Sunday, 8 December 2024

grace part 2

 ....but not really

Even if ...without wishing to come over as pious and earnest as quite simply they do not work...

(Even The Pasties are preachin' an extreme version of humanity 

with his "solitary confinement" pity me!) 

Only quietude and simply staying unmoved by any attack ..IF one is lucky enough to know what an 'absolute' is. (grace under pressure is: i am not sure anyone understands this  since the fake spirituals of Buddha polluted the river with  nothing as they say nothing....about how to live here as 'living'

 also means growing up so you may join the council or  some other club and tell them "you are just being don't ever DO anything, new..")

an absolute being good psychological journeys through life  for kids...all, any, creed or colour or whatever... that is an absolute aren't i lucky to have at least tried to 'take part' in improving..

There aren't many absolutes.   And all we will have for decades more is an absurdist 'argument': Elon will invent spaceships to zoom all the pollutants and hot air out into space and dump it safely....  no he won't so we better  build windmills."

Both erroneous well in fact #1 may indeed turn out to be a better bet; but a far better bet is use less, take your kids out of Nazi school because the teachers don't even tell the kids to look after (her page 2) and TURN OFF light switches or computers when finished with.... (as my interview  midsummerish with vanwoman who worked for years in schools confirmed - though she EVEN more the problem as all she did was turn it into virtue signalling emotion for those collected around her)  

 So we wouldn't need windmills is they did  (windmills require a MASSIVE resource and energy component in building their components and then the new wiring required )

But above all NO ONE .. especially not Greens, can manage simplest decent quiet rhetoric " perhaps as was many years known the precautionary principle may be useful"

As it may be discovered that even MORE damage is done to  the animal biome  - all of them... by tit milk filled with reused prozac from the waters or   the one animal that pees in its own watercourse as a matter of course...

'global warming' and associated industries pollute and thus just winding ALL back so as to firstly prevent pollution - co2 arguably just another form... was always the only message they forgot ...

blahh blahh.... 

But i don't know if ANYone ever tells a real 'truth',  so that comes first ... 'practicing what you preach [or people please, parrot]'

I litterally don't know....  

two years ago

someone said " i like the sunshine too"

the only one i did believe.

But then seeing, was believing 

middsummer last pretty white as a (born again virgin's) sheet...


All i know that grace is yes (maybe i can better define one day if i ever have decent nutrition i doubt)

.. as i said " i changed lore... in America head office of all your discochurches...  they say 'sunshine the best disinfectant'.. [ ok i slightly paraphrase so she knows who i refer to] but i realised after a few years the sunshine i brought in to the system in fact had an opposite effect to that desired: made the baddies' skins thicker.. they were almost MORE cruel and unjust to poor fairly innocent parents.." I did more harm than good....

Based even on an 'absolute'  - they are rare... the eco one ok Elon's drones may have swarms of every-molecule-of-pollutant we can munch supoer nano drones inside and problem over.... so looking after Her planet may be not a 100% absolute....

fuck badly with a kids head no drone fixes it ...absolute...

But anyway... I have no idea... does ANYone ever mean what they say especially as getting a bit of winter sunshine is even more important as its rarer...

I have no idea....  grace is ...well, 'pitying' someone is not very gracey....  merely playfully prodding them to be what they say they are...but in Britolin that often can get you arrested saying anything grown up....  and there's not much point in that....

So i reckon leave it at the End Times are already here when no one at all ever means what they says even the I love sunshine babes...

But a rewrite would be desirable as it's time for real sticks, not flimsy horesman and theirs: the end times actually keep goin' on forever and ever...unless YOU yes youtoo... be other.... 

and set an example by winter suntrap bathing for my youtube channel...

there is almost always somewhere ... but they're ALLways "busy" .... and not one got an actual sense of humour....

grace is just giving up....absolutely

 done ones best