is a tough one being the Metrosexual (and nerds who couldnt get to any base like Curtiss with his absurd Hypernormalisation where he missed reality - we had a choice!) ate actual real history and rewrote it with the dire non-poetry of Tempests of Kate
who doesnt have a TRUE line in any of her self pitying apocolypse of too many chemical drugs when grown ups chose not to.... nor dance to their dire dance musac...
the true line being " i KATE never did fuck all 2017-20 to prepare for just maybe another vote or election and so i moved to The MArches [4 swing constituencies to hide in 'nature'.... ] and didnt even make a fucking roadsign in their awful Banksy bullshit art... saying " think twice" ...never did an actual THING and when you Extinction Rebellion meet up you cannot even say " or infact go and try to 'harvest' any votes for next time.."..ehh so..... please tell me ... there must be some new magic modern invention hair dye that isnt chemical nor using mother natures resources [even blueberries needing transport to get them to the makeup factory] ... as i see every other week even here .... you preach from your XR lectern about saving the planet ... with different hair colour i think ive seen every one from the rainbow the last year of you being bosslady of the greenery.... magic amazing how you do that.......
never mind too towny to even go out into midsummer without the latest fashion wellies on too which of course dont use resources either... ..."
simplify is: who were and still are you? As the direst uncultured fakes in history came along and like stressed out lambs to the slaughter (only in that many animals suffering stress such as noise etc masturbate ) came and recultured the good culture with dire self obsessed culture, that isn't...
But thats for the other UNIVERTSITY of good culture web home one day
what does matter all that matters maybe more than anything else is ones actual identity... rather than assumption.
Plus fairly convincing 'story' or just simple story that explains who one is. Almost impossible nowadays.
Until at last one finds one simpleton who is honest about her own time in exactly the same places.
"As the foodies, and fancy pantses arose those eighties..... i would cart them down to Mandelieu....sounds so much more poetical than mere Cannes.... and as i flaneured around aimless ...first time i ever even stuck my nose in juikn-Les-pins never mind Monaco or Antibes..... i saw immediately the absolute total acedia all around...... and as i carted them back to Monday morning at the Morgan stanley trading desks or the like.....
" Saint-Ex [upéry] ... would possibly have just about found the same 'vibe'.... 5am ... cup of strong black coffee third of the day on ones lap.... fag in hand... back then Marlboro but always Lite..... during take off...... ritual: full power, speed coming up lite up.... and up ahead straight into the alps [ NE of rivierra ].... but a weekend around this lot even for half an hour...... poseurs pink jumpers and silly hunks of fancy boat.... and girfriends who secretly hate them behind their Harrods-sourced painted on Magpie smiles....i should... whats the point..... if only they knew the smiley girlfriends asleep in the back thinking their [man''s] pet pilot is busy talking to air traffic on his headset protecting their lives..... if only they knew how Italian Air traffic [world famously] especially around the mountains of death virtually willed you to crash into the mountains too busy reading their fashion mags no doubt to care...... this sector you're utterly on your own....
"...and whilst they may well have given us perhaps one of the greatest old school.....
" righty ho ...... wow look at that break in the clouds there and mountain peaks ready to please the Italians if you Miss Judge..... fag another strong black....and turn it up to 11.... hope the Walkerman doesnt leak out from under the pilot headset.... and they are 'woken' up....
" theres only one way to die if one must.... with some actual modern pukka-Beethoven... as you crash 'n burn...or indeed break out into the sunlight above the fray... in the back their lost sad lives in only my hands....
" and great kindapoetry....
you [had to be] there... "
who would have thought "least likely to succeed" when America could write poetry better than any other peeps of the planet ...
Well.... if someone actually did ever manage to hit the target ... it will have come to this... as they are ready to lionise the rudest lost miost vulgar monster imaginable every sane person knew 80s was vulgar and ... well, hadnt even read a Tolstoy.... never mind even a Harper lee.....never mind two Solzhenitsyns.
To hear they way ...
Anyway where was i yes simplify....
Indeed i had forgotten until of late: we do each have simple REAL stories, identities.... my own piously seeing through every spiv ever age 20ish... knowing that all the JLPs even then just awful theme parks for the lost sybarite wannabes...
simplify is in fact at least to encounter one person who knows EXACTLY what it was like to encounter and see through that world....
that then became every man and his 3 grand dog, or oligarch's shitpipe builder of Pastylandshire, thinks 'foodie'ism and all that maketh man....
When it is the exact opposite.