
Saturday, 16 November 2024

THE 'environment' - and how Hay Presteigne Totness Gweek Stroud etc... sprayed toxic piss all over all of it with their Pixie language

 THE 'environment' (and why all of Hay-on-Wye and the Wye Valley,  and 99% of the BBC is a polluted toxic swamp part 1 of 2)

substack audio 1 yesteraft

THE 'environment' (and why all of Hay-on-Wye and the Wye Valley, and 99% of the BBC is a polluted toxic swamp part 1 of 2)

refs  - a few to do

headline item...

but i think her TODAY Today did an even snider job..

XXX find interview few years ago where he quite rightly is angry that the highest levels of science monitoring are corrupted..

that was one of the particulates of the 1% good bits of the BBC

the other  making up the 1% are all of Bragg...and all of Mike Walker writing

The Pixies.. (of Presteigne...and why all of Hay-on-Wye and the Wye Valley, and 99% of the BBC is a polluted toxic swamp part 2 of 2)

lots or references for this one soon...

INTERESTINGLY - i forgot to mention.. the Marchant video i looked for a month ago...years it was there, reasonably well viewed...

...seems to have disappeared....

the ONLY 'censorship' i find interesting....ever.

REAL 'natural beauty' in these fetid swamplands really is only 'relative' to some egomaniac in the past... naycher wins... will win even The Orangeman... 

twenty years ago for god's sake....

Even her that one fake 'nature' artist... couldn't cos of

 her fuckup

compulsions and all the rest simply polluted all of everywhere... but Hay the MOST fun as they pretend otherwise

Except (as SO many times spoken about especially the last decade on Presteigne High St... " pretending that the local society is special and better than everywhere else... as Marchant and Co made a business of [it maintaining their fat lardarse property prices] REALLY REALLY toxic for any child.... even the yanks managed to make pretty great deep cinema from the 60s about how 'THEME PARKS' never ever ever are good for the soul...or mind or body..[ as all their bodies did display..] " 

Anyway... commandment #1..

Now... i do havre a sort of fan whom i like.. her buisiness used to be .. them... ohh woe, is... not me as 2 days berating her.... "DO IT LUV!! alone may have the backbone.. weildin' the Big Chalice... " well that was yet another (about 7 hrs ) waste of time...
But i never ever look at time as wasted especially the most seemingly wasted
As yet another poor lost lamb cannot ever mean anything said, (on public money in effect) ... is yet another wonderful chapter or fable... except for some months since a summer of Europeans it has all been only with lovely REAL 'energy' inside...not her fake magic wand version...

And the jokes - yes real funnies, i know got funnier..i even have the 'celibate' gosdsquadder sending in smiley emojiis when... she knows that jugulars are for going for..all the the drugs and regional decadent hedonism nearly killed her..

 riffin' just for fun even if always duel purpose....

"this one, lone..i WOULD trust.with their 1.1 billion..."

But always twenty years... no point ever even joking seriously with anyone they all lost their command of any commandment even inside their fizzy heads. the only good one i know...

Basically, shucks.... i need NO more fun diversions... ever!!!

As the funniest even if less drole than the last few days of cancelled bishop baitin'....
For real nourishment 
The only one whom, may actually get her flock ship shape and back on course...

(Welby got 2 skits in Dead ringers lastereve thats almost a record ) 

Rose my pointed fingers to new heights of slamcom... 

But its NOT funny! 

We need real role models for the next generation of REAL women...

Especially as i have a sneak preview of the fact that they ARE there, to my shock.... as i thought it was impossible forever...

And several sources state the 21 year olds are brutal and had enough of all your whole generation of Presteigne style utter cant and vanity  - ALL for grant money...
even once beloved
poise personified in her, Grace
at it