If the 'bible' wasn't just a hotch potch of made up story and burning bushes... i would use Solomon as rest-of-life role in the hay model ... time to get frisky with a harem of younger totty ...
But proving it is a made up fantasy, at least she did listen for real to reality " i could be a millionaire if i had the time to weave into something for the wasted paper that books are these days especially in his oldman read many of them, hands... [they used to WORK! .. inculcate decency] weave into something how a real man in his middle age, only in fact finds women 53ish and on, actually sexy and desirable... and that isn't just words to make mysewlf seem acceptable...nope its real..... even sexgoddess Nutcracker... nope.... real older bush is somehow the real thing .. hits the real spot... ..blah blah... "
Sitting there listening to the younger men 'licensed' somehow to freely speak... (the one died in the wood bluehair it was funny listening to her one day TRYING to tell them fable about how the T got into Lgb or whatever it is [even she had wordsaladitis and indeed prejudicially omitted a key protected group) ..
Of course what one is not allowed to say is all these people who the state raises as if they are cabbages all with something 'wrong' with them.... i was vaguely 'normal' age 18 ..19.... and no way on earth could i communicate as well as these so called 'looked after' 'disadvantaged' young people.... all with their ADH orders and whatnot... sorry, bravely funnily shouting out their often quite sort-of-intelligent natural inner justice based opinion rather than having to dip everything in compulsory blue rinse...
(thats rather good for as always ultra fast typeing no aforethought)
But heres the thing.... even if i had harem of finest real wimmin great postures.. bright eyes nestpissin'' 53+ year olds in heaven i stilldon't know....
It was so interesting to listen to agentZ ( io have agents in a range of places the best though is in the how-to-be-their-therapist classes)
who i know is decent and balanced... and in theory Kamala+ Mother Theresa ish....
But ... well i don't argue with anyone especially about the Judgement of Solomon moments...
.. a lot of it is just wrong vulgar and will not end well, one knows....
And the rhetoric simply atrocious: " in 1987 or 8 some white honkey on his second or third trip to Yooessay for cheap booze and it was so easy to hoodwink any Manhattan babe into thinking you werent a shy mixed up lost cause .....by just opening your mouth with an English accent... even chaka for gods sake .... and denying HER.... face to face just her and i... drunk and lost one mizzly night... deliberately avoiding ANY special people place club or whatever wallowing in ones self pity a lost limey and...
in the fuck stumbles ...drunk... just me and one other loser ,lost in bein' losers at a loser bar deliberately...
the greatest ever of all of em....
and solo... (did i do that fable i forget?)
performed a-stage... just ....for me.... the other loser too bitterly lost to notice...
and i too fattist to
go to third base cos ...once i held mountains in the palm of my hand....
Anyway.... i still don't know
As i alone in the heterodox universe wrote on the 9th of October 2023 ... " they lost, Zion telling the world its gonna starrve em a war crime and the world not saying itll stick vat on their trendy neckscalf things everyone started to wear except me decades ago sigmnalling sort of Kibbutzish soliodarity or whatever...........they lost.... my lovely Pallies....two who ive been in actual love with in my life, especially the new one in year of our Lord 2021 face to face even if she wore a mask outdoors for gods sake....... so send them to some nice holiday camp elsewhere.... the world now needs ONLY to assist them with passage and travel expenses.. rather tjhan waste millions of hours watching wanker OWen Jones wank pretend affront to his camera "
Well basically ... it came to pass that in a vulgar stupid fatman way thats almolst 'policy'...
forget that as it's too difficult but anyway....
The even more awful fake JD...
When one sits and LISTENS to younger but fabulous looked afters actually at last feeling they are LICENCED to start to speak freely at last even in PAstylandshire.... them owned by the bluehairs...
Well... the awful JD.... "frankly we dont give a dam any more about the coke addled mad ex comedian and his livestreaming fom Kiev ...you sort it out.....[ and remember you have Britolin that cannot ever let go of its mad we-are-empire and still want to sell bits of f-16 ..oops thats to Israel... bombs and SAS holiday trips... when it has FAR more damaged children than EU average 95 maybe even 7 or 8 of Elon's x...cos the BBC celebrated Affluenza regularly upon publication but clearly they were all too thick to READ AND LEARN from it...].... but we will stick 100% vat on your garlic frankfurters and foie gras unless you grow the fuck up about free speech..... "
Perhaps she, Z, was right..
speech i would have only ever been ashamed of ...
to hear a Piers Morgan 'debate' lastereve which in fact was .... actually half sane and wise (only half!)
frankly is quite astounding
i cannot possibly defile my feed by putting the ugliest faces in history here especially the so problematic so so wonky 'Destiny' who for all his smart-man clearly has never read a Tolstoy or Rachel Kushner thus is a robot ....
but its actually interesting and a bit grown up
"He’s TESTING The Limits" Andrew Wilson vs Destiny On Trump, Musk, RFK Jr, Kanye & More
Maybe..... maybe.. the free speech thing is indeed ...... so totally fundamanetal to all