Saturday, 15 February 2025

oops, slightly too big for me mountains in hand ...

 forgot punchline (i have all my unwoven thread ends even from two years ago in my head .... even that word i have to find from last autumn all in head ...  cold hands make head work hard but in head..)


cheapseats People express third time in a year or so perhaps....

JFK big fat white  border guard, for many  HOURS!  ..locked in imprisoned... " right Mister smart arse limey....  i am gonna strip search every cavity every address book entry ...  every suitcase lining.... I know you must be coming here to work or you have some number you're working.... we treat illegal worker immos real harsh here.... I'll be organising dawn raids to hunt just you down....this is war just you and me right get out your address book ... blahh blahh "  and all you are innocently at is cheap liquor and the occasional not so chubby cheap woman....

As in almost any country in the world  indeed, regrettably,  brown peeps countries even harsher about who they allow to immo ... try overstaying (even if Saint Exs were wonderfully exempt) your  30 day visa 'welcome' in for example Antigua in the 80s....

its got nuthin' to do with skintone  all over the world they kick out rather harshly the overstayers...

sadly as a non borderist .. reality, everywhere, and always will be 

Its the rhetoric that fails...

Anyway where was i oh yes....(life ending as The Bookman proves even he, here, is in "human"....) if only   somehow....

But she's happily in the EU.. Heidi the half-Pak... Mong

just a few days ago perched on the cliffs

" ... if ONLY... somehow Woman's Hour heard you....   they now have compulsory FAkebook 'activist' pages no doubt  i ' am traumatised for life  by my one lost-amoeba little lump of ectoplasm... '  whereas you... not only do you know breeding is the key to making REAL "human" toik tok body clock get doggin' whatever you do... you can't even keep the desired product in for more than a few months...loser"

" nahh i hardly even noticed it despite needing hospital a few mum said she lost three before one stuck...   when i said right let me out of here got to back on the job.....the doctor said  give it a ,month break maybe even take the pill for a bit....  not wanting that .... poison... and knowing i wouldnt be able to keep them closed i took myself off away from him  instead .... "

She did the right thing.. i think its illegal to ... or would certainly be thought mentally ill for not 'mourning' publicly for months ... i am sure they have a FAkebook thing you can put on your profile for what ..'nature'....  emigrated down the bog....

(of course you cannot say " yasmin ... find a way!!!!... make some ART about this you got MFA.... about how you do NOT feel sorry for yourself when the only thing you have wished for the last few years has failed...again..")