
Sunday, 24 November 2024

The greatest true chatup line in history

 MANY actual examples soon, even if they live in landlope:

" dont talk to any silly Britolite men they all think Europeans are as described online... none having lived loved inseminated even impregnated worked lost engaoled[dignity]... there... they make up rubbish...take you lovely Krauts for example.. in my early twenties having coffee in a German square for a living.. chatting with young krauts by FAR the most Enlightened in Europe and often i would drop in to the chat...then...'you are the most enlightened no doubt ..unlike not-too-far off neighbours still deciding what the menu is for the BBQ sauce .. be they serb croat still in a fix..or Italians with all their very very brutal anal porn almost by i am told [fact i never look]...  or Spanish blessem utterly lost  Franco such a thorn in everyones side still.... you lot LEARNED your lesson and its even taught in schools.....' and it WAS your truth because no one stood up to slap me or in fact complained every single young Kraut i ever met of many in the 80s 90s... was a real 'HUMAN' and took it well and added in their stories of how this was indeed their real life ... " sad the one i liked i see is even more expensive exclusive sales operation as she ages... anyway mistake, she wears sunglasses... thats my Maginot line in fact...

And rawdyes her hairy hair... so so expensive keratase ( i belive it is called - the hundred quid hairdo)  young looking

The disease she caught even in shithole town of The MArches the bourgeoisification is complete as her alone i had 'hope' in...

There is no hope.

And never was.

And then.......

So yes i said " it hasnt made me happy" ..i have pondered why i said that.. 

It is kindof true a real truth...  

there's no success like failure and failures no success at all is all very poetically well (and can be an addiction, yes true) 

Perhaps a better line would be 

i shall continue

(to think of it)

for now... chattin' up REAL walking krauts all summer, with not flattery but truth....  " you learned from your booboos.... "  actually works...

That is what a truth-based society is. 

sane? Enlightened? 

Indeed just "human"