Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Baldies can be beautiful

 Now... yet another Ayn Randist... poor Megyn - nice spelling if i had a granddaughter i would put it into the hat 

But talk about the most dangerous of them all them pretty faces trading on nothing to say (except I WANT MY STUFF AND MONEY TO LOOK SEXIER THAN I COULD EVER BE) , but saying it with such sex appeal 

even the devil can bring someone - humanity...a real virgin born child gift

via her superb baldie - he made me cry with his beautiful cheeky satirical jokeyness...i wanna go and be his aide!

A real "human" at last....

On.... " well even her dad says in public that she's [in reality] ...making it up..."

That's a REAL father for you 

so lets hope one other father can get up on his Christmas day and look his children in the eyes and feel ALL man

But rite a song one day: a whole generation of unfathered grotesques.... no one sent them the message 20 years ago .... 

My lass's too.... needed to hear ... but all they heard was fairy tail

tell lies ...try and destroy a man.... a real one...and you should have your sad little bottie smacked even if progressed people dont use the spank but.... there needs to be SOME consequence or.... what do they do courtesy of Starmersatan or whatever iteration of it all right fuckedup

if folk are allowed to get away with perjury.....  someone turns into the monster... a rule of life the silly CAnadian and his silly bible sillily... fails to tell y'all what a man is and women are just the same

There's only morality.

Don't lie 

'tsall we got.

And some can persist like a pollutant in the river Wye for decades

'justice' i don't believe in but artistic resistance would be ....even if she voted for the same old nonsense protecting what exactly via her Kamala madwoman

she should commission an opera: 

history in the making part 1.....  succumb to sad young women making up lethal sad porkies ..(Nick the fantasist adding in some equality) not never was 'feminism'  and thank god my REAL man stood up  against it ....and didnt write the cheque...

i need to be naturalised...even if you need a flack jacket there against the mad bullets sprayed around by even the fifteen year old girlies......cos this society 

has no hope

never mind them's

(even the other Meghan blowin a fuse on the they them lot)

even the Serbian "warriors"  sold out to ..Disney 

rather than Bee a cleanin' lady

" who do you think you really think you're in control...." no one ever sang it so good and with true EARNED genius, not on someone ese's coattails, but her perfect pins and real dance.... - prob she had a dadtoo who taught her right from rong.... in others.

the fishnetts 


the perfect body you get from actual "bodily justice"

(little Kamala errors aside)

And all this sceptic aisle does is pimp fuckin snake oil from Glastonbury into her shitcreek  not even worthy of 'pagan'  their shaman shennanigan any old rag to avoid actually bein' moral...

and of course never findin' real art in anythin' "relatin'" to nuthin' except.... avoidance of REAL life here and NOW...

Leanin' to be  an adult.

(as the childmen in Glastonbury attire and cowboy hats gather around.. Cowgirl attire is see is so!) 

several days of waffle to go into next playlist about life aint a game 

unless you are Italian

who couldn't know the rules as theyre lost in.. the most definition of 'decadent' ever...

.to be cont