just all cartoons....

but mindfullness ...

is using their  acedia scented 

bathsalts  of fuckwittery.... 

as energy.. 

that makes new possibility

i learned years ago in fact it is ...

to it all

the key

me nerd np keys just to have timeand energu toshow lots of lovely carefree days roaming  the ladt month, and even good conversation....


Les Fantastiques...

" Oh La Minouge.... [ACTUAL French word for little loved i would hear in my 20s often.... a human not a ferkin moggy].. je t'adore..... et tous, vous etes... Les FAntastiques, completement... REAL..."

 " oui oui oui... we saw this feellmmm... we av  shared cultural language..maintenant..."

But, i have my.. film documentary interviews...REAL speak.... as we speak over days.... 

Of The Answer

 But far more important, some local (national  - The SW isnt even a region its just   a camp for so many endlessly camping it up... especially Eastern Lands...) far more interesting grown ups....soon

Our long discussions about UK childhood, versus 'real' childhood, elsewhere.....and 'real'  parenting... the Fantastiques, among many,  spent a fair bit of time over here.. but methinks not any more.

But it must be funny irreverent and alive... piety,  and staged nonsense never works...just becomes for the clique, as always..

Even if i think, The Queen of her three chickens may just have it in her one day to write honestly... even if she would have to do a real study of here... to see through the myopian patina over absolutely everything... a beautiful 'case study'..i shall never bother with as the real filmmakers found their way to Hay... and theme-parked that place with real money and real pyramid schemes... even conning the locals  - at the doggy mindfulness workshops-n-Wye...they worked for real Swiss banks on-Wye...

That were unreal illusions... the papers even did report on that scam... but its the underworld that always made me laugh

That never got 'out'....  as it is their economy...  except it costs you a fortune the way THEY fuck up their kids... time and time again seen over  18 years...

Back to the Future



Years ago....


 Now, mindfulness ACTUALLY is (not their 10,000 hours practice - i even wasted one hour recently listening to the paid god and goddess of it... phd in brain spasticity - and i have met TAllis and read his book intro....which says much is made up)

... KNOWING for sure, as it always has been the case, all the last 15 years, longer really... August - the month of the 'grockle' tourism if one lives aside (in the hills many years, by choice)

Actually this is scary - how truly terrible google is.. rewriting history

click to google grockel

grockel for 50 years, whether 'mildly derogatory' or not was a lingua franca nationally recognised word for gauche, vulgar consumerist, chip-fat smelling,  usually chubby selfish loud people wandering around very touristy places on their holidays... 

blessem..its a free country...

whom would avoid Hay-on-Wye for instance, most of the rest of the time, except the last couple of weeks in August...

And living many years 10km from such a place one learned to KNOW august was awful... NOTHING ever happened in August..

And ideally one would be elsewhere when running my lass around in our old van, ONLY for her education and pleasure and freeness...

I know... from decades ... august is exhaustingly bleak...

And then out of the blue, one day - the second... of lastermonth...paradise happens... and keeps repeating...  so energising, so truly wholesomely ... impossible. 

And still is.

And it has only stabbed me in the eye, reminding me never to believe in my own cast iron cauldronic, predictions... 

As i was wrong.

And being wrong is a GREAT real "human" thing to take ones inner thoughts and even bad poetical a new level.

You cannot get from a book, workshop or 350 quid gathering of bullshit  festivalgoing in the Devonian back gardens ( " near Dartmoor" ) 

Only  failure and fabulous stabbing in the eye from pratts...even if i know ALWAYS 'walk away'...  and never stand your ground in the first place as no one is worth arguing with in this awful sceptic aisle...

Actually develops further ones "all seeing eye" and  stabproof vest..

Which has been FULL STEAM AHEAD... this last 30 odd days... lots to put here.

And the 'other place'... when the rains come back as nice weather is for being out in it.

But seriously - i always am. When i meet a wonderful giraffe  -  a true graceful beats of one...and  .. diligently she has raised three children to adulthood....  

And she cannot sleep...and is brainwashed that 'mindfulness' is the only way to peace...

Well i would love to take her on an undercover tour of mindfulness peacecamps at 350 quid a weekend - which is a 'figure of speech' - meaning for a decade i have known the participants and CAMP KOMMANDANTS... 

It never ever works.. it is a fraud.. they end up more lined, unhappy and acid tongued fruitloop... 

I looked after their land.. i picked up their discarded metal tools strewn in their long grass when they preach ' light footprint' on the earth.. a sham...  focusing on ones OWN inner peace is a fraud. Exact opposite of the truth... and it all came from cunts like Kurt... the one i knew 20 years ago... well we all 'knew'  by site but few knew.. what happened indoors...

Who would parade on grant funded  rescue deals.. the young men he would lure  from the Banks of The Wye, by HAy...from Eastern their 'guru'...  

To be cont

Obviously an extreme case, however it is the total failure of The West especially using (always false - Buddhist in Budlight land send boys to be buggered by the Kurt...sss...  and of course their inner next level zen will make them immune from that little sphinctal 'trauma' too..

But it is the ten thousand hours of 'practice'... stops them ever even noticing a child abuser parading around in their midst quite obviously showing off his latest prey... 

Only being 'real' leads to actual 'mindfulness' .. a better version... 

But that word should be torn out like a missfiring heart and chopped up into little bits so as not to pollute what True cheery stoicism..always was...

And i knew, the moment she said it... i muust save her (even if notionally) ...from deadbrain disease ... some, as in her...seem above being physically hurt by their awful pestilence of false metaphysical bullshit (except of course they corrupt their own souls)... some though are innocent lambs..even if in Ibex clothing...

And i will not have this any more so all this fey dangerous falsity must be nuked off her awful perch...

So so dull (for me) but i do over 20 years have the bible, on it...

which i cannot go back and look over, listen again... unless i can think of it ONLY as comedic...  (and maybe to help one 'real' person i have met)


At last

I ..CAn

A bleedin alien...., as i live 'only' for the actual life affirming activity of waiting forever for the 'goddesses' to send me, one who has an electrical wall socket, that is not used much, as she actually does know how to remain alive longer, and walk rather a lot so as to affirm, life in YUK is pointless, so lets run away to even Estonia has more life in it.

Seemingly soon British lifers.

But if one had a (two per) wall socket ...  there is much to de typo and sort out as i have had  a splendid Odysseying, to nowhere as none of them seem to be worth  even advising ... eg The Giraffe on her sleep - yet another splendid woman - extremely fit and walkery as i walked 25 km with her a month ago  - teacher, VERY clean living, three children, , who " i haven't even had four hours good sleep for decades"

 And i knew, as on walks one discusses things fully - due to the sweatbeads under armpit and even in the bum crack, one iis mutually aware silly coyness, No silly coy secrets.

Why, she could never sleep, and what the actual remedies are... basically being me.

Which is very hard because you have to have had ( randomly, just a weird turn in life, not in mine, but a man turning around to ask a woman out for a date in soon as his presence was in her bedroom - TOTALLY approved of - she needed to start annew... her texts regarding our previously most successful coparenting.. stopped... or became icy..)

 Only true pain such as having a plugged in microphone stuck up your back passage and the sonic vibrations cause years of infirmity, too...

Leaves one truest zen, always... no matter what... and then in time able to have absolutely nothing, ever, and awake always forever feeling the richest person for ever...


I dont agrandise or bipolarise...i am 100% always for many years,....constant

good for me, but if i could bottle it i wouldnt ever have to be zenny about running out of shoe leather or my 20 litres a month .....50 in winter...of battery charging fluid - known as diesel...

... Anyway all i know is one has to somewhat believe in 'fables'...  not made up myths for culture 'tourists'... but real fables, and since around 2010 my my i have lived out many, and always kept my video diarised thoughts and smiles as each one bit me in the bum because i didnt believe in  almost all of them ' clichĂ©'... I wrote in a notepad about 20 years ago something along the lines of so much is

'c'word...  most are in fact untrue - made up - some define us

But it is the ones that folk resist - or at least pay lip service to when someone is watching their lips, or Fakebook posts, like "less is more" ... which imn fact no one can remmeber to even FAkebook meme any more as they want MORE...complext clever dick sounding shamanic pricks to their sad little brains that need an arms race of more and more clever sounding ... ways to be

when ii have the ultimate odyssey to less is more...

And i sleep perfectly, always..

...........  and dont use a computer much in the summer... or even on nice winter days... so hadnt noticed this post was  half written and still in 'draft' format... what appears below.

One of many things to catch up on... only for here.. even if i have leapfrogged over here - to another... which one day i shall share, but the rule is only face-to-face peeps see it...



sleepless zombie

( reason # 1... English is the hardest language,  even if ' lingua franca'  

Doppelt mit Erquickung fĂĽllest;

Ach, ich bin des Treibens mĂĽde!

Thursday 5 September 2024

Do come back, the end

 but so much from a few wonderful months still to work on

And continue


But not here...

the audios hoeever are in the can..

And many are very funny and happy.

Even getting on side - obviously, suppermodel mums, being half of Vogue to play here, such as yesteraft's random spontaneous camerawoman

Who would have stayed on the job longer was it not for the fact her doggy was just finishing off his long expensive treatment,  at the dentist....


( i have 'treatments' going back 20 years of the luvvie class, sadly not being quite able to ... actually do anything 'real'.. 

and ten long interwoven stage plays.... over ten real years

someone may benefit, transcribing...

" now "

 meanderloping along the Track... yestermorn

I had a mentally ill, gandiose, 'Asp Burgers... impossible, idea...

(and can write a FIRST DRAFT  - full of typos due no time to even think about typo checkin'  - limited electricity, in use for far far more important 'causes'....and disastrous keyboards...essay like the last post without even a pause...or stop....  or aforethought... just be 'awake' at 0400 due the lightening and... oh well get on with it even if it will never even be curated into anything performable... [ but i did love watchin' her yoga moves above the gathered flock].....all is handed down so perfectly every day by the goddesses of The Odyssey  despite themselves trying every trick in their rather dull book, to trip me up.... 

And i am no one

other than i notice, all MAY indeed be for a reason... they are far far too much smarter than me to let any of us a have a clue as to what is their cunning plan or plot...

I just 'let go'...

But what's the point when even the cruelly tyranised social worker doesnt even know " your poet... he took his name from and then wrote 'whhen you aint got nuthin' you got nothin' Toulouse... my first choice of shopping town once a month if i can get to the High Mountains of Portugal ..ok the last part was ok of that one - all is absurdist and they must just be tollerated..

Or back to Those Pyrennees...  EVERY tragic Englishman ive known for a decade get their 'Europe' from the web when i get bearhugged by real Europeans... that Kraut the other night was simply magnificent...

Didnt even recall my " we won...shut up...  i am in charge" and within ...only for five minutes... all three had their luggage back, their lost lamb  reunited and a bed for the night...  she acted only in the actual "NOW" .. give im a hug...  


 Try telling some Pyrenean mountain "bird" to peck at MAcrons skinny poster of some techocratic utopia and they'll break their levees and aim them at the encroaching forward party...  and not Miss a real target... 

  " we got the maountains and the hydro power to flood you off back where you should have fucked back to years ago... in fact you never got here anyway..  we are independent..of spirit and mind.. " Europe being many still sane smaller republics... I am sure they have a few in the Motherland.. her mum's large back garden with their three chickens, i know is one....

So, thing is... having discovered 95% of Krauts are still wonderfully "human"  and actually READ the great culture..(that isnt Rosie polluting as i saw the whole Mounts Bay full of dead fish just spring gone by... chucked out to rot and poison... ) and also even believe they must...

And so many like it here...

" Angela bless err... truly important attempt " cmon you millions, runnin' from YAnkee bombs and lapdog SAS destabilising as usual..... open door here.."  which any actual good mind who has known many brown boaties.. ehh is a bit more complex.. never mind that to assist any society with demcracy you need to assist the goodies   to camp as close to back home as possible... because the 'enlightened' are needed to plot  the overthrow one day of any baddie.. Assad to  ... get Zalensky to shut the fuck up and stop acting...  out, Boris's absurd fantasy....and humans live when you sack for peace..on about day 3...

Only the 'locals' can actually deal with their own local we have seen recent war after war....

Yugoslavia perhaps the one recent exception but we did have the ONLY answer, ever, neutralish United Nations being brave and bluehelmet


 bonkers, Missled*,  Serbs  in their boney arses

 to get em to behave... even if Croatia started it..


 (if one reads the history of them - i did 18 months ago, because....well i guess she has Stockholm Syndrome too...

cos suckin up to those Natural Store bags for scraps off their bougie stolen table tops... in finest  raw material, no laminate for them..

..  is understandable - i just needed to understand.. which is the only 'freedom' there ever is

 it seems for centuries  that people, known as the actual PEACE brokers of that whole region) i had this stupid mad eureka...

Once, a lifetime ago... it could be argued at least they had a clearcut issue ..

The West .. saved Germany from itself...

Well, no one should ever give 'assistance' without a decent payback - otherwise you create an infantalised people or race or tribe or 'human'...

And as ALL the world seems to be cottoning onto.. there is one  peep ..tribe.. that needs saving from itself...

And they seem to be falling for their own - though universal,  fallacy of not bothering to remember that fabulous Franz... wasn't just writing about back home..back then...

But i cannot even pretend to have an idea

never mind act it out

without a wise almost perfect bilingual one...

Even if... nuance

Is so so so hard to translate ...

Percy and his

( TO BE CONT...NOW... i half write and post/ chapter of a really dull odyssey ... except the last few weeks...too much to get to then come back and carry on....sometimes..)

Actual "culture" - certainly in England....


It is a pretentious sounding statement.

Especially if you had no need whatsoever to understand the 'culture' tourists (all they were), whom invaded The Marches

The second wave arrived around 2000 ish...

(i had no idea, in fact it is slightly interesting in a poetical way that Osborne died in Clun! - I still have  a video to put here from Clun, MAy 1st 20203... of a local 'good burgher' - popular everyone's mate... dressed in 'costume' for a village fayre, many far Birminghammers attended too - all total Myth.. the 'Green Man' a recently invented bit of 'folklore' for  fat tourists to buy into...and bored once culture creators from the cities who came up in the second wave.

The video if i can ever find it has a fat man in a costume - dressed as Falstaff or some other nonsense BAD "ROLE MODEL" (her lovely words yesteraft) not even noticing children in the river 50m away, the sewerage was bubbling down towards as it flowed out of the manhole cover in the car [park... him waddlimg around on his phone for half an hour... tons...probably about  four or five or maybe ten or twenty... gurgling out....neither speaking with the childrens' parents OR even thinking if we could use spades from local fat incomers gardens nearby to quickly build a temporary dam... to stop the environmental damage... (nor listen to a local actual man  - occasional light builder, me... not in fancy dress,  explaining to him that the FACT would be 'local' drain companies likely closed on a bank hol except for Mayglothing, 30 km away...  quickest way to bring in help... nope fat man in FAlstaff costume just KNOWS his phone has his answer... so totemic of dont blame the water companies...  and when he listened...MAyglothing made it a little quicker than the obvious minimum  - an hour...of  horrific unnecessary major pollution on their big 'COMMUNITY' day....when no one helped me try and damn of the shit going into 'their' actually very easy job..)

'culture' merely became yet another 'bought bohemian' badge in UK

(she understood...i think)

The problem is, quite quite simple. 

They are too fathead to even THINK of.

And, even if a hilarious error - or rather premonition.. as I had NO IDEA the sultry one was actually called 'Mary'... 

And anyway my  five or six weeks ago interaction is all i cared they saw eye to eye... just us - playing on the cliff edge.

Attempting to explain saudade.

Rather good stage centre speech i thought.. No manners to reply of course...

Anyway i have ZERO interest in the South West... except that the key to life is understanding - if one ever can.

And  nearly thirty years of at first  'dropping out' - to be entirely aside, with NO inherited money, no saved money from down South/...nothing... but a few shelves of good books - the definition being  CUSK (the only good Brit even if she is a mong i believe ) .. Almost all 'the Russians'... many of the classics such as Madam Elliot and all your DH LAwrences .. though over the years realising how much more sane human Herb was,,, Mister Bates, HE....

Take a few shelves of good books... and over the years ponder... Sadly i guess it kindof started with Thoreau

Because Stendhal CERTAINLY understood one thing, no one ...not one single 'culture' tourists from 30 years ago ever did...

Ivo the first of course...

These great books of the past.. the 'classics';   

Marie-Henri Beyle... worth his full name. 

Herr Mann ...from Lu[two dots] beck... 

Paul Thomas Mann was a German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist, and the 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate

Dickens for fucks sake in his Two Cities....

Almost all the 'GREAT' culture... from when the Enlightenment was just a dream in someone's loony tune filled head ... and it is lucky you don't lose it to the bloodthirsty 'god' Land of The Blind, of late...

The "culture" tourists, settling in (so often running away to, with a bag of stolen loot - Cusk to be SO admired for her memoir openly stating her absolute mad harridan nastiness upon divorcing, and grabbing a bag of loot she didn't deserve, doubt)) Hay-on-Wye ..  doubtless Totness... half of Devon... even the worst art 'university' town i have ever encountered.... 

(even if within the true gem of paterjachapman dotcom

who is HONEST about art...

and all the overpriced safe artless rubbish that cloggs up the stream of no culture...


BAck in HAy .. the forerunner as bought boho bullshit...

All of which i know as fact. From Many years of observation and occasional, but rare, HONEST expert chat..mainly with women as it happens - the small percent who know ALL, or 99.7% at a guesstimate from so much rubbish seen... even made by 'friends'... of the art of the provinces is fake rubbish... 

Especially their pity-piece cinema..

However, long ago one knew that - it was  obvious. Artless performers ...

 of course centuries ago we had the phrase 'big fish in a small pond'... 

That really is not a nice thing to say about someone...(if any Germans do come here)

Basically it means, as even the 'bad book'  managed to establish, when it was put together by massive collaboration 1500 years ago, maybe...

 being king, or Queen of a small castle, means you will become conceited and arrogant... and small minded.

As every businessman, artist... 'space' owner.. one ever met in Hay did prove with such perfect historical accuracy time after time...

And then all the other small copycat towns in that whole region - from Clun or even Bishops Castle to brecon or even (wonderful recent encounter from Abergavenny she stated)  ...all joined in trying to grab at HAy's "400,000 c2 and above annual visitors" day trippers with 500 quid in their back pocket to SHOW OFF spending... HAy was by 25 years ago crystal clear as the muddy, prozacpiss, filled ... waters (even the Christian admits - he bought in hook line and sinker to that [ to quote her yesterday " utiopia"  - refering to her PAstyland incomer village... on Stepford [Wives - superb culture] piss..that river soon became...  

Thing is.. the great majority would indeed have a few classics on their bookshelves displaying their virtue and culture...

Some even read a few   'standards' - though as always in England it is tragic  shallow, sheeptrough stuff.. the easy ... ' five classics you should read before you die' of yourself... - eg  anna Karenin... or even Wuthering Heights...

Neither particularly useful fables...  just ye olde versions of East Enders...

The English seem tragically addicted to even if they never saw an episode...

When Georgies Silas is a book of true insight and greatest fable: YOU TOO ARE SILAS! unless...

Mary's Frankenstein: even big strong Monsters need love and fellowship ...a warm bed and a roof... and a job.... and everyone just wanted to judge me as a baddie...  and in my lonely desperation i became what they imagined  i was, before i was.. ... proof of goddesses, as how on earth could she write that most astonishing ever anti-prejudice book,,,as a ferkin teenager!

ALL of BATES.. ' the beautiful people'.. especially of the provinces...  blessem..become conceited twats and die young... or get wrinkled younger than they should be probably due squintin' in the mirror all day some neighbour they miss judged as able to take a friendly flirt...  broke it in his desperate need for a shag ... all the local lassies run of to  be down the road, from HArvey's Nicks...

And the great LAnd of The Blind : all tortured flayed beaten up goodies ... when they have power become badies as bad as their torturers... (unless they WORK HARD EVERY read, and reflect upon,  the best of our greatest culture which reminds us JUST THAT..)

the bit above. bracketed, deliberately so as a work pof modernist performance art... beacuse it is a fantasy - no one ever ever can... i know as the behaviour seen all over these supposed cultured places displays only silly conceit.. small minded  .. 



Not one modern intelligent word have i ever heard in the theme parks all so called cultured places  became..

Except from the old man Peter JA.. but then he drifted in on his banana boat from elsewhere but long enough ago to see through the traicom... well for something to be a com, there has to be enough anti-conceit to be able to laugh at


Impossible here...back there...any 'cultured' place in UK likely for several decades...

which means they are of course antithetical to 'culture' as thats what it was invented....for!

.... and yestereve... bless err... 5 views only... their chief superstar... sums it up....  i listened... 

Nothing actually, to say...

Because you really DO have to do real culture for decades...  AND  - to the young, be truthful of our conceit - ALL of it...

Thing is even if many of them have had such an atrocious 'dumbed down' education for decades... and dumbed down culture, too... 

And EVERY middle aged thespian writer ex London fat college tutor ...  I have heard for years semi retired in HAy - you got the REAl creme de la clotted creme there..  they all stand staring into your eyes theirs so so brigjhtly lit up =- at the  DAZZLE of their own reflection all they can see in their cracked mirrors..

2"I... so so so so my soo...soohhhh beautiful yung people students at ST MArtins..  SOAS..... they are so so so so beautiful starlets of the greatest new culture ever i teach them..."  whatever awful university one may care to mention...

But if you do not teach them ALL our culture has protect environments, inculcate the NEED to walk away from aggressive trouble...and ALL drugs ...and lie the fine Germans be a bit circumspect about sending arms to they always end up stolen by the baddies as per Libya..

 Then you do NOT...actually... 'BELIEVE' them.   (every middle aged or older educator i have ever met retired to dumbed down lands demands she - it always is.. and the he's never day say a word..  she does 100%)..... to understand, as they DO.. as they speak to me..our whole generation has been one long polluted sewer.. YOU lot need to do far far better....

In fact if you study a fairly benign definition (coming up soon my many references i is learned)  of 'fascism'.. that behaviour   - using myth - the national myth - the 'nation'  of THEM - meaning not geographical merely located in their failed so called educated heads....... or even religion  - the religion of them... plus their new age fanaticism about nothing real they patinate on top so you cannot tell em to shut up til they've read some real good books retain power. even when you dont believe in it - yourself i mean, why most of these frauds are boozers or prozacates......does actually fall within... is the cackling i heard yestereve.. the so smug cackling... that 'in crowd' cackling... shame only 6 of us have heard it...

It is truly fascinating... a perfect explanation of such an unhappy place...

I have no interest in except it - there being so many more 'pioneers' here.. i would see dribble in last region from 20ish years ago and never understood how on earth they could even exist...until i saw where theyre far more colonial...

and colonised even her "warrior" brain with their utter down-the-drain 

crap, everything

especially supposed cultural 'leaders'...

 All from London even if they fake a local  bent...

As Bait...

( HE - my bodyguard... of course never would, even help me with my sofa, gentrified out of my last plaice thank god! so mine is far far lither than his.... him brownman.. long time resident... sneered and knew, too...second he saw it.. i am merely reporting the critique of the man you arent allowed to criticise...  a 'protected species'...of sewer rat, too...  my opinions are irrelevant in that 5 ...10.. even 215 years ago i knew all culture from YUK lost at sea... great to find a few fine minds who just occasionally are also.. in agreement


Wednesday 4 September 2024


 odd essays...


But i have only ever really told one person 

of " fifteen years ...ten really, part-time odyssey..." random... or randomish..... 

well maybe, or maybe the angel- goths are in charge of the fact that i never meet anyone again...

and certainly am never " stalked"

eins ...zwei... drei


ugghhhhhhh... i never met any youngun who REALLY it would be a pleasure attempting some

Until i did.

oops that below is a link to John Osborne,  and he DID make a difference ...but only a Joan would have  a voice now... 

( i dont have time yet to make my travelogue, 'road trip', look nice...yet) did this

actually caused real political change

and then, bred 

forerunner  to ... ( real theatrical people wrote it)

Monty Python

And every fairly sane middle aged person i  know who has read some good books says now the only way this sceptic Isle can be saved, is by good new real  and especially books... Tolle failed, in fact is the reason.

no one believes in Shakespeare any more... or Hesse...or even Mann

Poor Eckhart's one dimensional  fraud words... sent everyone backwards, obsessed with only their selves.... their own personal utopia......just like a certain Mr. Benito.... Mussolini....


Writers even theatricals, need nidging into the greatest of them all, and Lermentov had already written one of the really  really greatest books by age 22....


23 is getting on a bit.

but yes as mum says, "adapt"....


 Nitin did

He pinched the 12th night sonnet and added a few create something even better

Dust from your eyes, angels are fallingFrom distant fears, your cold hearts beatingI can see you in the darkOr the flicker of a daydreamFrom the edge of silent tearsI remember and I smile

" stupidly.....

 .... not even your equal, senior, yesteraft...i never ask for anyone's email even.....  but you two.... really are not pnly ' real' but the ultimate allies, both you as two, but  individually, too... especially him able to as he says we laugh...cant say that around so called Greens of Presteigne twinned with Gwerk-on-Ness real  tottie to be seen there.... anywhere ...   "manipulate' in rather a biggest boys toy, button...way... i day you will need me...even if due the spies, the real ones.... it will have to be more undersea  silence than ever in history...."



but her not overrated... 

There's fifty three....

And the only one acting her age

( as i walked past Mary Moviestar a second time, unplanned, 'smouldering' orders aside their stage.... and.... 

what deft acting, just so we could have a take two..  

[ and you have to have on in yer ears loud, out on the cliffbit that towrs above all their

needy sea

 the moment the battle was won.... 

and i am soory but theres only one version

reekin' of chipfat and beergut sweat.....a desperate man soon to die

rather than a fey god knowing he will be their freerange perfect organic  meat forever, until it doesnt quite  work out like that ome Nottin' Ill morn.... of puke and  overextension....

.... never be a pretty boy, no one told Ruperts and Hamishes ..ear. . ]

but Nottin Ill Hugh.... i he were  John or Frank from anywhere else her mates would demand he's done

for stalking when

Hugh goes to have an eye to eye with  his Mary on the set...

smoukderin' looks

And he fails to go back..... the next day and see if he can win, the great game.... and entirely ignore her at ten metres, rather  speaking loudly about the weather....  with her

one eye open for her one eye open... not blinkin'

But when, the one the 53 year old, at merely 33... 

actually married to The Button

Looky hear Mister biggest boys toys... ( he even agreed .. she knew we had him nailed to her patard the only flag i recognise)

" autumn 1990...i would be up as Saint Exuppery...

heading for 

in the airways...

possibly even heading to 

Lyon–Saint-ExupĂ©ry Airport

all alone... some silly businessman needed a shirt specifically from Reis, or his trophy, a skirt from Harveys Knicker   so as to look good at the superyacht armsBROKERS ( definition: dont get hands dirty, or pulled up )  do, discussing which scud variant  that Saddam may be overcharged for via some backdoor ..

They were just children, but to hear the way the men of the airways ...  up above, flight level 4 or 5 miles up...

' [ illegal] open broadcast to anyone  interested... we are patched in to Baghdad mil on the HF.... just got update.... 

turkey shoots goin' great... 

convoys of scaredy cats heading home.... 

 bravowhiskeyhead just did a shoutout, 

 "got em all smashed to blood and bone" ..'

" ... click... click click....." 

the aviation sign for 


thumbs up

the day i had enough... of every single one of you, fotever... never mind this fake aisle of honour, and no one pieced ... together those conscript lads running home... in retreat"


yes even if he made  most of his action, done by men to women....

He sure did write one true love


possibly the greatest ever... my lass learned by heart age ...2004... even after she ... 

proved to be rather

in " human" even to her best friend little kid

( there are now so many interviews in the can one would believe it was possible, and i couldnt be bothered to linger even a minute at Mary's stage...

Cos i cannot be bought, even for a fiver....

.. especially after ms 53 and 33... 

you cannot buy priceless ... real... perfection.

especially if it is impossible they exist.


 the brown  one 

below his  bought boho patinated kneebrace...

he accuses me

on his junky promenade

 of being " colourist!"

cos i correctly identify

with a very very very old rusty hand down white golf without an 'i' after its number i had years ago... running... 2020 on it became my library store.... ( pics soon).. reused recycled for something useful

against his bought boho ' black'

The funniest of all funny lines in the history of his splendid " you could have been anything if you wanted, my son [ rattle, the last one]..." 


but there is a real

 ' thank you' ...soon.

The Queen, 


identity knicker....

in her

( you would have to mix the ultimate road trip songs, about spiritual throwing up her bile all over this sceptic a likely stolen 48 grand fancyvan... looking for ' investors' ... [ ohh will be one, him

my one twinflame i can feel him near...

 he is waiting for

me write a 200 grand cheque to.....

be with me in my powerpointed redisigned 

human resourced -  years in some bogcorp, probably Broadmoor blesser...


she nearly had me

taken in

by devoting more than 5 hours to fixin her laptop and 


her van fixes....

a loose trailing tube..  loosely discharging worn away plastic all along tbe land

... as she  practices indoors locked away her painted on smile

Any actual  methodical

countryside person could see from 100m

away.... is her first fix

you would have to mix all of Patti Smith fake revolutionary

All of the Louise song

All of Easy Rider, especially the ending


Thelma and Lou ( happened just hete, for real.. cos of her.)

All of... the Irishmans wonderful wanderings...

.... she at the frontier of every new age  nonceification via a concaternation of Stalinist Maoist you


be curated onto my workshopped

' community'....

and save the world via my powerpointy finger

you never even bother sticking one back up her way...

or two

fuck you darlin'.... 

we had a deal.....

10 hours fixin 

 you need.... 

just to onwards soldier your weary


its not worth even one word they do swarm like flies here....

but it is worth

all because when every single oneo of her dead flies 

is repurposed into such a perfect, nearly...summer...

if she ever knew, the bummer

woukd blow her sad little fuse

"fusioning ' spiritual and we-will-cteate-the-new-money and land'  for...". money, hers

and that would not be nice

rspecially if it were not for her

i wouldnt have 

stopped on such a great



ok, dare i...?

 tell The Blush...

whom doesn't any more...

Due to us binding over straight backed spines.... even if she rejected Ove....

But the German, actual ' tribes' and 'people'ssss .... 

Daybeforedusk... real dusk

" HALT... ACHTUNG... shut it and put your phones down... they do no good, as sadly i discovered at Shitzercreekstein .... and only hearing people speak.... in your waffly crisis will get you three to your beds tonight.....  that one suposefly cannot keep it up same age as me....  let me gently get you to shut the fuck up...calm down.... and be in control.... "

( only The Eurobabes dare speak, " the evil twins" in YUkkerstan...  selling saracens

egging them on

as usual.... 

all these last 40  years... egging on war, one im lead charriot, the other on a worn out leach being dragged along, lapdog as it knows no better.... 

fraulines... the ONLY time ever Yank and brit working together

EVER did any good.... and i woz there... Hammy Odeon...  

at dawn today... 


but the only way we.... address.. reality is even he

they broke the mould when the Dubliner died, the purest mongrel blodded proof that half paks are the answer.... my mate he pretended... ., identity thieved Pak... when actually he was an Punny... untouchable ... and i beat him by being the lowest lowdown lowest level of untouchers.... picking up the shit from.his bad building.... wait til one day he reads that poetical ofe, to fixing.... even his shit "

Meanwhile back with some 'real' " humans" .... my ohh my if only the German knew... the way she grabs me and hugs....  touches... the nextrrmorn in broad daylight bearhugs .. real crushy stuff... uninvited, unaskedfor...  

across the "borderline that seperates you from me" to quote another real poet....

punches through my ' personal space bubble' and tears into everything wrong with this awful aisle....

" if tables were turned, and  i did that to would be in gaol on allsorts of crime charges....  i seriously Advise you to  Trip up elsewhere...."

.. here....

"Like Belgium.... ok paths not as good but.... Rosalie.... i dtill have her caste

aide knee plaster  on my dash.....

to remember...  thousands of km on her little bike...age 6 ....  to 7

and off on her last ... leg... fuck... a defirent "human" ....being..."

to be cont cos i havent started to categorise and ... tell. whats so plain to see

if you look and listen


Eighteen months on ( to be shown soon)

But it is that wonderfully 'real' "human"  business of being one - as one should be, unworried, pure state - nine hours sleep, after a few days of awaking too early at 04.30 just a few last things to do niggling away in the supposedly asleep mind. 

When one has absolutely nothing at all niggling away - no distractions, no concerns, then sleep is for indeed 'processing' memories from the day before. It is a joyblissawakening manifested sweetness when one awakes with a face from the day before, which had been partly fogged out, blurry by the rest of the day.
( good art, Nolan, the only other picture i have had out in any of my ascetic spaces for 15 years... oh yes.. there was one ' sublime' at the Nolan shop.... and THE most perfect example of the newluvvies gradially took over in The Marches 2017...18.... The Sid Nolan gallery  pokey converted large barn, maximum 15 paintings...would be free .)

And one face is high definition, upon 'awakening'... crystal clear as if one were sat at the Humber sandbanks  looking down into the lines of muck ebbed and flowed by the tide... each one of her  real person lines, chiselled into the memory banks overnight, because
she was worth remembering... 

And a most quiet mind, no diversions, does its job right on cue in ones natural state, always

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Backwards ho...


Because there is a see quence and i lost it, too much to do enjoying some 'real' people...

badger day  (add in essay one day, soon)

Much nicer summer songs, soon...

And loads of actually better photorealisticjournalate pictures, too... because i am 'saved'...