Monday, 17 February 2025

"indie" ..."sex worker"

 My left foot. Which some modern day 'sex worker' would home in on for supposed kicks: rub it the right-sexy way and she gets another fifty quid note stuck in her g string. With a  painted on smile.

D.E.I is the way to make the culture (never mind good old fashioned 'morality') D.I E. Ooops it did....

DEI anagram of DIE 

Never mind the fact that there is indeed a beautiful scene, as Igor ... how does one put it, that 'look'? So rare...  I am not sure if can be 'acted': acting out the role of bullneck henchman thug, but so beautifully there is later on a look, the look,  you can see in Terry's face in an anctual real "indie" film  Roeg thank god captured the no-ego and all innit together and bouncin' boobs on the moterbike of real  humany,

before the Glastonbury 

spectacle became the problem and shitstained the whole of so called "community"  

 The actual film stolen by the anti-copyright  thieves who steal the great art and put it into their Gollum's precious chests of pension fundery 


We shall come back to, soon....

If everyone  hasn't died of "mental health" Mister Streeting by default 0720   of course warbles out ....

 But it all does come back to 'simplify' ... ultra simplifying even twenty years ago....(the year his  dire book came out  to make him look good on some stage preaching 'Nature Cure'....  so the hippy babes he missed out on in his towny youth may come gather around his 'incommer' richman woodburner  and lick his toes.... i live in nature like a hell of a lot even jet setting the jet set down in Mandelieus i would head North for the weekend, into nature.... nature doesnt 'cure' anything....


The only simplest nick nack that does over time, is indeed

stop and stare what is life if full of care (not me) 

(Eckheart  wouldnt understand being a barren little fake, in fact he needs renaming Yuckheart and i value all germans [in origin, sold to yooessay a VAT free VAT of bubbling witches brew ]  so i do know it is Eckhart but adapting it to Eckheart is a stupid attempt at screaming into the void the likes of him created  as i know they never actually reach hearts... )

Anyway to the point, if one has space.... years of it... over time one has space to 'notice' all that matters:

Mister Reid kindof had it and if you aren't even impressed by Shamans when the whole of ex Glastonbury infected old farts are taking it up to look good,   I would 'notice' or maybe just had time,  twenty years ago, the NULL expression just occasionally seen on a face  - a non celeb face  ahumble maybe even confused face...

I remember well the last one a woman in a chemist i was looking for cheap hair ties as i am not perfect ...

Anyway i watched her a bit chubby maybe 20 years old perhaps 'embarassed' i dont know but i saw her lingering at a shelf and she had that perfect null expression...

it is sex irrelevant.

But is purest "human" aside all pretention and all knowing and all hubris and all 'self love' they preach...


Anyway all i know is when i watch lastereve as it happens a movie that is neither "indie"  and popularises - licenses, what is not "sex work", as oldschool travelling men ... flaneuring the world (i aint got time to put in the accent) one occasionally needed some pay-as-you go no access to  chummy parties back home  lubricating booze and late night medicinal nookey ....  

And 'sex workers' are the most noble decent people i have ever known...  and they know one thing, too, its about sex.... a natural decent thing to need.... 

sex without some stupid fake 'erotic' dance, pole, prostrating

indeed almost every scene in the useless movie, is prostitution.

Prostituting some other not-sex version of sex...

For kicks (which i bet are linked to all the 'mental health'

Anyway the sad thing is is that the camera man, director, even actor, wont know as every single so called artist tries too hard...

bigs themselves and their 'art' up...

As Maybe bigged up his so called 'cure'..

I search for actual "human" culture art or just online speakers.... 

And towards the end, as Igor is... confused...  he knows he must portray something  - the standard ubiquitous stereotype of the East European Rambo which wasn't just stereotype as  25 years ago it WAS the culture (not their fault they were brainwashed i watched it)

And there in his look: nul expression towards the end... is actual art.  And they 

must honour the woman who basically jazzes up bein' a hooker which is the saddest unartful thing of all ever...  and certainly not 'art'...  just hype dipped in a  spandex tight fitting bad-boob tube



XXX NOTE TO SELF THAT HILARIOUS AUDIBLE AD I JUST HEARD A TAD OF takes the piss out of wellness gongs and .. hilariously ends - i caught it this time 

"whilst struggling to put your pants on properly"