Wednesday, 12 February 2025

SOME peeps are allowed to get so diabetically 'medicine' woman fat as her groundhogs..... (TRUE shamen like me know that changing ones mind, as my future vision was wonky, IS "DIVINE" GOD )

 if they are after all....

( the most dangerous words uttered in the whole of literary/enlightenment history are "wetoo were thinking of creating a big budget Hollywood...satire.....  on... them...")

So, back soon to that paradise moment I Lay Down  by the bank of the River (arrow)  with a great book - rereading Leo's Resurrection [it has the best real woman tract in history innit] ,  and not weeping at the pestilence everyone else moaning about late April 2020

which to me was Minnie time

" will you slow down..... how you find time to, luv....rushin around..." this is simply paradise... they cannot rush any more except to hide behind their couches when the bug comes on their tellies... poor them... and along comes Suzi ....and  the first of hundreds of lies from just her  to come....

But nevertheless...

gosh i'm in an even better mood tell yer what i gonna go mermaid fishin'

Guardian Sulmates goin' bankrupt as none ever had any soul,  "free prescriptions for the last 6 months of our operation"

right fishin' time

" All you SPIRITUAL wellness hot yogi lovers stuck in your Hackney Tennaments figurin' if you can play the soundbowls without getting the neighbour so enraged wont matter if your black life is still  alive or not theyll kill you when it drives them insane all those 'frequencies' come to MY million acre parkland  and ..put a tent up...." 


industrially fishin' for 'spiritual'  babes... ethically

 " i know soulmate nonsense is just that, ONLTY COMMITTMENT is what luv is...and if you are Amish thats even better as in the future, the mobile phone will even i discover have destroyed the one cheap maybe ok 'shaman',  who unlike the rest lustin' after 300 quid a workshop ....  she has ethics so wont "

(and i cannot be Groundhogged for various reasons: #1 being anyone who says " yeahhh... god they all seem addicted to their ridiculous workshops.... its rather pathetic... these pathetic English middle class wimmin..."  someone wouldnt like THAT to be made public they'll run err out of town..

Anyway ...a long list of total pseuds  starting May 2020

it was industrial comedy all for free

IF when i write the book its a best seller

one of dozens of indeed a whole "community" of boxes i have of long deliberations .. chronicled recorded filmed even ... with many over the years from the "community" of totally lost hilarious psueds who ALL invaded to set up wellness camps cos its easier on the nails than being a cleanin lady, or man ...P B

Anyway i have so much pukka material - libel immune, its daft...

But just that summer

almost as i am to give up ok lets click on ...her....

ff not very long via zoom:

"Tammy...even if your Amish costume was faked for the camera... you indeed are  better than our joint Goddess Mini-better-than-Aretha....

"ive listened to your Walk For Miles  and your 91'  Free ...100s of times..... you have our goddess in you,  plus a certain slut-factor that more 'human' .. you are it you are the Queen..." 

" so that means you really are the best of them all ever ... The one true Queen and i got you on my previously unused Zoom.. .. first ever internet date albeit at a distance... ."

Anyway only a true shaman knows all his futuristic visionary is, always, now,  popycock....

And he was all along


cos .....

i hadn't found something i never knew could be there popped up in the last place ever expected

which is the meaning of life