Friday, 14 February 2025

"simplify" the raw food, topless, skinny dipping version

 Is, this.

Long ago - as forced to come down from the hills (deliberately NO NEIGHBOURS for at least 2 km, for 20 years)  being Price (Grenow) d out of the lovely aside places as they turned them into tourist cottages, one knows, sadly, NO one any more especially if they watch Charles Eisenstein or 'meditate' with SAm... or do the 'light work' with Nicola (the full photographic journey soon) ... actually are in any way in tune with 'nature' - they all want to wear new looking yellow clothes or zoom around on a quad with headlights on when not needed... 

they must be SEEN in 'nature'

(as an actual genuine junior Thoreau of the hills age 10 onwards, - which in  REAL life is a bout 'loneliness' more than anything else.... my gonzo memoirs i now have PURPOSE to rev up into shining a spotlight) .... what happened? well it's like this... i still remember the first time i saw a family of hikers quite welcome to walk up a  ten-walkers-a-month at most  overgrown bridleway that went aside one of our fields, that lead up to the wild moors 1km further up....  and seeing, that they had bright coloured flourescent  - even though then it hadnt been invented  but they would have if it had... bright orange outdoor clothing ... 'hiker' gear... which so so egomaniac 'narcissistic' WRECKING BALLITIS ...

My whole embodied brain screamed out in manifestly channeling VOMIT....

" what is this why ..... !!!!!!?????...

up there [Clywidian range] ... Narnia ish... wild and ...Heathcliffe wouldv been quite happy  wanderin for weeks lamentin how NAn Thomas wouldnt let you get to third base...

and ...maybe...just ,maybe... THE Sublime (correct definition not Wikkiwank..... the utter majical who the fuck knows what of naycherrr.... well .  maybe it will actually 'enoble' the soul.... 


"BUT... ONE THING I KNOW FOR CERTAIN!!!!!!  ...look i can still see them a km up as they enter my magical wild lonely garden 

" 'LIGHT" polluting it with their egomaniac yellow or orangeboomboom clothing... no one i knew ever wants to NEEDS to be 'seen.... thats the ferkin POINT....

" turn yer telly on and magnificent Pilger said ' ehh up summit not right here yanks with their berber clad poodle aside, flying bombs out of Culdrose or wherever..... mass murder of the slanties..'   and the whole POINT of bein up wild in the hills was to KNOW that the fat so called 'walkers' of Muttinham or wherever else...did NOT EXIST... and now they display their extant madness by broadcasting their presence via  ferkin health and saftey bright NATURE! ... nature just ended.....RAlph! ralph.... i just saw something goin' up the lane you wouldnt believe....."

"lad...yep.... its the end.."

So above all simplify a temporary solution is train onself to awake at 05.00 to have a few hours afore the loudmouth brightly clad, or in the SW that pretends to be some 'original state'  bohemian utopia when theyre all on prozac and neurotically  MUST wear desgner dog to show they are... sweet nice "human" with money as the 3 grand ones of course outnumber the scrawnies...

In the SW they almost to a one (except her BJ maybe one or two others but it's so rare) ...  must display in really quite expensive clothing ... all 'individual' boho or  the ones you NEVER talk with are the ribbed anorak brigade as we all know they are twice the price of unribbed equivalent...

or even worse.... i had NO idea until i looked up a few months ago winnter prepping to.... die but i goin all the way before i do...

Hundreds and hundreds of quids!   for an outdoor mac.... so many want to subtly be seen knowingly in the 'right' kind of outdoor gear...(my not-cold weather coat,  oilskin is £8 second hand and ripped within 6 months from wearing out so be it )

So, simplify, is learn to give yourself a few hours in the first thing of the day....

as i did 15 years ago..... 25 actually but thats another  necessity

as now...all the other egomaniac noisy NONZEN "humans" are still safely behind their overpriced front doors (for which OF COURSE they had to steal manipulate prostitute and eye jab to afford but its the way they all incame from the towns into the countryside,  pretending they are some zenmistress naturegirl in harmony with the love indeed ARE the love of the universe... and the 500 grand pad just manifested inteslf into their bank account via shamanised yogalove... rather than being the vicious sharp elbowed  bitch from Kettering or Crawley.... one needs to be to get the dosh - [[fair dinkum if thats their system so be it! but FAKING 'goodness'  makes you mentally ill*, i know as all of hay-on-Wye were ready for the loony bin by 2002 or 3 for sure]]... ... the definition of 'theme park' .)..... to me just for a few hours they dont exist... equals paradise and the necessary daily dose of disinfectant

* = and i wouldn't wish even the very rude and unpleasant BigOrange even one night of disturbed sleep as that does too.... 



to be cont