(remember those v words, and that rather good conjugation: or is it pairing up of the same,
venal and
(as the poor little coke and phone addict squirms - was it here? it was within my little tribe, day 3 of Yoocrane... " sack...for peace...'now'.... you lost and if you don't you'll lose half a million for absolutely no reason whatsoever except for the FACT that 'meditation' tapes don't teach you how to be " human" and give up when theres not a hope in hell..." and as a real cute shaman as my chronicles tell... a recorded latent podcast doth record three days after it began seeking out the most violent aggro head of the region - past one....even he, a pro Yoocranian very Central European past life... very very Rammbo thuggish....
" i agree with you.... they havent goy a hope in hell... he whom surrenders first gets a far better deal.... never mind all the lives unwasted.." i sore the future .
(to the rhythm method of)
Oh yes her Nutcracker method.... ( god i would'v liked to be a fly on the wall when her tutor left and...she got to work properly therapising her victim: " righty ho what a LOAD of hokum..i will TELL you why you've been fucked up all your long life..and how we are gonna fix it 'NOW'..". ohh how she really does make me laugh...)
The Nutcracker-Tightrope method.... it's absolutely beyond Alexander Technique shaman vudu simply magnificent a new age of "aquarius" is everywhere, except in reality...
But that's now... and long been 'now'
But then. The December January few weeks.
My life ended
(remember the pretentious lady on the book programme at lunchtime..ohh my ohh my)
Being only interested in the encounters with the over fifties.... who should be elders and GUIDES...
There i am even i was tricked., by these tricky ex Londoners or even ex part-yanks but HIM...
Fait accompli ios paradise as discovered on the 1st Feb 2020..
So fuck him...
Quite some hours spent in a haggle of soulmate fellow troubadours me and the BOOKman
And from way up North too....
I saw him three weeks ago still sloping around...and lugging his boxes himself
What on EARTH is it with these in"humans"? ! ? ....
" I haven't any plans the holiday fortnight..and have a van....would be delighted to assist....for free...... let me know"
Not much really jabs at my bulletproof heart ( a white lie to assist the wonky) but seeing him....
was the end
And at that point.
Having ended.
One is free to simply begin.
Even if the 'optimistic' version must always seemingly be in sight