Thursday, 13 February 2025


Substack audio

'Simplify' - it's complicated, 1 of dozens to come. But the end game is yes indeed layers of onion skin are just another "energy" drain - so stop being coy (a work IN PROGRESS!)

( with wonderful special guest...the second one .... in her "bird"ing camouflage

almost neatly segue

(must remember to go all Ian McGillchrist " look at me with my nice glass of very expensive whisky paid for by my £100 Magnum Opus that i am quite sure has less bite in it than his bevvy....and use the word 'extemporise' rather than the so many shorty-cut words necessary, one being 'riff'.... as it's time to up the ante now i have paid for another year of Ralph.. the third year.... and year one and two merrely extemporised notes in often very reduced circs, that are the opposite in that truly cutting back to the barest bone....  .... means every word is important and thoroughly thought-through...often for years...and soon the dots get woven together... 

so so first draft, but it's great when you really DO know who 'for'....

and anyway most is dual purpose in a 'universe' where they're all trying to figure non duality what it means i know ... its where i started November 2023... but thats a story never to be really told...

She gets it mind you - Ms ... 

(renamed BJ - as she transited, ALL the way.....) 

Righty ho this scrappy mess, does have several purposes....  

But it aint me babe but i alone know the two compaƱeras (fave word still, especially as at last it is proven to indeed be real) who need to companera each other, too

Maybe in time

And then there were three.