Now...first time i 'met' him, their chief home-boy, n***... Kahil.....
The feyest Profit ever...(always theres good bits of course but perraps it started with him..)
(world service 04.30 indeed today ...things to do.... an hour of bongo musac from Ulan Batur.. fine wonderful yes .. magnificent bongo babes from the ancient past singing their effnic jabberwoky wonderful interesting heritage stuff for cash.....but the BBC are evil history rewriters AND more importantly patronising racist cunts..... cos as one saw in the early 80s in the 'far east' .. then 90s except for Yugoslavia where somehow they seemed to be above it all...... wandering
me the ultimate world PAID flâneur
...How to Tune into Your Surroundings
not an awful programme though give some ex private school 'JAck' a microphone and they NEVER get it as flanning is firstly about loneliness - seeing THROUGH the general cant and vanity and meandering to look to BE in some just about tollerable earthy vibe...
... bizarrely quite unplanned my very modest way of making a living was having to wait a few days in Zagreb, Pula ... or far more preferable some very off-the-beaten-track rural small town so i could get flanning out into nature quick march (with only NATURAL coloured clothing to be polite to OTHER "humans" using nature to forget vile "humanity" even exists - to CARE about them to BE in solo "community" respecting the wish and need of fellow solo or even better girl-boy walkers in THE COUNTRYSIDE there to forget noisy polluting "humans" dont show off! stealth - be not there, leave no trace .... etc )
anyway to the point - flanning around (just meandering small towns of Indonesia or the like even New zealand but they were mainly a bit mad, being bodily wanderating a bit at loose end for a few days waiting for my charter 'beautiful people' lot to do their business and me take em back or sometimes just off for weeks with backpack ) the not-yet-developed world... 80s then 90s...
sorry, to ALWAYS project as Time Out started to do early 90s and BBC have made an industry out of for 20 years, that the cute little efnix had NO CHOICE ... really shit TV of the worst imaginable kind tsunamid over SE Asia... Central Europe.... other such not-yet-Maggielands.....
which is THE main reason most of em indeed 99% turned into avaricious JR Ewing family types.... or Kardashians... consumerist madhouses of bling and planetary destruction....
no poor lambs they had no choice ..... (it did 'start' with truly dire TV blaring out of every single Jakartan mudhut frontroom or Gdansk 'block..... )
no they had no 'choice' the effnix of outer Mongolia or wherever yet another load of effnix got on 4chan thistermorn (in fact so interesting that an imigrant to the USA from outer Mongolia maybe 80s or 90s his English was far better than all the cabinet put together moaning about how there are no more singers left who sung in the trditional style
But always this is an infantilising racist cunt pity piece ... " we assimilated the West into our ways of being and there arent any oldstyle effnix singers and musos left..." excellent English for a change ... but its racist cunt not to ask " you were equally intelligent valid 'human' beings in bongobongo Mongo lands.... surely you knew..... you had minds and eyes! .. and YOU CHOSE to instead follow the absurd horrid Western lifestyles you saw on horrid lowest-denominator Mongo soap operas... you have some responsibility... for gods sake.... you were intelligent enough to KNOW how crass and fake it all was... after all nowadays you all trade on some almost shamanic earthy original state attunement to nature and older ways of being ten times more healthy... at least you admit that you realised Zeppelin probably had more to say than bongo stuff from the stone age trying to be about 'NOW' ... rather than then
when they still bound womens feet so they couldnt go and make hot yoga in the teepee village up the road..."
actually, apt
modernity, no longer bindin' feet gets alchemically shamanated into...
sorry a dying junkie whacks his bongos with a whole universe more art than the best ever shamo-bongo bloke of Batur, Ulan or not...
which brings us to i know the first true key to "mental health2 thats as alive dangerous and REAL as Mister dead drummer...
So, as so so many times sworn... at the fake green eco memaids of even the Green Party...for 20 years.....
" i swear on...."
of course the lost barren ones gradually took over cos it makes them look good to be a bit rather than be a REAL woman and breed.... takes guts to breed in this evil fuckwit of a fucked planet...
So yes... the 'problem' is.....
Now, the key ...first step Samuel Harris wouldnt notice with his Yogi gowns a flowin and still 'asleep' from 10,000 hours 'meditatin'' to show off(and monestise) how nonrapist he is to the next door hot yogi....
(thers a whole study to come soon i been busy this winterfest)
is 'mental health' is indeed "authenticity"
as extemporised upon herein a yearish ago....
but 'now' its time for Tolle type wankwords...
cos it has to 'reach' out to..... some gatekeeper at least as tuesday is starvin' day
But that's called 'leaning in' ... to the Tightrope, without a parachute...
almost part 2. (later)
The history of The West i went to see
was it 2008ish maybe
took her Zship to look at the tube
Firstly we had the year of her creation Mister Christian gets elected and we nearly cried with relief until
a year or so later one could hear in his henchman Alistair (another middle aged man suffers 'depression' yes i forget him)
the dawn of the new age of truly spivved up spin....
Faast forward 2008, the sight i wish io had a camera maybe i did of every copy of the London Evening Standard lined up in front of the Underground commuters had a black face on it ....
turns out to be a decade later on actual journalistic analysis the most warmongering re-arming, Commander in Chief of them all....
Mister nuke... moral of the story tell even a would-be MLK he has ... what? power? love? .... and he goes very wonky though i bet he always was...
a lesson to the world: dont just smile and think DEI or whatever is lovely... they have to be held to account.
But when in small fireside gatherings of 20 years ago talking about manifesting goody goodness you couldnt even say
to the fake Greens
of Hay or wherever..
the 'bliss' brigade, the fraudulent crowdfunders to be.....
of course the first thing they 'femenine'ly say is " you cannot say that.."
a real "human" knows you can't trust any of the rest...
unless they saw the light... reformed, changed... grew out of their hell.... especially now the world saw the first fake MLK CinC.... ..i have a dream .... to ... what exactly? possibly one of the most wonky 'leaders' ever and thank GOD Michelle was rightly binned ..... i think that would have been even worse its not as if she didn't have the CHOICE into the 2010s to tell Barack under the duvet " you decree one more silo full of nukes or ten more batallions off ebay and no more rumpy pumpy ever for you Mister ferkin Pressie as i aint bein any bully boy's prosy....i AM pure!"
nope tries to autobiographise herself into bein' a nouveau Mother theresa...
all of them from the so called 'Christian' mister ... i cannot even bear to write his name, Ceheri's bloke.... of course she had no choice either - 'human rights' Queen ... didnt know JAck straw was extraordinarily renditioning people to torture and a long painful death ...
no of course she strong 'independent' rights worker .... had absolutely no idea whatsoever....
Anyway back to the point
Yes... ideally one wouldnt have to go through periods of, i bet she was on the game loiterin' around Piccadilly..
And of course it is a justifiable moan " they painted Mick as wonderboy bad boy, but me for lesser charges, as black widow harridan..." but about the only person i would trust almost ever is a REFORMED JUNKY....
ex junkies are it....
to have been in the abyss and got out maketh "human" ...
... as long as.....
ok i think its an almost 'bigger' moment than the first ...(censored.. my terms of endearment HE loved but i guess may be too much) ... in the Office....
I do think it is ion fact a rather momentous moment - sort of the world at last growing up....
Though fair dinkum a rather fabulist ode of fable mixed in with fairy tale
The worlds first ever or at least the world thats in charge ... has its first full on pretty fully fessed-up once vile scabrous full on ex junkie in a fairly top seat...
Its a magnificent moment!
Even if bein yank...ohh i wish theuy would tell their stories FULLY.... actually all the way describing the REAl shame (another 'mental health' key)
..... the smells of shit-dribble caked undies.. the true in"human" utter depths of devianty despair.. the stealing i am quite sure from mummy, and girlfriend and ..(cellmate?) ..... how one came forward from that...
how one the real world....
why the fuck do they always have to say " i found Jesus / god / ... " god its tragic...
(in preparation for maybe the polls ARE right and the Gen Z approach will come to pass... their supposedly favouring one big benign dictator..)
The River Wye just may have been 'saved' 20 years ago if ..(names one day) for example our then neighbour fancy pants rich fake green (political family) .... had 'sworn' ...
as i would as groomer of their BD ... explain... change the constitution just one small change ... ok its wonderful for them "daddy the ex junkie i am sure they know the real stories... gets his chance and did a great speech... " and quite seriously the rich kids often have an even harder job of droppin the big jab ...
But if the constitution were ammended to....and the sky faieie book burnt as it should be (i think i have a right to so offend having wasted 15 months ukltra grooming a serious cancelled once bigjob in the world of Bigchallices... 250 hours on her trying to help her LIVE!!! ...nope she dont understand either 'say what you mean and mean what you say..'.... she will sadly be dead within a year or so, never mind my time and energy she wasted even if it will make a bestseller just our text exchange...)
" i swear on thes pieces of paper in my left hand.... my CHILDRENS BIRTH CERTTIFICATES... that i will.... be authentic"
one small change.... sadly the childless shamans who " well i WANT to make this 'work'.." wouldnt get...
and every fake Green of Hayway just spit at you "you cannot say ..THAT..."
to " do you SWEAR you will come to the next planning meeting to do citizenly duty and resist the polluting development" as your FAkebook preaches you care about...
which is why the wye never had a hope as if some 12 steps down into the even more polluted swamp was written in their bible which failed too...
if you swear on something thats just a dream of course you can blame the devil or whatever....
when you turn out to be inauthentic...
which isnt very well put as the problem with even a milder winters day is 7am ish its colder than 4.30amish so the fingers chill
if i were world BD or at least her backroom brains unlike the most absurd childman ever Cummins, now rebranded as some 'revolutionary' smartie pants ...
There is one first SIMPLE solution to looking for step one.... get peeps to actually take a REAL oath on something real..... . like their "childrens' lives.."
I am quite sure that so called lost 'civilisations' of child sacraficers like even the Incas managed to figure stuff like that ... you gotta hold peeps properly to account...
especially if they are part of the ubiquitous Marches (2005ish and on) or Pastylandhire sybarite invading force " no... politics is for awful smelly not-us people...we will manifest change by ..[watching hair dyed russell Brand brands of lies] ...and good vibes... ... and it is horrendous you would even ponder swearing on Hackney-Moonflower's nature-child existence thats evil...Simon "
which i know full well is why most have bad depressive type mental illnesses...(they ALL claim as soon as the bailiffs are lining up its hilarious!) all that energy in hiding inauthenticity does make you ill in fact....
And....why..... ....DID ....what... they ...performed ... that ... they ....are
so they never WERE
ugggh i dunno even a fine ex junky who one theoretically can trust, crediting 'god'.... is sad
When Britain was great, and The MAriannes, great artists using their MODERN primal spirit to make great art.... and no need for their absurd "twelve steps" up the castle steps to some fairy tale turreted princess's tower .... were indeed the actual pinnacle of modern Post enlightenment Voltairean civilisation
Indeed the longer i mergolate - just for fun and actual on-walk meditation... (none can say " i pledge to 50km a week come what may to keep my body fitter and functyionaler " which is the only way to stay a bit healthy, older..)