
Thursday, 24 October 2024

This is England. " wonky"

 Though we have the two most extreme examples... there are many many thousands of tragic people operating obsessively in a lesser but similar paradigm

 very obsessively ( i have many times seen inside their lives as legal counsellor assisterate...).... the work they put into their illusion is extraordinary and all powerful

The well known examples are

Mister Beech


Muzz Matthews ( the most blatant of the two naddies via her superb frequent tv star act...)

And i know millions of people here are now  trapped in less extreme but just as overwhelming to them  modes in their lives

but what is almost more extraordinary

Is that most here refuse to acknowledge this truth of this society. I know as i like to discuss where our goalposts actually are... therein lies sanity 

nothing about ANY individual !! 

merely a pattern in the more visible who need to come forward but i know that 100s of thou in this land are afflicted behind the phone screens usually late at night

cos those whom over the years i have lay legalled for... naturally are 
the common good

what can society DO?

And all we have rather than FACTS is a quite limited version of some of the history - accurate enough at a certain level.



Curtiss as usual... looks at it from the (bloke from Rhyl - i always forget his name, my classmate) point of view...

Because Curtiss (almost all you have left of that fundamental cross roads in recent history that made everyone cross...

misses the 20 or 30% who in fact (before Mermaids from Totty arose) were genuinely 'alternative'.. read Pilger, mocked Klein as " ehh luv.. we knew this stuff several decades ago you're a it late to the party.."

Knew 'less is more' and most important  - NOT elitist, as i went to local extremely humble comp and din't know any privos, in fact 99.99% of my school was working or quite lower middle class: ITV and adverts is for morons...

And as adverts became a thing at the pictures.. almost all of us didn't even go in until they had finished and the film imminent..

But BY DEFINITION, a small group often huddled at the side of a late 70's classroom, today who would be called 'nerds' took to the new 'technology' - meaning they ran the school disco for a few quid.. then started to enter the lower echelons of the new entertainment world....maybe started a karaoke club or a business doin' the local weddin' discos...

The privo version of course get jobs as some nerdy thing at The BBc or the like..

AND THEY.. they who in fact always turned their nerdy noses up at the almost majority in the 80s, who saw through ALL this Mamon bling advertorial...

Military Industrial Complex that was so simple - desperate (then only) men want bigger things filled with noisy dynamite..

AND that Saudi oil  - sucking up to it London full of Sheikh fixers in the 70s...who loved Black LAbel and whores.... defines EVERYTHING.. everywhere ...

And deep down like a festering oil slick hidden in the foundations ... I wonder if anyone even has collated the 'data' as it is likely uncollatable - being a lot of UK money is 'offshore' where lovely 'offshore' just like in any banking system needs to bolster  more risky borrowing by amortising in less risky cash in the bank - oil cash..

I think it would be reasonable to say that 20% of the UK  (total) economy is or is supported by Saudi way or other..

Even if via USA where as we yet again hear but dont dot-join.. many Newnewnew Labour Milindcomplex politicians go for their 'holidays'....

post to finish later

pics of some yastext and some E text ...


and some message to israeli

add the above into

 The idea that this can be FIXED is madness - madder than the mad the money to somehow deprogram .. is all the gold in China

BUt in the Curtiss it is the inability to simply say "the common good" which is not some commie concept merely a utilitarian look at things such that good examples are needed rather than Russel Brand going godsquad ..

really so God is going to fix all the BPDs..all the ? ... people who cannot THINK if their demand for more...( special needs child cash.. Today )  

may not be for the 'common good'...

.... this to be developed later but i know polemic doesnt work...hence failed attempt to sex it up a bit...

but stories sometimes do...

plus i part rit a book on walking .. the ANTI Salt Path...on my other thus far hidden site....soon.. videos next)

discussion point, is Curtiss one of the most dangerous broadcasters ever?... as there is only ever one "hope" which is more down to earth people who resist the consumerist "beast" and he pretends they never even existed... when in fact there were plenty around throughout the 80s.. even 90s.. i know they were my buddies... and we werent special

all a waste of time no one listened

but i communicate a bit with the odd one of us few percent who still see through it all

but i aint wasting time rewriting...

or getting things the right eay around...


the end nuthin changed... all my dull life.