Saturday, 15 February 2025

But, lest one be thought unthinking, Solomon certainly doesn't 'chose' one older chosen one


some wise 30ish year olds can be actually wise, thirty years ago beginning to mentally jot ones manifesto and of course one doesnt want to personally 'attack' any chrét... 

(chrétienne as they ...... THEY even stole Virginnie the once great perfect renaissance young woman of my acquaint in my mid 20s...the only phone number in the world i still remember imprinted on my brain 32 27 18 31... gisors... thats not 'dox'in its changed due...upgrade so not valid no more )

But thirty years ago a thoughtful sane person 

oops why has it stolen my formatting ...are the fairies taking revenge?!

my own mental manifesto,  then, having fully enjoyed Islamites in person  - wiser ones..... known for sure Amos OZ about the best modern male writer ... in fact him and Cusk .. then Kushner, the RAchels...about Top of The Pops...

basically " we need a hundred year moratorium on ALL sky fairie waffle especially newer age... "

until we sort out some basics here on this earth, NOW!

And i haven't changed my mind, especially after having 15 years ago ... and 10 even more... just let ,myself be unprejudiced around some carefully let-in   chréts...

tested them ... fully.... for zealotry, infantilisation, and even safe space with kiddies stuff, i joke you never can know...

quite a few, 

And ..... that is a very hard 'and' ... (i am such an unspiritual Miss Anthro mad person who never loses it for a second i could actually qwrite out the equation: about 10,000 hours in 15 years wasted on so many pretend 'Greens' with people pleasing disease or worse, the top creme de la creme ... preaching green but when i asked my then best 'mate' if maybe he should use the bus to go to his supermarket town him getting a tad altzheimers wonky but only occaionally he actually didnt know they existed...ultra atomised do as i say, not do....

I mean even Trump doesnt do all he says....  

last time i ever think of that terrible communicator.

so, about 10. 767 1/2 hrs wasted on fake greens in 15 years.... 11 really went into overdrive ... attempting to encourage guide bolster or just be friends..... 

And about 7,236 3/4* hrs over 15 years  starting with  chréts 

(after at first ASKING father richard for assistance...lying p***o he would perform to be risque...)

" ehhh....your so called good book...let me get my red pen out i usually have on me for this very occasion... ahhahhh page two i shall circle it for you MAtt with your fancy yank big SUV... yes.. and god says look after his garden its there in black and with a red circle around it... and we all know that your boss doesn't take too kindly to being...disobeyed..tends not to end well.. i care and live in eternal smiley HOPE for even you.... so thats one way to save your own pathetic little one... ."

errata i never met one who had one..

anyway 100 times at least i have genuinely befriended  chréts cos if you make a funny ironic WRY comment to a 'new age' reiki/ energy/ nespeak zealot they run away crying, if not to the cops, to the oracles asking for a special 'insight' shamanic or otherwise how to...kill you (me)

at least with the  chréts they allow debate in fact i have heard many quite good jokes from them...

(one of my boxes has material ion it especially the way BBC marchant in public slandered ..later)

 long long good real human banter...duels.... some even quite sexy...

in short partly REAL "HUMAN" whereas every vudu infec ted i-dont-wanna-be-a-cleaNIN'-LADY 

would be spiritual guide workshop owner...

cannot, be "human" ... unless you maintain EXACTLY the frequency of manifestly dull 'vibration's they resonate through their fakebook

otherwise they call you the star of Groundhog day (rated as one of the best ever love stories in fact)

Anyway.... free speech...yes.... but any country that still plays this weasel worded  thing of its  utterly separate from the 'state' but is so so lost to these truly problematic "i must save my soul" lot (christianity 75 years ago was more focused on REAl good works on this earth 'now' even if still deranged)

so, her above... has been given an Oval office worktop, too i heard yesterday ....

Nope...Solomon says nope...  


at least not unless there is the REAL story of... how truly poisonous modern day  chrétianity became... eg my  7,236 3/4* hours over 11 ish years of being fairly polite, actually decent... with a fair few and gradually knowing every moment was wasted tpo the worst people pleasing liars on the planet 

who !!!!!! DO !!!!!! nothing EVER...and i DO go to the 'top' - i even had a chief of a local bongobongo church lapping at me a few months ago...

well she didnt block the most sex fiend, adulterous  beautiful messages created and did bluetick rapidly...

which is the same thing

AND she knew i was 'pure'...

 7,236 3/4* - first time one went to yooessay it was that - so called land of the 'free' never mind loads of states you get arrested for showing yer tits IN YER OWN BACK GARDEN!!!!

it is that obsession with exact numbers - not only can they NEVER think less is more, but can NEVER say "about half my waking hours for a decade.."   they can ONLY communicate in the big numbers to the exact number is a true mental illness so interesting i never heard anyone even notice...

Anyway.... when Britain really was  a little bit 'great' .. in the 80s we had learned to forget religion even existed..... only the commies and then Britain seemed to have got that bit of being 'modern' right....

oh well how sad never mind....

But it won't end well.... 

At least ... there are some new actually funny things to laugh at ....