
Saturday, 30 November 2024


 that works, at least.

And a great new atch. Where one would least expect.

AS i said - 'shared' - i don't think the wussiness will be nuked away for many years yet....   " luv i need to tell you about your new wellies... I am a countryman though very sophisticated so don't talk down to me with the 100% superior good life sought southern Home counties woman here that makes EVERYone so dysregulated...I saw they were Dunlop well after 2 years on a pair with holes in i managed to be ripped off again in more ways than one 6 weeeks ago and ended up with a new pair of my preferred calf for winter walking.... 50 km ....and i think the soles  have already worn through... no one has any soul left in this turgid swamp of a people pleasing only atomised dump of a land.."

" i agree.....and  thats why i am buying my fifth bottle of Lidl wine this week and...  just switch off and .."

Which is of course why  she will be as ripped off as I... tio actually fight for 'rights' or to have the Trades Descriptions act applied

(so clever these 'mindful' or shaman or yoga therapy... i mean this is so so old hat even if all they lust for is a new £100 cowboy hat... every sweet tart in UK went on an 'aromatherapy' course in the late 80s when they got divorced  ...i often think of the sweetest of all who at least was a real woman and knew the equation in that department... b ut to think of herr ...aroma... therapising anyone is a magnificent Wagnerian opera...

Anyway as that whole gig developed into the ONLY gig in town because unless you want to be a cleaning lady or work in Lidl must sell 'services'.... where the Snake Oil Act is as fluid as their ability to answer texts messages or anything.... unless it PROFITS them while looking for the latest distant prophet on their late night lonely Youtube...

'services' bering a bit more slippery when it comes to suing or engaoling for the big con... I care the old horsewoman of  FREE 'therapy'   set up only by one person DESPITE them all...and only in fact for one person.. the greatest failure in history...

But the old one on speed  - actually her freezer...had also been conned so she said near £20 grand on herbal / energy 'remedies' for her many complaints...

All in her mind due a terrible childhood...

I know i took the time to ACTUALLY therapise..talking and doing.. saving her life a bit when NO one else cared (she was self harming herself down below 7 one else noticed even all so so so full of THEMselves..)

Anyway i am sure of only one thing. 

Three rings

With the most sublime silver grey thatch

She not only is the only one who seems vaguely 'human' ... she NEEDS a chalice up her bum .. nand is the ONLY one i have met who says sher walks too and i trust her to mean it..

say what you mean and mean what you say seemingly not something they taught even in  the prtimary schools of the SE... dont write 'and SW' as the SW is ONLY SE social mores...and many of them are really nasty cocaine fuelled  cos thats what London became...

i not some wuss who hid away ... quite the reverse until  thirty years ago finding the ONLY way...