
Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Top of the 'list':

 sins, incoherence in the glitchy thing.

fables (i am good at them)

Yogi tea Bag aphorisms;

The Ineffable...

Well i need nothing but a little good conversation, and someone who consistently likes and is sane enough to know that walking maybe 20 km a week... minimum, almost EVERY week even when there are shotguns or rotting hulls or ....(gee whizz " her face was trorn off by a missile" is still haunting me)..  is the best of all modes to keep MINDBODY -  THEMIX...tip top 

Simple rule for life one of a couple rather than the silly man's Twelve...:

when one knows for a FACT that in the unfortunately most poorly educated county in the whole of Britolin (absolute inability to get kids into reading any books much - for decades..many have told me, and really duff 'emotional intelligence' ),  and the influx of sybarite 'healer'lites..from the SE (avoiding bein' a bogscleanin' bloke for a real job) . warping the whole culture... does have a major damping down upon ANY intellectual investigation or rigor...

Add on the ... now this must not be 'offensive' and a much sweeter word than bimbo i really do think was the precursor (even if as i told her and she was so interested "bimbo was first used for men in QE1's court").. we would say in the days when language was not a tool to cause division (of the sane and the 99% infected by Gwerk variant of Manifestin' Eckheart Mermism) 

'dolly bird' was a kind of kindly enough phrase for someone a tad lost to the fashion mags or  in the early 80s what would it have been? hmm... overcompensation.. for a dodgy dad..or... any way out of a dump town i still remember Sally's younger sis so blatantly gettin' in the back of the older blokes motor get out...and we though Sally the one who used her body to get what she needed...

Mrs ..or Miss i guess... done up to the nines... almost every single one of my radar pings...

In fact i wouldnt even bother turning on my radar

(unlike with the sneaky below the horizon ones in my performed poemy thing next)

That book we know what is inside her cover..

Though i was surprised at Pastylandshire born' n bred..AND teen  - not to far off preteen too, breeding the next generation, too...

IS....  not seems... we part an hour later her legs up to the mini skirt or was it hot pants...armpits actually... pimplin up... smiley her: (a real one too) " and to think we met in Lidl" ...

(me merely repeating my unpublished poetical from sun: " tesco they are 60p 59 p but here...i was a single parent for years and actual real person doin' things in society never a penny to spare i know the price of everything for many a it seems they somehow manufacture OUT the food in their food and the 59p cheaper version somehow is 30% less nutrition than the 60p one amazing how they mix cardboard into food here..  fuckem life is too short".. similar lines...) 

I told her the ONLY list i vcare about...near an hour in ....i must remember her short-cut language for bein' the avatar who actually has a human driver that was good too rather than all the "zombies all the rest of them as they in and out swarm around us.. me and you" )


In one short cut judging books by inside not outside...

 Only one in 18 months (my free form meandering goes back near a decade fact maybe only one EVER) 

Has beaten me in the joust ... at the jost

cracked  windscreen

pole position at Lidl front door

 her fabulous long ones irrelevant... 

 The endless gawpers gawpin at the two of us deep in the most passionate ever Socratic debate

That wasn't debate

merely two equals.

At it like ferrets ina  sac...

Factoring in twenty years less maturity

I simply have never encountered such a  perfect communicator

 " and.. they are all hitching a ride off [ him or each other just hitchers].."

was genius. Not a bit of genius, real total and utter genius... 

especially when she gets to her list..

" [forget TAte] but Jordan  Gabor blahh blahh into Eckheart..."

" sadly yes even shetoo.. fake seer fake knower no one knows but WEknow.. they are all wrong it doesnt work.... you however... are for real....and your beautiful scepticism yes Freud Jung old hat 

as you say... get a new fuckin hat, world.... ..."

[ she shocked me too yestermorn, it has to be said Naomi Campbell level of sexy skinny smiley sluttiness,  yet she remembered our long chat 6 months ago when i told her go screw Porthleven xmas mart an absurd  real full on... Harrods on sea...inclusive of drugged up fat pervs too... " yes i remember you saying" ..floored me]  


Dolly the 'bird' 

Pastyshire born 'n fed

on nothin' but 

sourness moanin' and... i don't care

 quite likely has the best mind i have ever met...

" do something more important

 as YOU ARE 

than go and do your hair"

She knows i don't lie

Nor tart about nor charm or flirt

And wetwo

 know " you maybe could be that new hat ..."

i have never met such a finest mind... combined with superb SIMPLE but nuclear tipped  communication skill

combined with something else


hmmmmm... that wasn't planned