The evil* man's genius lines of proppah arthouse surrealresponder, REAL writing, on damned earworm, now....
i knew there was one line in there, but two....
"... smile... like pigs in a stye.. ."
* define, when you can afford ten ferkin learjets on standby every day for the rest of your life, and rather than use them just one day..once.... in many years, to taxi your one son over the pond to have chips with dad, you're connin' the world you "imagine"...
No there's "no heaven.."
But even if sadly lackin'
"lonely virgins"
There is paradise....
Righty ho...back to work now, there is an exact, perfect
'moment' to be in. I have it in my head, even if its sickle passover day....
(s)He not busy bein' born (again)
so sadly, is a bit busy bein'
certainly not full of livin' on...
havin' spat back at
the Sadducees and Fairysees....
( i did my, dangerous, best.....)
the final, con.
But how on earth, so many years a diligent
did i miss that line?
" money doesn't talk
it swears....."
( even if beee'ind yer back on the Coastal strip( only), of Stepford-cannot- sea-anything-beyonder mad scramble for every last pirated sous
except as the pirate workshop wimmin told me
pukka pirates had a code, of a lotta'
Your'e on Herrr
Now i understand England:
200 years ago those saudades
" for the English, to see..."
o fim da odisseia. Perraps, all along, just to find Scarlet again, at her most liminally ferkin frenzied, juiced up, ..goin' all the way.......
into the best of creativity.
god,what a gorgeous name
in the most gorgeous vein
of babel's big joke on us all... never mind inter-people, the theme of at least eighteen months: words have two meaning, but, still i scratch my blodied bonce, what did she mean by her "groundogs"...?
I know nuthin' except be cont one, soon
But i better sort of mess around with book nine, on a lot more than nine wonderful European walkers, wanderlusty, bouncy, in fact even maxerlopy bobbin about if she happens also to be a giraffe.. whilst it all still echoes so clearlyas if summer isn't quite over yet.
And start to sort loads of story telling in rather a lot of quickshot photos ....
Especially as i know there is at least one unafraid to repeat after me and know that for her pet buzzy bee.. she should try, too, to give up the mermaids and get into some propper art...
note to self: never go back to tailored chorduroy shorts cove.
How could i possibly have been so so suckered in by.....
her and hertoo aged Berlingo....?