of their: any sane reasonable mind - especially if quite deliberately
Quite a long time ago...
Nintey three indeed
Made sense out of their ...
Well, the SE, define in one word: flaky
Add that to the opposite indeed it's rather
"theory of everything, must have supersymmetry innit"
super symmetrical.
In that every once fairly ok peep back then seemed to get rather flaky
At the same time as every good man of the Flân
(correct definition meandering for earthy real authentic ...atmosphere - the correct word before every drugged up party Princess invented their awful newspeak such as 'vibe'... as their drum'nbass so
sat on their heads with its big fat one such that they could only think of party-people words...
I mean basically what did their drugs do? they make you mute...
such that they can only think of their ever thumpin' away 'bass'
And a perfectly good word, atmosphere, or even if we must 'ambience' became shortened to their Tellytub' speak...
Into 'vibe'
So Kate Tempest can dream up really bad stuff
indeed is almost musicalisation of the word pseudeia.com
So anyway Flânnying around all around and even part the world over
What do we see but crystal shops.. flaky and hard solid crystalline coevolving at once.
The sum total: ZERO
(wow that maybe is it - the Grand Unifying Theory... plus magic if you let go and just open yourt laptop even in a noisy library with a bit o' Stevie on to Flood them out.no idea what on earth to bother writing ........and NEWthought is immediately manifestly channelled ...for no good reason as no one reads any more except me and Little Miss 2s's ....
The peeps of Fulham (the posh end - sky high shop rents) became at once terminally flaky and started buying crystals - which they must have bein' the shop rents so high...
And thus society became ZERO
Sounds better than the (now discredited) Eric Weinstein can lie to the world as likely Theory of Everything
Now ...last night's simply dire movie - a few a week - always pirated i seen nuthin' worth payin' for for years.... on final reflection Bob 'n Joan a Love Story (well she did) wasn't that good....
Did nevertheless have two magnificent bits innit...
The second was in fact a really good poetical definition of what 'ghosting' is....
(i had no idea it was so mainstream )
The first, well.... sums it all up:
Twenty year'nago the very nice polite letter: " feed my kiddie poison sweeties and i will drown you in Llangorse lake.."
which of course they must go and create a whole new world of lore around all those crimes 'against' the personhood when you just want to lyrically make a point... (actual Freedom of Speech even Yooessay didn't lower itself to)
And anyway its too shallow... so would have been a joke had one bothered ..
But seeing Ms Zellweger .....do that.... almost the worst possible example to children, with children..... in respect of how to litter my once previous hilly lands with plastic...
Ohh THEY get a free pass cos daddy died.... and they are children....and there are a few kerbside verges left 'rewilded' up Hampstead way
Now makes me actually realised just how much of a sop/fraud/ narcissistic personality disorder AND borderline personality disorder, combo, in one generation the whole of mine did indeed become..
Even i was shocked and as i have been collecting their airborne plastic, back in my old hills, and all sorts stories that are liable-proof.... oh yes and also other made up lawproof....
for 15 years...
It takes something to shock me
What maybe did shock me......
is a handful of truly ultra sincere merm-babes who arent merms well one is for cash...
I really liked her and her kids AND went to some trouble to leave my loving message by her old tent (that really impressed me) a pile of free logs..... as she had told me the TRUTH that even HER ultra mindful wellness lifestyle in Gwerk (as in Hay Totty and all of them..)
she found "SO intense and stressful.." in other words her neighbours every single one in training to be the next Nicola Light are manipulative fucked up ex junkies from the South eastish, too and just use each other and or have endless melodrama psychodrama REAL rural peeps and mermen are ALWAYS above...rising to.
But then..... she told me (lasteraug) ...a deeper truth, with her lovely un made up eyes.... how indeed her and her supermodel mate...
CARED... they meant it (any sane ex activist, just winding down into full time groomer...of the next generation.. knows you GOTTA GET the 40 year old yummie mummies as they have the POWER...)
Even the absurd sidelined BAnnon would have watched me lasteraug and said "that guy is a political strategist the likes of which have never before been known.... see him he turns the supermodels at 'wild campin' on a dime ... his hands still dirty with bogshit....
"supermodels only ever give you 7 polite minutes as long as you dodnt ever say anything REAL....
" but he..... even has them tearing up with his stories danced to them thirty minutes in.... when every sinew of their sveltiness is evolved to start to body-language 'fuck off tramp...and even if you werent you couldnt afford the superyacht i secretly lust to sail off on ' within 4.5 minutes exactly
" but ...even 45 minutes in.... ' yes....we agree....for OUR CHILDREN we must somehow work together a bit to at least get the message out more engagingly...' etc... i never seen such a Master of THE universe..that matters.... i never realised yes of course only they'now' have the 'power'...
" the way he raps... ' Donald, Wayne's Cousin... ok add in Bonkin' Brand .. LUV...ONLY women have the stage now.. the voice...and the power.....no man can even get a bit passionate never mind get his impassionate dull voice out and hit the target... the world is ONLY yooz..... i aint thick especially as i build the gateposts even if down here they employ you and rip you off yer wages... a lovely recent 'feminine' trait i started to encounter a decade back, now default.... '
" if we had had him..... we wouldnt have needed to risk the gunshot ..... "
I am serious. As they know.
But when even several - indeed over a year a dozen of such fourtysomethimng yummies absolutely adamantly almost in tears "yes for our children their water courses especially Gweek utterly shitpoisoned and diabetic meds destroyed ... we agree [the lasteraugust actually in charge of water testing] .. we will keep in touch think of how we may at least reframe the message..." ghost you...
There is no hope ever ....
But i have 'product; its all only about product... the opera of what came out of their bums and who cleaned it up is...
Better than ...
you are kiddin!
Now one never has to hear just about passable whitey mammasboy Puccini or any of those fat whitey analporn addicts....
fuck off woke and get diversely DEI dead.... - no white meat could have EVER done...
(and only white mean could be as lethally eco fake as her introducer)
anyway wittering for a living.... being alive-living
Aint payin' the rent
However there is no better knowing that you did your best
And ... seeing that ...
Well twenty years no change of poison policy in the schools..
Fifteen ago ... i remember the moment rather well
" well yes i love her..... but... she's meant to CARE about nature.... makes her living out of it kindof for gods sake....... too scaredy cat to have her own kids but anyway you would have thought she ... had at least figured that rather simple multiplication sum: if even ten percent of our delightful incomer new age spiritual goddesses were to send out into the 'heavens' burning plastic or even paper [lanterns, oops i forget they are 'Chinese' so they get a free effnickers pass].. thats a fuck of a lot of litter spread over my once 'natural' litterfree ..hills..."
But of course not quite yet being FULLY ''authentic' - putting my prick before my pricked conscience.... i didn't say so....
Funny thing is..only one person the last person in the world she would have assumed.... helped me ...all the way.
If only the fourtyish year olds could know..... you have not even BEGUN the (ubiquitous) 'work' on the self (a short word for how to simply behave its all good old fashioned common sense and simple real lines )
And then (as a few sane ones see) there are so so many Messianic total and utter bonkers (life coach / therapy / guruing) frauds and most sadly dont even know they are....
possibly the most seductive of the lot - the new cohort fed to me of late... by a wise woman who doth know WE ..having got this far... do need to stand up and be counted:
ZERO so far
so we can somehow concisely describe how absolute fruitbat nutjob all the so called wiser new ones are....
especially mister 'Sensemaking' their professorial king....Its not
the clue being of course in his, then (17 or 18ish) newword.... 'sensemaking'
Anyone that invents a new word before the same old issues and venalities that have plagued our lives all our adult years, are even fully described and explained...
Is insane. And THE problem when he is head of some Head Science at some fancy yanky yooni
And not worthy of being a father.
Even if 'trolling' is... I don't know any more? - a word i have never recognised being debate is hard always and i know ones 'enemy' always has a few useful things to say ....
but things seem to have absurdistly progressed into being seen through to some extent as all only the (self regard) game it always was...and absurdist
To becont
Ahh yes i forgot now it *(always) returns...
Nutcracker she loves her newname ... it is so enjoyable to hear her latest fighting as purest Queen
[edit]Nestbeschmutzer m (strong, genitive Nestbeschmutzers, plural Nestbeschmutzer, feminine Nestbeschmutzerin)
EXACTLY, no sex organ differentiation whatsoebver ! - so called 'feminine's have exactly the same ability as George Mary Anne Eliot did ...to piss on your own nest BECAUSE thats how progress was made - the most honourable profession of all the honourable ones.... chief "bird" nestpisser....whom unlike the scaredy cats of Gwerk DO say it in public, too.....
And the way she nest-pisses on her university professor....
Is not only genius but is also the FUNNIEST thing i have ever heard...
she.... tells the STORY... properly inserts irony ...she [teen preg fastbreeder underclass ) knows who has the REAL 'power'..... its an UNFINISHED story..... too.
now... if we could find five of her..... that age group.....
I mean it....
(well i did... but they all ghost .. they eye-to-eye so so keenly and sincerely and then... never ever ever follow up, ever)
And i also know that having gone ALL the way as she has.... she is 'authentic' and this has 'bulletproof' 'mental health'