Saturday, 15 February 2025



even indeed the film... the story of divine manifestly ultra fatshamed  load of big boulders channelled  down the hillside all collapsing into a cataclysm of...

is the story

except of course you aren't allowed to call it (myDec)  - the totally Antigone time immemorial ... stuckfuckup of....

" you can't say that..."

Thing is... there really IS only one, simple, key to life,  

(i don't live in the past dotcom indeed i meander the present and it's completely and utterly the end of the past when.....  even the 'Green' goody-goodies have behaviours one notes,  are such that they simply cannot STOP.... and not use machinery .....   for tasks that are really good for the body to do bodily never mind its far quieter for the neighbours...but no.... one cannot SAY 'THAT'... so i shut up....  except in my long predawn ponderings of the cant and vanities of the Pharisees and sadducees...of nowadaystoo..)  

righty ho....


Having long ago known ....  'prejudice' is almost irrelevant in many ways unless you are a REAL shaman like Mr Lee and in 89 predicted the 2020 poor  Mister Floyd event  so cinematically perfectly


oops you can't say that.. thing is prejudice is everywhere always in fact in the SW one realises whitey is subtly even MORE prejudiced against those whom dont follow their tribal ways.... off to a workshop every other day ... costume, clothing...  

its all about being SEEN to have a THING*

(when one is of the nowhere lands for decades one sees this, objectively

" I am... a tai Chi practitioner, a person who goes to energy reiki healing even when i  have an ingrown toenail,  a man [i saw yesteraft] who must now be seen having my nails done in a modern-day-slavery nailbar.... a shaman..a-next-thing-after-the-shaman-trend .. what will that be?.. ehh a white zulu channelling their inner black zulu god only knows...all i know is actual RURAL people have to do long long days on end real hard work alone salvaging rotting wood  the townies are too busy up all night designing their ..'thing' on Fakebook or whatever it spawned.. to help lonely men doing their actual rural WORK (story of my life for 25 years)    which also is what ENVIRONMENTALISM actually is in large part as the land.. the 'environment' is where the majority of muvvafucker 'nature's resources are used so you have to reduce reuse recycle it... them.... all the sheets of plywood which could be reused for a less fancy chickencoop once they partly warp after not being  PROPERLY bitumened  one way or other in the first place...

backbreaking long hours of hard sweaty WORK... day and days of it.... i only ever met 4 or 5  rural wimmin who rightly knew they were pure equals (-about 10% of upper body strength if the body is used propper throughout life loads of picking up dead bambis etc and lugging them back home irrespective of sex..)  - equal  in ability, resilience outdoors in sweaty condits....  shorts only through nettle patches etc...

But this is no ordinary footnote as i do believe .. errata know if anyone can (i am expert of even Bentall's leading shrink work)  that all this BEing 'defined' by ones towny neurotic hobbies like Tai Chi .. get a ferkin job, helping old ladies or men living in the rural lands who cannot chop THEIR wood any more... wank, that all cities and towns are...

This needing to be SEEN BEING .... x y or a deep "embodied"  actual real cause of why almost everyone but me has the pestilence of 'depression' 

One day i shall get back to

oops i shall leave the footnote where it belongs  ..lost above the real point .... as are their neuro-Beeings...

yep... telling your 'story'... 

But then there are SOME real stories that are so dangerous to tell..... when they ARE, only....

(oops i forgot a whole year..... but i don't forget every smallest sin of who occasionally false-promised something too in extreme circs once or twice, years ago..... 

i owe her 50p.... 

and an impossible personal inner explanation of how on earth in the humblest of small towns of youth .. with great role models all around - what ones young women contemporaries were indeed for...  a year of kleptomania merely for attention o=r something weirder age 14ish ... shoplifting this the original double album  or maybe it was another of her genius similar suites...

merely thank god someone captured that in extremely good sound and vision.... and how extraordinary to see her even better a few decades on ..)

To the point: there are 'stories' which are real life which ...

(now being a black inner city person potentially Floyded is one thing... but there is just as much prejudice against the rural whitey rambler who actually tells the truth of the rural lands  especially if surrounding whitey knows their  husband is one of the polluters...   but there is something worse than 'prejudice' which is also having no one you dare mention your  snake-in-the-grass hobby of going around recording and filming for posterity the eco crimes all around but one whisper of your concerns and  Rachman landlords or neighbouring farmers would evict/beat you up.... whereas at least the Floyds-to-be have their allies on the same page in the same hood they can tell their real true story to....)

... theres one story too hard to tell.... the real final dance ......  because it is only about and for one person.... and she may be hurt if she knew....

" 85% of my waking hours for..."

which was a white lie, as it was 95%, but that sounds obsessive...

Thing is....whatever life is.... (even if it is their cowardly excuse just as Buddhism or 'mediation' is for doin' nuthin about the shit in Shitcreek....  the recent trend bein' its all a 'hologram'.... ) 

holding in a 'truth' when truth is the good in us especially if it is a martyrish (wrong word as martyrs maybe have a 'choice' ? ... few things REALLY worth martyring onesself to, in fgact the only one that is is the one a real "human" may have no choice in.... if really you do, only, love...and also know what your responsiblity is...)

That unexploded nuclear bomb of real story off your chest ... 

Is indeed the way to live, Mister Montaigne... thank you very much....

right so many bits missing .... 

Poor RFK ... quite rightly poking the fatties but its been ongoin' far longer than they credit guess he wont have noticed in the crack-pipe haze of his 80s or 90s....

i did in fact it was rather funny.

As vagabong jobbing winged taxi around the islands of the Caribbean sea one season (low pay - slave job) it really was kindof funny even then late 80s: " The BN islander workhorse puddle-jumper can   get airborne with eleven or twelve people and reasonable baggage.... if we are picking up in ST Kitts ... that is written into the aviation law....   but whatever you do remeber if we are picking up in ST Thomas of any of the BVIs ... any Island within a few hundred km of Florida... our passenger allowance is less - limited to eight ... as almost all the yank passengers are far fatter than average.." even then...

All i know is in fact it is quite interesting how actual 'change' the shaman space-cadets think they can dial up by the very fact they exist, on FAkebook.... in real life  takes so so many years....

There are so many things - ideas or trends .... that one realises do indeed take decades to  actually genuinely change... 

But there is no point.

When even the bookman turns out to be a charmy smiley fake.... 

There never was any point ....

to be cont cos 

i met an extraordinary young man .... and his paid friend (an important theme observed)

And his carer woman shetoo extraordinary....we had a historical chat

" i was listening for some weeks to the supposedly disadvantaged ..(fill in autistic adhdd asburger fans... whatever latest label)   lot in other libaries noisily shouting out their opinions when your company - a PRIVATE company should have a private workspace after all you are PAID a lot of dosh to be their mum and dad...  even i am surprised.... all over PAstylandshire the young men especially .. those who have paid-friends like you as stand-in mum.... endlessly they go on about Trump ...and 'Elon'...i dont get it yes its off their phones of course but i still dont get it....  or maybe i do.....  it is as if these figures to them even here represent some kind of resistence...many as you know 'looked after' kids for many years... they are oppressed by lanyardism.....   and deep down these disadvantaged are all obsessively rallying to these figures even here...  who kindof say no more....  " and to my shock shetoo...agreed....

but then she didnt have blue hair,  so....