Friday, 13 December 2024

Environmentaling (parasiting)

This post to be improved later if i EVER find a reliable ally who might just have a plug to use her awful sick local madpeople make the libraries almost unusable impossible to concentrate)

especially the what to say at environmental meetings thing...


i have a recording of someone saying it nicely " may we consider always suggesting car share as item 1 on any agenda" at a narcissistic hairdye obsessed extinction rebellion gathering 2019... they just hissed at the notion of letting someone else in their car who may not have the same hairdye habit as them

there is no hope

ohh yes... Horrorfordshire... Pastylandshire all over you see this its always the same " my dad's a great bohemian great potsmokin eco lovin guy bought us a place in the's so cool livin' in nature..." 

But he forgot to show them how to keep a bicycle protected from the elements or...fixed.... he's so busy being such a great guy....


i love this walk but forget it you've no idea ever where you are
with anyone


what is it REALLY about: 

" ehh... the pipes are so lazily maintained .. there is pollution - chemical crap coming out down on THE saints way...."

overheard in the village store perhaps

" YOU CAN'T SAY THAT...what's ee sayin'.....  my cousin works for the council and looks after this patch.... its types like im we need to give a bloody good hidin.." 

Theyre less likely to say if they know there are a few seen around together who do say the reality

(always the case in the provinces which ARE "the environment" local bully boys rule the roost who dont want THEIR shoddy workmanship even to be discussed.."

The only good thing about yet another green self obsessive
10 years supported - though too scaredy cat to say much 'publicly' as a building expert  a decade ago at least he told my camera that the UK builders are THE problem - slapdash lazy and always failing to do the best job that may just ensure reasonable environmental protection / benefit

and he consulted on eco to The House of Lords

except forgot to also learn 'solidarity' means always

two "birds" with one stone time...

But to get here - to a the time one negotiates the lost and lonely and fizzy... my dawntime words have fizzled too no power...

No not a poor little bird and anyway parasite a nasty word for symbiosis which almost all animals always are engaged in and i am sure "birds" been befriending "human" for aeons...

Millions of years....

these however (I FORGOT ONE BLOKE. TOO!! ) 

are not symbiotic as they never give ANYTHING in return...all just take in their loneliness

(the one that did matter Cl*** ... " Clare your kids go to the school a few km away from the site of slaughter.... if i even smacked  their lovely  mum's bum in friendly jocularity....and they heard of me being arrested for sex crimes they would rightly say at dinnertime ' nasty man in the clink for sexcrimes against my poor mam...shame on him' but surely the genuine crime up in the hills if they knew the shameful burying young badgers alive crimes they would also feel shame and require the same application of the law...."

" ohh i can't say anything and no if they were arrested for carrying a lethal JCB in their pocket with intent to bury young wild animals alive.... and anyone down the school heard i helped would be bad for my kids there... the kid on the next desk maybe his dad one of the contractors arrested would be bullied..."

" ohhh...... [ i thought you had a brain ..and had read one propper book as you suggested - man y of them are about simple 'morality'... often double standards.... say, Silas.......only reason we had friendly chatted with your kids quite as often..] ..... " no point saying anything in this land of The Blind,  Teletubbies on allay their self pity


don't be fooled... this is NOT a nice region


this for a few years from a decade ago  was truly dangerous (the webpage the nice version)

 1000+ hors unpaid work not even a bowl of stew...quite alone...and WORKED

2015 a local planning gatheration of 50 nimbies ... "no cheap housing in the scheme ...we don't want... but want cheap housing even less!  as it will bring blacks and single mothers" [sic] .. two years later a local neighbourhood plan referendum actually voted FOR my proposals....  less executive housing for coke dealers from afar or their instagram black range rover brigade so called ex wives running away with a dollop.... some pleb housing; and LESS overall  than the developer demands as it  would impinge on the nearby important nature reserve (no one else even noticed!.. ) 

not one person EVER worked on the politicians.. money men.... all behind the scenes at great danger

and ALL the local birds just hissed... especially the REALLY BAD MUSICIAN'S one who actually lived opposite and had the most to lose... and did nothing but HISS....

no solidarity ever...ever 

i have the chronicle. fully saved and is a parable ort even few chapters of a bible.... if you actually care (about one)  go all the way... that is your duty...even if she's been stoned into silence

And need a home for it when i expire from...boredom they all just parasitise... so often - over a decade,  i have nothing to eat

Righty ho.....

Above... Bridge Across Forever. The great book: Leslie and Richard as they were a solid couple stood up against a local baddie developer wanting to destroy a nature rich place by their new good life house in the hills

Had they been single they would not have dared...

Fourty years ago ...actually 43

at Green meetings

" you ugly lot... good to see as many men as women gatherated... RULE NUMBER ONE all meetings we ask prod blackmail... please car share...lift share... but that is two birds one stone... your lonely neighbour who wouldnt perhaps drive to a meeting himself..never mind he cannot get through the evening without a spliff or beer.. go and tell him to come along he may have some fun and can be driven..

The neighbour 2 km away you utterly despise the sight of her awful bad musician should-be-banned-Oyster of a  husband... and she hisses... put aside YOUR ego and go and knock on their door ' do you care about chicken sheds invading' or whatever else....  if you are an environmentaIST you keep an address book and every single eco gathering you go through EVERY name no matter if they do a different kind of 'ultraest mindful non duality meditation' like Sam HArris shows off with....  you message email ... but always both as only children just email they may go to spam so you email AND message them [ did you get my email just checking due spam filters] ....

YOU GO THROUGH ALL CONTACTS IN THE REGION who have ever expressed a BIT of eco concern...and no matter what your PERSONAL feelings you ask them if they need a lift .... or are lonely and maybe theres some bird also lonely at the eco gathering you tell him about her or vice is verso.... ANY WAY you can get bums on seats....

is your first  duty no matter what ... 


no matter what you matter if s/he threatened to... whatever they threaten

there will always be more petrol heads to nature  likers...

so every single one of the latter can be bribed lied to coerrced even slightly take part you cannot do hiding behind FAkebook you have to do in person.... 

every single one..

is noticed

especially down the pub - say Bredwardine way....

" ehh up ... that chicken shed we are plannin' ...ehh .... i got the cheap concrete lined up... that'll start leakin' in five years well be long gone by then.. hahh hahh someone else's problem.... ehh but some little bird told me there were 100 at the anti-chick meeting down' road...sounded like a right luv-in  ehhhhh..... look we've got a full order book for years...maybe we should go and put up that one over Presteigne way first...none of them 'Greens' there ever even say boo to a goose theyre so fake....  whatdyer think.... leave this site tell em we've bird flu...and go do the other first.... less hassle.."

Ohh i havent even started... they REPLIED

but...i need alllies to work on what next

problem is 95% i meet are mental cases (by all rational objective measure)

ALL projects for a decade ONLY about reasonable shared use of  some land with it in mind to find those who may MEAN what they say and also be careful to enhance nature

but they don't ever.... keep at it. Ever. 

Butterflies. Why all the butterflies are dead or dying (much film from this summer still to share)

Anyone wants that real story stick in to funds link above no one ever does ... but i plod on at least whom it is for... i know is a finest mind in her own right. 

I have never heard before (2/3 of life in the land - around many  smallholdings etc  " my vegetable crops seem to really be in trouble this year yields way down... i think it is because the pollinators seem to have collapsed in numbers"

i have twice this last year.