Tuesday, 3 December 2024


now.... 'inspired' wrong word but

someone i met is a fighter... i saw it in her eyes..

'causes' are  weird these days....

so much spin ad PR and ghosting

You get one ongoing which may be as seemingly scatterbrain as this...


which isn't scatter anything except scatter TRUTH... reality (there is more to add into the above)

Ans sometimes...as in a few days ago..... you get an email.... which really really they shouldn't have... ghosting is so much more death-ray....

works....even on me...

And proves that....someone took note....  and knows your 'cause' is valid enough to try and spin me back....

which will be published, too..soon... 

too much ongoing as i had thought some recent bolsterees were..... well that they meant it...

even if on 'causes' THE most important manifesto point of all is EACH DAY IS A NEW DAY...

just cos someone ignores or whatevered you the day before (one cannot read minds  even if Gwerkian shameful ones pretend that's a real thing ... )  today they could change their mind and get on the job...or book...or .... (flip the Porthleven one what a year of my life she wasted thinking that one word was real...her funeral...cos not doing causes stated is a surefire cause of earlier death.... and getting fat... REAl causepeeps stay slim as without a doubt the brain munches at least 40% of calorific intake..and a real cause requires some time of figuring at least " dare i say that to her she pretended to care but will she gossip down her pub/farmersmarket/ yogaclass...?? even if i said it was private...so i better tell her only 65% of the actual truth.... cos without a helpmeet you ever can..trust anyone.. - the rules of humanity the absurd yogaknitters seemed to think they would utopianly opiate munch their way out of..... nope... humans are kindof fixed.... "..... i can never put on weight no matter how many packs of biccies being stuck eating sludge for reasons of economy whist on causes )

someone properly engaged on a cause they believe in.. if receiving a call from someone who has pratted around for months (i discovered 07 ish...) ...well they have their issues.... but if they make a new call " ehh right ready now what can we DO.."   it is only the last word that matters, especially if someone has let you (the cause) down one hopes that a new reengagement  will be more solid in that they have risen above their own previously ghostly behaviour and now today mean what they say...

as one needs allies in causes.... or just someone to make good jokes from the sidelines about even the " entitled"  cos folk with 'causes' can be really dull...a bit myopic ad in "human" .....and only LAUGHS keep you going (few can listen to even that advice, so i give up)

(eg wonderful Helen of Loach's McLibel  - bad film as he failed to even hint " Helen if you had somehow also made some way of having a LAUGH as you battled in court ...[ i did often once went in to see and talk with a big judge  wearing VERY summery shorts and bright Hawaiian top just to make a point..i would never have worn such in public but... blahh blahh... ' your stupid dark buildings.. stupid unnecessary legal cases... all should be out at the beach today midsummer... ' ] .. Helen quite correctly in despair at the tyranny.... but maybe had you mixed in some Full Monty or even Monty Python kind of humour... or filled your official court statements with lines from Dylan...just for fun....  you may not have nearly become very seriously ill from exhaustion half way through..."...oohhh it also gives you far better body language which is ALL there is: the one who is seen stood upright tits out shoulders back as he talks to the judge.... generally wins as the judge knows he believes in himself....inside... his innate sense of  natural justice tweaks his tits.... gets em pointin'  the direction: onward...no matter what.. .) 

This as it happens the REAL tragedy of PAstylandshire...except the way it clearly ruined a "warrior"...all she could do was say it into her silly device theyre all addicted to...( i di love joking with the hacved one yesteraft and showing her two stage verification - turn it off you have nothing anyone would want to steal anyway.... and an extra bit... )..my my... the postures here... 99% shuffle rather tha walk their streets....  all conned by their ow PR " poor us we are a poor region..." sorry Western Herefordshire 25 years sad base far poorer...not as many rich incomers to manipulate  via " poor us pity poor poor us.." much richer here plus in fact some functional family left here when 75% of The Marches at official (money land) war with theirs... 

But i met one who ... " he is a joker they voted for a joker so... they reaped what they sewed.."  what a FINEST REAL woman.... when all the rest of her nation warmed up their sweet little begging bowl... "its an act you know..i know what theyre really like..I did read Borderlands...and also have personal experience... bloody lethal ... behind the smiles...we had one of you ran the supposed 'Steiner' kids group in Hay 25 years ago..... i knew her VERY well....i listened to her familial wasteland.... she never even bothered with a kind word for mine.... ran off to the church years later having spent years entirely against that pseudeia organisation as we all were... .... just cos her new meal ticket was a so called warden ... absolutely no principles whatsoever... thats what 'charity' causes within anyone...nope all must be JOINT mutual benefit.... ever just one way"

" you are...right..." that  takes a big woman.

slightly weaving together....initially

these years of waffle and 

even if my only  'cause' is to roll out some good stories,  for example L*... her story 2019... as we clip clopped along 

" so....you Laura are just the most wonderful lovely fine REAL woman ..... and a grown up who puts me on the officially abused and traumatised huge muvva fucker PJ nineteen hand when i TOLD you i hadn't ridden a nag for 10 years...  you naughty girl not doing what i ask..not pandering to my stated in many texts 'vulnerability'..... and finding me a small docile one...and only telling me it is a mad fucker once we have been riding a while and i have cracked it again.... thanks.... so you would make the best mother ever,..'get back on no matter what'! ....... why have you not bred?... you breed great nags...  and the joke is on you as well as now i really can show off i am not a hippy hunt sab i said i was i can ride the famously mad fucker  as good as you as you can see...not just a pretty face, or nice bum you see cycklin' off afront of you ion the lanes.... ehh.... .. anyway i don't get you...you are perfectly mature and common sense ...why no kids?. "

" because...i am selfish...clip clop.... there is NO way i could take a year off.. as i said to you my friend she had damaged her foetus falling off... i simply couldnt STOP for a year... summer showjumpin.... winter huntin'.... nothin' is going to stop that.... year in year out routine i love and i am too  selfish to stop ...for a year...."

" ohh i love you for being so famously radiantly beautiful  without any beauty products at all clip clopping along my lanes.....and  smelling of manure heaps....AND so beautifully honest about yourself... good we know where the gateposts are with you at least.."

Two years later (her whatsap photos to me i near fell off my .... 

Anyway thats a LIFE AFFIRMING  - humans are twats with their 'choices' story, the world needs to know about...as she knows too...