
Sunday, 10 November 2024


 I 'vagabond' and landlope for a reason..

Except it didn't crystallise into just a few sentences until yesteraft..

Meeting on The Track - too briefly, perhaps the only English encountered I felt were ..are ..on the same track... appeared to have the same 'energy'...and understand my point, which is always softly  

Perhaps they are at last the right ones...

Anyway... in one sentence: balls to the lot of them... as I have settled into a better region, with the very best of all atchin tans (which by definition must be free of sillyboy surfies, and patinated ten grand camper vans so as to show off in Gwerk...  all such of no conceivable use to man nor beast...

And THE problem...

Why you have your problem

Anyway yes one day i now must return to these things fully.. as i have had several to educate over the last deacde

Once i have enjoyed trees...  trees and leaves.

The thieves

Of the Southern coast thieved for their tabksships and bling

But never put back.

So, the key to life is several atches.

And 'saving up'  the best ones for when you REALLY need them.

Errata i need nothing, but there is a pleasure in knowing that rather than compulsively lasternight come down here to awake in the best atch of all.

Signal, quiet and trees...

And only a few come to park and dogwalk of a day..

Nope, stop en route in the  village which will 'do'.

(though also it is good to be reminded of just how vapid the kiddult men are  - three vehicles perhaps pass in a few hours, and two are the same one pretending his souped up exhaust is at Monte cArlo hurtling through the narrow lanes at 100 kph..

Even worse child-men here than lasterregion and that one was deathcarnage for the youth as it was..

Jean got, understood " just the... parents.."

Anyweay in a  what a week...

And 'vagabonding'is far too challenging a word  - too sharp edged in nuance for any British female especially the supposed literary who haven't even read Ginsberg ..Y

And merely read to some goggle eyed latter day formula

As lifelong 

(lifelong! if you give your infant non 'human' milk the science says all markers for LIFE are negative - from 'automiune' systems to 'mental health')

Indeed that is rather a good allegory  - i can never remember the difference between one of them, and metaphor.. 

Both words too highfalutin, for salutory tail...

deliberately Miss Spelled  as there is a sting in it, or it isn't any good

And doesn't educate.

The purpose of getting to this boring age with no one left to s[peak with sanely

Anyway waffle waffle merely cos i can in perfect woodland quietitude zen...

With no needs no nuthin

To lose

And certainly no second guessing - no point

Anyway yes ehhh...nuance

In the second most beautiful language, Frogish:

" terrible.."

Is a word that must be performed with exact intonation and a certain forrid movement...

Teyyy ...rreee..bblu.."

 But it does not mean .. acedia  - my fave word of the 90s ... as i saw The English only buy crap books to show off from my little bookshop I called it Acedia...

Only one professor ever sort of got it and asked why..

(Bella MAckie's dad  also too thick to, - who she RIGHTLY  'gaslights' with a nuclear bomb chucked into his smelly underpants in her magnificent How To Kill Your Family slagging him off directly twice in her Quadruple grammy worthy literary symphony, and NOT taking his surname either ...i hope a deliberate act... a regular customer of mine  - his compulsion fancy cookery books and the worst books ever Bedside Guardian... [sic].. he s[pent squillions with me on them .. but that should remain confidential as what a bookseller gets for his weirdo customers should remain private...unless... he fucked BREXIT and Corbyn and everything else in between for i am quite sure he still retained power there even after standing down 2015... Acedia bookshop was named in honour of his peabrain... almost literally... But then him taking on even worse Prospect magazine... did indeed show the premonition was correct..)

BUt anyway back to...


Teayyy reeebluhhh....

Is a word with the correct niuance that is almost ...

Lets just say the inventor of the nuke would have uttered it at the first test run meaning a strong force but also of beauty in a perverse ish could even fumigate Rushbridgers crusty ones it is so powerful and almost godly in its power...

And god pretends to be a goody like the campaigners 'pro' the River Wye...

Well, we all know how they ..failed (tomorrow that restarts, ALL the way no..names named too.. starting with the 'famous' ones.. whom people pleased and gaslit  even the 12 steps program pretending some bigged up structure when we just needed to do the HARD work to lobby, they never did despite may years of pleading.... they were so acedia infected...)

 i still dont know what gaslit means i only know what truth to power means..and is..


But necessary.

But to the point...

at i recorded a short audio

something " terrreee bluhhhh" suddenly occurred...

Teyyrrreee bluhhhh .." is


a lifeforce...

As Alexandra my sacked once Queen said when i showed her the letter a quarter of a decade ago...

what a privelage that was to share that with her...

As she knew....


Prior to starting up an online chameleon shop...

Oh well...

But... what a realisation (not their awful default word 'insight'...

And if it...worked...

It will only be because of TOTAl freedom the last few days into 100% purest vagabondage and... 

Meeting her on the track yesterdusk...

Just a quiet look she gave me that i liked.. her and her great fun friend...walking.. the only ones i met.

But that's ..i know not what the 'magic' of The Track is... Salt PAth has a different ending to the usual death cult self pitying moan which eveything british became..

I mean i glimpsed in and they could afford a six quid rip off pastie for a birthday treat...probably one 

Ginsters ORANGE LABEL = the cheap 6 or 7pm  mark down priced ones...only ever..

toxic sludge... for 75p..

 thats my life for fifteen years...nothing...fresh air and sludge...

And i would not  have one second differently, because...

Good for me, but... how TERRRYYYYBLUHHHHH!

has anyone else realised?

Now.. there is a REAL reason....  to... have take two....

TO BEA ...cont