The psychology of simplest living, via my stories of many years truly simplest living. Real ones - not earnest or pious.
Ten years a landloper. Time to tell those tales, too. My permanent one home online started 22 feb 2023.
Start at the beginning (first 'post' - click 'older posts' bottom right hand corner ). Themes are developed and then woven together - a series of regular essays. Some in handwriting; some audio/vid.
ONLY peaceful nice content here. 07958 5263eight1
Thursday, 21 November 2024
(Poland is jam packed full of bombs and planes, fact)
ohh i did that one Nolan... 20241110_103757 the REAL story of why Vlad needs to ponder targeting...
Now...this won't be graceful, yet...
There is only that stuff.
If NO one ever gets to you...ever.
And then the intouchable or un-whatabble....
Goes and changes.
But that is for another day or who knows what..
All i know is that is someone could make 'art' about what actually happened...
They should
And should get a Turner (yes we know 'captured')
It would i have pondered a decade perhaps mix in the endless I-am-better-than-youitis...
(she was interesting on moral maze lastereve hunkered down... " ehh yes well there are plenty of my [ this is the important beautiful schism in almost one performance - even if she is a decade behind me...calling a spade a spade ] fellow Polyamourites who are really nasty buggers [ correct language: Bobbindisco or just stuck... incoherates.. who don't like a word of truth unless they have seen it on someone else's Fakebook and take it their owntoo.. and don't you dare have an opinion, or more experience than me of a spade is a spade] ... "
Indeed she even implied fifty percent fruitloop nutjob dodgy ...
I couldn't care less as that show of fashion obviously is just that... but 'THEY' did utterly destroy environmentalism of Light-Footprintism... over a decade they need turning into art...
even if it's all the same tarty farty claptrap..
But the way i noticed they 'upped their game' with all that 2020 time to figure on what game may just carry on supplying them via Waitrose really really was so hilarious watching it develop...
Juxtapose it with the worst self pity 'arthouse' film ever invented, you get: Now.
And of course NO ONE.. no one at all ever.. is able to THINK why yesters some British bombs were flying...
(ref Emily Thornbury Question time 2 weeks ago or see date of video TOO much happens in my life good job i am splendid chronicler...)
One.. didn't jump down my throat for sharing some TRUE stuff ...
There is a god and her name is we them they are real torturing cunts but...only for fun...if you can outlive their crosses and
naught really matters...
(but i want to meet the SW again! - the only Brit immediate full shared ..shared ALL that matters...truth))
Anyway there is a ton more
A whole bag of rotten crosses to pile up so as to burn at the stake
yet another .. 'bless you sister'
But i could hardly be bothered
That said to ... well here is the thing - ALL of them who came along and turned a free destination for local not rich bitch families... into " we will charge them £5 even for kids for their own good" near Presteigne of polluted Lugg (cos the SAME folk never ever blocked more development that actually: fact i have official papers from 2021 a rare honest woman brandishing them... ... all their new or old developments ..prozac-shit into their Lugg) ..
yes it is when you simply aren't ALLOWED person to person (i hardly ever 'connect' or comment online ... but have a few times of late will be copied here)
suggest that there are other military industrial complex causes and effects...
Viciously they bite back (" North East Poland" ..)
That is when you knew two years ago no hope bothering to talk/speak/share with anyone..