
Sunday, 24 November 2024

Poor Mister Gray....

you could still say "Britolin's Sam Harris..." most prominent public voice

Freddie of Unherd you can almost feel his wood hardening when he gets the Gray man on

Go around the 'people' for nine years being actual Candide but grown up and let them tell their REAL stories...

Even if 21 years ago a magnificent (and shocking) inside


listening to the incarcerated tell theirs..

And many times listening to reality of 

No one gives a shit about Kemi's colour or even sex

No one gives a shit about Jen-oh-cide logistically assisted in Britolin

Everyone...or i would posit about 50% at least of my random encounters in fact 15 years...

Care  - LIVE...  live with

The one thing far more widespread than 'crime' against the person 

(that SO absorbs them they CANNOT 'care' about colour or Jenny revving up her chopper at Gwerk international)

In fact there we go... old man Gray " hang em flog em ...  get tough on 'crime'... "

One small problem

Almost everyone i have ever spoken with - about 1/3 of middle aged men..  other sex catching up in being victim...

Especially vicar sarah of Stowe...or even the Big Challice..[f].

And as i am rather good at playing god and not getting drawn in to too much " he said she said" ... kindof everyone i ever speak with about ongoing family issues...

Accuses the other of false allegations.


I worked in fact for a pretty senior copper in  2018... i fixed their rotten wood .. dug up their invasive species... ragwort if it is one...

over some months.

Despite as usual all law peeps being rather woody... brittle deep down

It was worth it for being around has he came back from the night shift..

" ...  god we had one in this morning...i think this one takes the championship medal..... he came up to my desk saying 'i want to report a HATE CRIME*..' ....very specific he wa....s' ... ok  prey tell..'. 'so these blokes in the pub round the corner   us in there few of us havin' a beer... end sup with one of them punchjin' me..its on cctv... ' .../'ok so i can see the red mark but ehhh.. well why do you so so litigiously with total rights based certainty call it a hate crime../'... ' cos i am gay....' ' ok..... ehhh.. these blokes who hate crimed you in the scuffle.... did they actually KNOW you were gay...?'..."

As America in fact i wonder if Britolin hasn't taken over in pole position...

world champion in the great relay race (passing 'victim's' tales along to politicians .. moans.. and WRITERS even..)

i know for a fact - many interviews.. 

THE worst thing of all or at least first equal with really nasty violence sexual or otherwise...

ask the Bulgarian sweetpea of Leo... she had a whole day of PLod interviews due false allegations made by a jealouis woman employer actually alledging a hammer attack on her...

EVERY single person who knew her was a faslsie... evemn me employing her a day a toughgirl hard days work at my then job...

But she was destroyed...she was her whole universe was warped... " i ran away from my Bulgarian torture adoption home to here and... here i get tortured even more... " 

When you have a pompous influential prat like Gray entirely unable to look for ACTUAL truth..

the most damaging pandemic of my lifetime by far: falsies...

There is no hope. Only Grey Teletubbies in charge...

In their utterly irrelevant ivory towers...

My reflections at least i must get to so i will be believed..

Even if 90% of adult Briolites i speak with do fess up they know i speak

the uncomfy 


* is.... a hate crime gets a bigger payout .. the truly INTELLIGENT Britolites to game everything

and pretend to be label worthy disabled.... when it suits. No one could EVER disentangle truth from fiction[ and i am good!] , so..... 

to be cont