coming here soon... wrong word - silly Gwerkians use words like that, there is only one 'licensed' ... by
Well someone with a brain actually being a tad sceptical about 'Buddhsim' (oh what true joy to be thrilled by those words from her streetcorner preaching at the already converted and written a million words about it all over 15 years) - the reason why Gwerk and other shitcreeks like The Wye are shitcreeks.. " leave it to someone else to zen it into being clean rather than do the hard ferkin work to battle property owners and the usual Sadducees and pharisees .. like MPs and Green party conwomen.. errata con COUPLE even if she was titular top teat sucker taker ...... who are on the take from the developer.... never mind point out that if you happen to be a Rohingya 'muslim' you know the reality: they were rather more into the violent genocide side of Buddhism than the ohhhhhmmmmm
uglyhashtags: even that one.. i realised she must have a serious psychospiritual rent so as to have rented SO much of my time over a year...with nothing ever in return...and she is meant to be able to preach to others whatever the bear false witness one was... probably gets a fat pension for her time wasting others time, not meaning what she said...
ehhh.... the meaning of life
ehhh... on The Way.... no one else to talk to or with
ehhh... oh a few nuclear bombs i will have forgotten too
which means half an hour max...i am god of multitasking and always keeping to my plan
substack audio
SO SO easy anyone can do it with a few clicks and even absolutely no spare battery power - so super hurried no aforethought ...and the shittiest little computer ever made
Modern day Mammonism (loads of other audio i have skipped over for now) see link below for 'show' notes... exactly: all became just for show.. especially a 3rd new tribe of Mammonites just discovered
Indeed the point - i hate it when i forget that i have been so impressed by ONE of them knowing what Mammon means...symbolically... I mean i was rivetted... it was like looking into her sunshine close up.... perfection - nature at her very pinnacle of what it was all invented for... and no idea if we are tangoing around a serpent on the floor or not... because no one impresses ME with their rhetoric.. except Malala and a few other brown folk...
But.. because of SO many perhaps stuck in the newly discovered third tribe oof Mammonites taking up so much of my precious time... i forgot. And was ashamed.... I had failed in THE one thing i hold dear to remember the great words of another, and thus became like all the rest - butterfly brained... [seemingly] insincere and not meaning what i said when i said... well, someone knows....
Anyway the show must go on....
ehhhmmm...oh yes whilst i cannot yet upload the REST of my great summer videos walking with a great tan and rarely much but a loincloth....
word pictures - i was struggling to ponder where...someone is with 'it' all...
and i cannot even flip over to The tube (she used to great effect yestereve.. few little youtube things impress me.... that did)
only link
to one of the truest greats
i love the 'mystic' but am never paying any entry fee... nor price...
And have yet to meet anyone who can ever explain any of it.. that's the deal in my book
And also no idea why one may strive to be 'moral' or.. act for the 'common good' .. you dont get clues even as to what the deal is in my MORE mystic book...
But one thing i do know.... there are levels of being on the cross... a bit like her rightly decried Buddhism...
but never as she screamed " i am not a martyr.."
funny that as i think theyre a bit daft unless for one ultimate cause... ones progenies, half the consumerists round here to barren to...bear... and i never said a word...martyrism doesn't impress me nor should it; it just is.... (my my someone must have got to her..)
sometimes a possibility of as i said to the one a few days ago.... ref Dith Prahn...
so word picturing how to word picture, say ... different levels of elevation to zennish acceptance its all a bit wonky... and smiling in the face of mankind to rarely use A N Other's words...
what may the one of the top cross - elevation wise ....well earned his "birds" eye view..... shout out cos he can....
" you down there... best thing about bein' up at this level of enlightment... the pain is lessened a damn good eyeful down your smock.... give em a wobble wont yer ... "