Sunday, 16 February 2025

"wretched" ... yes but it isn't quite

 the right word

So, sadly not enough battery to .... 'parody' though that isn't quite the right word, either

'Pity' is, because one thing i know for certain is all the  PAYING for coaching, lifecoaching,  therapy, "DM me for change" ing....  does not work.

And even worse is the WORDS they  break the trades descriptions act, with....  pity them for they know not what saccharine  flavoured 'word salad' everything became

 If it were me i would keep it simple, " if you must stick inked needles into your skin to express yourself you  you havent even learned the beauty of even a fat simple, "human" limb,  and don't know how ugly you are...

(which means pity me to have immograted to a region where they are almost compulsory, which means i continually want to wretch the busy ugliness all around... in fact i should become blind it would feel nicer.) 

simplify is not just ACTIVELY never doing anything that wastes time resources.... or distracts from the wonders all around to see, as long as it aint tattooed ugliness, or the smell.... i find it astounding meandering these lands that every man one passes, you can smell them 5 m in front and 20 m away as they pass from front to  behind - the am ount of deodorant or whatever else they chemical their body with i had no idea it was this bad....

And for all the fat middle aged university professors (i have known) who endlessly virtue signal " my lovely younger generation pupils.."  well they dont even STOP to think, as one may have in oldschool days:  grownups, even teenagers in the 80s..90s... even into the 2000s did not need to by default  cover themselves in expensive products just to go for a  walk in 'nature'.... 

(AND the real problem: when as happens - randomly. A mad  mentally ill or made baddie, partner or  even business partner or boss (lady - ive known a few! errata.... a lot, definition: no longer pay you all your wages, ever... for one or other ordinary 'life event' reason you no longer have the cash coming in to pay for your bodily products, or revolting latest tattoo or laser removal if you ever do realise just how ugly they always are period... or fancy period products....  you know you will die without, then.....  that long long period of it being in the back of your mind " i could not imagine the PAIN of going for a walk in nature and smelling of ....rather than chemicals...."  or ... well all these things that became people's IDENTITY ...  except they are all silly and artificial, and  an actual scientifically trained glasses babe told me the other day tha  "UV protection' is essential..." when not only does the science almost suggest... nope errata the great weight of evidence is that UV ESPECIALLY as it enters the eyes does 99 utterly fundamentally 'good' mind-bodily [THEMIX]  things..  is for example fundamental in regulating sleep..... for maybe one not so good random chance thing...   
...anyway i KNOW that 'mental health' never mind specifically the longterm worry or subconscious [that means you cannot tell Mrs 'Mermaid' therapist,  iot is on your mind or a 'worry' or makes you FRET...holistically or not,  cos its NOT accessible to the conscious thought-mind.... and thus a simple understanding of how "humans" have always been especially since Madaame Bovary  is needed  -  that wont be channelled into mermaid courses, cos they can't deal with actual truth: the 'bourgeois construct' or simply put in latterday spaztalk  " being in the cage/ trap / or even a 'victim' of the "beast" ... deep down when you cannot fiscally follow the trends or  current neurosees.. [ not a type as spend 18 mths in SW Britolin-on-see and yoiu realise (as none are actual rural people even if bought into some rural hollogram in their famtasy game of the fancies 'throw'...    and it is 100% about what you are SEEN doing/ owning ...  etc...  and the fear deep down of not being able to maintain ones absurd expensive tattoo habit or  [ i priced them! as i am a nasty cunt] expensive cowboy hat habit....   when the last one fades or wears out.... is what causes so much 'mental illness' via understandable worry and eventual exhaustion ...)

which is not why i never even played a computer game
(which means ALWAYS ripping oiut any game app or link on any laptop or phone, religiously)


 ANY of these stupid new fangled modern neuroses...

((INcomplete lists .. just sometimes one has to sit down and remind onesself who one KNEW TO BE age about 27 ... among this  endless onslaught of everyone must 'BE'  some identity which means of course no one is anything, especially, merely their naked, self...  which means they all hate-crime them 'selves' )

All of which soon or one day i must write my simple STORIES of a range of slow  dull stories of how each painful  step.. it must HURT to be useful...

One realises that all in modern "human" is merely bourgeois construct + disgust settings far too high


If for plug reasons i linger near a town a few days = say, 3 days of poo in my poo pan (very loose lid)  then initially one feels ... THEMIX responds as if one has been force fed the stuff by some delightful torturer in an Iraqi gaol subcontracted to do Jack straw's dirty work...

but after a few weeks you get used to it even quite enjoying the smell opening the not-very-tightly-sealed lid  with a  week's fermenting dung inside...

Anyway forget all that i did years ago but how sad to so rarely meet ANYone with whom one can discuss REAL 'simplification' the true genuine MEGGA ENERGY (spare for REAL life) benefits...

But the really interesting thing is that sometimes one has to wind down  or becomes a tad mentally  washed out  fretting about the next meal....

And it is entering minor wretchedness, from which (and WHY!!! its "not available from a menu")   almost always an actual buzz of rather juicy enjoyable minor-bliss arises a little later

A priceless gift

A real one

Even if i have absolutely no idea what its for...

other than to ponder i guess  how to make art installations with the more snake-oil leaflets about wellness  and bullshit-therapy than incomer lost middle aged women, who largely could only afford their fancy pad by working for Monsanto longerm or stealing it....  IN a region....

(actually THERE IS a good workshop-business  idea: as i can smell even the smallest  chink in their ACT from 100m .... meaning their act: i am a lovely very nature loving pixie who just happened to manifest a lovely little cottage down here after working for years ...errata volunteering, as Florence Nightingale....  and i once gave a hitchhiker a lift.. [ even if it was 30 years ago] am part of REAl grassroots 'community'..." 

As i can radar detect the smallest crack in their cover story... indeed i can actually tell by their posture (or their dog's) from 100m ....  and as their whole 'investment' is 'inveted' in their new kiosk in the theme park of themselves...

 they MUST want their act to be so perfect that even a scoundrel out to parody them would never know surely.... i mean they pay for everything else (not ACTUALLY available free in the 'community' that doesnt exist)

Maybe thats an idea: how to fool even the ultra actual super simple real  nonconstruct, SIMPLIFIED [ they all SAY they year for... none ever do!] , thing,  consultant

money back guarantee if anyone even hints you belong on or .. for one second are not 'authentic' (which has a sub-meaning: when you are over 50, fourty means also ALWAYS... if you say something you mean it ALWAYS.... )

But i need some grassseed funding.... 

which would NOT make me 'feel' nice....  only beating the 'system',  a bit, sometimes does....

And... what else? be cont