XXX * though simplify audio has bits missing still in notepad.
XXX and i must not forget a philosophical bag of dynamite in the can that surely argues fully how absurd the concept of 'shamanism' is...
The point: if one briefly even gets to know or relate well to the quite a few 'wild swimmers' of these coves, mainly women, and the supermodel, usually fairly early in the morning - ordinary to well off peeps, then when one has to, by dint of splendid TIME-saving necessity for three years bathe al fresco all winter .. then one doesnt feel somehow lesser....
I am just as sexy as even the chief supermodel mermaid (who isn't one as anyone says to me they agree with my letter to the school on poisoning kids without the usual default " ohh you are manifesting bad energy.. thats not the way to complain about schools poisoning kids the way to do it is manifest only positive vibes into the universe as thats ... blahh blahh") is an actual REAL human being and i like them especially as especially as 'Wellness'-Workshop-on-Sea, Pastylandshire... they are few and far between....and two i know come here!)
So ones esteem or call it what uyou like is so so all in the mind and simplifying is finding stories or themes in conjunction that almost get around the standard ordinary dull bourgeois construct especially in a region so (SO SO SO) conformist.... as C1 agrees....