Saturday, 15 February 2025

proof of mytoo* racist cuntiness coming up later (AND AN ACTUALLY GOOD DANCER )

 OOPS i forgot what goes in this bit before the footnote oh well the footnote alone for now

i live in the moment

* being we live.. errata one cannot 'live' at all, in a society where for at least 25 years every Stephen Fry kind of smug fake has been your 'influence' .. the 'national treasures'  - whom of course became the Russell Brand as the Britolish are (due sugar  - refined sugar addiction - it causes a kind of inner need for psychodrama - if one lives months with almost no refined sugar in ones system ones mood does totally flatten ina great way)  masochists - loving or being addicted to those whom on the face of them for example Piers Morgan its all a bit Farrage lite (in a "good" way they will say) ...  

anyway this whole tribe took over and a lot of it was indeed through Florences dire Hay Festival of the worst kind of posturing pretending to have  a brain....   when in fact it was all CONFORMIST starstruck neck craning on expensive smoothies or prozac.... 

a whole generation of those whom have the 'VOICE' never tell their REAL stories...   i publicly humiliated myself in 2010 or maybe 11 writing live camera action " as a lifelong self educator teaching myself How To  Live [ Montaigne] via the great culture - even if i have never read a perfect book except Silas ...  anyway ehh the Three Colours films, Walkabout,  NOT Withnail which is a dire load of crap every thick would-be-boho bloke in Britolin.. Killing Fields.. Rocky Horror a non horror work of genius....  decades ago i saw reviews saying Zorba was in there with the top 20 of all time and deep in my racist white supremacist head i had the  secret private knowing that ' ehh... no way can them bleeding spikey Greeks make something that has THE SUBLIME innit that ultra 'it' factor....    

  and then... 2010 or 11 in my extremely off grid  wasteland....  having fun (iff only SHE knew how she helped me with her 'flawed'  madness) having my 'freedom of speech' blocked ... by her Keystone Cops....

Quite a high readership though i didnt know......

cold dark nothing to do one eve and found it on youtube.....

Never mind actually good dancin' and superb philosophy....  " my oh my...... when SHE... the dusky dark widow.....  somewhat manicaly stomps up the pathway by his flat at dusk.... fully clothed.... jesus chrtist its the sexiest scene ever in the history of cinema....  its simply perfect.... its why to live..... what a racist cunt i am to have known better than to waste time on.... 

 But indeed an even slightly better version of the above around 17... plodding through the Guardian list of best ever movies... (before the Guardian class was entirely 'captured'..)

Down there at number 5 is .... a rather doleful looking abbo face  ....  

(thoughtbubble: " ehh ok blessem they gotta stick one in ..... or Time Out will troll them..... ... i shall leave that one for a VERY rainy day or year indeed ..."

which came along a year later

And showed me how evil the Guardian were as it should have been number one never mind the greatest dad daughter collaboration ever as  Miss Thornton played the fiddle which is in another universe too....

...all this subconscious under the skin racist cuntery can creep up on you   blahh blahh...

but then.... as if one didn't learn - does one.... perhaps it was at a time of such terrible broadband rural people endured maybe i couldnt watch it propper..then...

Even if i seen  in person the original god.... and badly danced the 80s away in parties to the original...


" god these dull basey  bloody hip hop things are so so dull.... never again.."

Anyway.... ehhh.... lastereve

from the opening " my oh my it really is the greatest dance sequence maybe ever.... forget sucking up toLa La  whiteys too rude to answer my nice letter ....  its mesmerising... perefct..."

But dance never changed anything....

" ok what do you think Mister are the great books movies... ?"

"look at VERY unfinished  one day i will get back to it...."

How on earth can Mister Lee's offering not be on my latent list...

It not only proves something how simply in a different orbit much of the 1980s - mid 90s culture was...

But being a  RC i never bothered to even look up who he was:.... THIRTY ONE when he wrote directed and starred in this simply   perfect Antigone+ ...  the depth and extraordinary pathos throughout is ...and a Tolstoyan MORAL** epic that we learn from.......  course he should have got the Oscar rather than dull confected  boy-on-boy  actually forgettable Moonlight  ...

..  Mister Lee in fact just may have been the greatest of the last 50 years certainly top ten .... furthermore its a GREAT subtlest luv movie.... eighteen years she hissed at him "the mayor" and then..... one day

how can a THIRTY ONE year old manage such genius... ?


And i didnt even REMEMBER i had part watched it in the past....

proving RCuntery....

BUT... no one... none of your Jordans or especially the babe lot .(Meghans etc i listen to them) . tell THEIR stories

Maybe they dont have time and space being so full of themselves to notice....

what simplifying is for...

** so sad that in Gwerk..... its a word they fight against ....why? 'moral' .. is all the real question ever was....  tangoing to purest possible   realistic functional moral equilibrium  ..  is all it really is.... even the ancient bloody Greeks knew that... but no thats too outdated  ' simple' ...for the ubershamans of ferkin  these effete lands...