
Thursday, 28 November 2024

gobbled eee gook and loadsa typos

 now my ...(un called for never even asked to subscribe never mind online pimped)  reader-viewers...

no idea who any are...

only ever get 2/3 of any story... lived in experience, just for fun

and actually DOin' what no one else does (3 social work car crashes underway at any one time merely so i can learn...exceptone she the great gorgeously siverheaired white they say)

listen audio earlier today...  i have 4 or 5 'channels' ongoing at... most of the time

one day they will be all woven together

and several 'channels' are real scurrilous comms me and... several genuinely valued "human"s...well i think they are...

in short only a few hand picked from pickin' em up on the tracks or with their dogs.. have the FULL (censored) stories....

to nudge-kick them... not die an old wrinkled boring bag..

but having actually done something

tat really DOES matter...

even if just a  great Killing Fields film with laughs innit....

me full time for weeks now on.... this... but it will be full time for several months to show fully... this....

not this this is dull how to survive the pandemic of every single one wastes my time

but i wouldnt have it any other way