Sunday 20 October 2024


 ...i don't think I have ever had him on boostaroo....

Gives an interestin'  viscerbodyal echo.... 

into a 'shamanic' dimension of ... 

Not important, except syorms are bessed experienced in the ' moment' right on the Westerliest  clifftop edge ...all last winter....

Fabulous real weather  rather than limpwristed so called storms as they may be endured inland....

And a so called sister...

Poor tjing bumlndled off to boardin' school age about the same age as the one i heard yesteraft speakin' of exactly the same  getridofemitis this pestilant shoppin' aisle  ....adopted

Behind their Biba scarfed masken faces...

Nuthin to do with me i got myself adopted by the yokels and thus self cured myself of all if you... age revolutionary eleven.


( xxx remember to stick in ... it belongs with 'what is ralph' really..... the interview in august with the so called 'artist' at the cliff edge .... i first came accross her exact dopplegangbanger 15 years ago almost to the day...... " ehhh...ohhh so.... now we fucked The Wye at the bottom of your [ well known ex university prof, in Wales, very well known by the whole town: awful gyppo and black hatim' bigot.. easily verifiable every word dribblin from her gob for years] mum's byway.... i .. know the next generation are going to have to revolute a bit but i fear little hope..." 

professor of some bullshit arts at St Martin's on her long xmas hols at mums ... well being Wales, (just inside by 500m).... all the deeds only in dad's name.... 

even in this century... 

" ohh you CANT SAY THAT... my lovely students are so yummy lovely and so so so up on everuthing so much more than we were theyre really a new superrace...

i created 

with my wobbly fat face and... demand they are  perfect in every way... and how fare you even think this is not so ...."

only a childless fat unhappy wine and biccy addict ... a bit like Camilla Badman Gellish perraps...


Thistersummer, her exact copy, but its so so epoch definin'

 the wordin' 

so its a good  job i was chroniclin' live camera action

it is the sanctamonious

" self righteous" 

indeed rhe exact look from Stevie the goddess  of  and inventor of punk and actual real moderm ART. whisst poor Marina The Serb's still in her imported fake knockoff  label bluejeans agravatin' her bad art crotch... and thus distractin' her from actually makin' real letgo art.....

. at ... well every second ..

 but Houllebecq wrote that exact perfirmance art moment at 04.15 minutes in..

... into his own interpretation some decades later in Possibility or Atomisee...  i can never remember witch

which is an insult to witches as at least they enjoyed the feeling if broomistick between the thighs....

mum's a bit of a b*tch

or rather just lost to bourgeois  magpieing...  like all the rest...

( insert one of many pics of' Cornish Magpie' symbology)

ancient history...

but seriously


when the 'elders' sit there on their fat arses...

as per thistersum'

her on one of these laughably dire 'artist retreats'  to sit on fat arses at dull cliffedge vistas

and eat wine and biccies with others stole enough to afford the 300 quid aday n a half...

from near Totness

( as usual me Socratically Nestbesch MUTT zering ... [ MissKraut...the only young woman i ever felt desire for ... she broke through my  tried and true defences by the only thing there ever was... that's 'desire'able.... 

spirit.... impossible! ... hers from ten universes up the foodchain she woz so impossibly extant ....what paradise even three short meetings... ] ... no fat mentory to our yoof for decades especially some smug rancid tjing Hay eay could understand, NestMUTTin' godly....  its called George-Mary-fuckin-Ann- Evans fucked em all up their dried up  gussets too wulith her genius parables.... so as to PROGRESS fat cows like u not being sat on the duckin' stooltoo....

to death.

in one or two sentences, hers... from mine chronnies...

" ohh... no you are wrong... there is SO so much HOPE.... my small little [Tottytart, downshifted on stolen

 SE  drugmoney launderin' and armsbrokerin'

 loot] community... has a few lovely lovely young people in our grassroots growin'  

 aware small circles  i gather in ....  who we encorage to be the future and..."

 ohh really.... 

Een listenin' to that tosh for 15 plus years ...

But i get it.

The way to hide under the covers  from rhe nuclear winter over the horizon

Is DO nuthin'.. except covenate in the corner twice a year smiling at some yoof who shares

izz err 'mental' ... disabilities 

with some knowin' fatteratti...

who then recycles them into her defences against her conscience that she never DID ...owt..

( a trait began by the original TomPaulmen....  who conned the 'spiritual' out of everyone, especially the brown variant... whom suckered in George, and ... Ringo at least just wryly  made jokes about Harry Hocus Pocus  .... 

Anyway that one or two lines i captured as most perfect real performance that aint very artful... 

but us real

And is WHY there is no "hope"...


And why hope is a far worse swearword than *itch... 


The worst ever evil they committerate...

Dave's friends...mates

before the word 'friend' was stolen by a load of neurotic city folk . .  

And repurposed into a notion that never was...

thats just a commercial clique

 for clicks 

country folk ..real ones...never did

" mate" being a word that really judt means someone to give you a lift to a yonder garage if your tractor breaks down...  you will remember, forever...  a favour to be returned one day 

( THE only true Nazi dichotomy of this century  how the worst offender Coelho  of the' i must runaway and find a better spuritual guru ' poison penrit filth... also termed a real modern human  perfect solution, finally ...  his ' "favour bank"; a genius term.... almost mittigation for his genocidal earlier books except of course the first one that was great...his hooker book ok too....)

a real friend ... as Dave is boardin' the learjet for his offshore hols....

calls the feds

" his holiday packing ...includes enough to get him on an international drug trafficin' rap" 

ten years pn from making the perfect should it be allegory.... song 

of many hairstrands all great writing not tellin' the listener exactly what to think...

maybe Samson....

maybe... just fuck off and die everyone...

A  few  years on from his stay in The Pen.. booking made by his REAL friends....

" they saved my life... "

But nowadays every fat knowitall KNOWS...

its always their first line ( of defence... from having to think..or DO anything) 

" they have to want to..first..."