Thursday 17 October 2024

 so, their 'full moon' ...

Only of course if you are stranded on this lump of rock, 99% bimbo...and that's just Russell Brand. If the sillyman with his showoff  spliffing on television and amassed crowds of homoerotic whoop whoopers ever gets to Mar, and sets up camp, they will have to adopt  some other nomenclature. Flyinpigsmoon... nomadeupmythsfortouristsmoon


As, as discovered at the first long totally offgrid - no servicrs or neighbours one for one km camp, supposedly for a month or two from Sept 2009, hahh hahh best laid plans.... four years later the actual ' living in tune with naycher' "human"  learns that bright early mornings - being standard "human" does hisrher work in the day and dozes off earlyish evwning, when it feels colder anyway, but up even at 0400 the body has warmed itself up under the bearskins and it is astonishing how you can wander around in shorts well before the dawn, when it is warmer and you feel warmer from a night of bearskins... being the so called ' tribes' - their silliest word of all for bluehairs from Wolverhampton, cannot bear skin... unless they ' control' the .....  

control the..?


The longer i live...or merely reflect upon years of their  reality in their bizarre society i know not what  they wish to control....or ' need' to. .. but faux control is what it all became... my whole dull lifetime.

Super hunter bluehair moons... whoop whoop.. a camp dweller knows just silly new ( 'age' is the worst of all so called insighful descriptors)  words, for why its a phase  of the month, when the camp dweller can awake early .. 4am... and gave a few hours of extra light to catch up on chores....

Thats a point, so all the .. ( there are no words for wuwu woke or bored latenight- and by definition in " human",  users of bad info online as it became) ..precious lot... 

I meandered up a Marches street 99ish thinking " god almighty theyre all becoming so precious.." ...

can get onto Wimmins' hr from Mars and moan about interplanetary menstrual justice  being that being at a different mooncycle, they all gone out if sync! 

petition facebook group and lots of free airtaxi fayres back into the studio back on the mothership....  to feign consternation, THE currency if a sick nation 

Even if i think skiving from the absurd military industrial complex ... just a hydrocarbon powered hamster wheel..   is a fine and honourable pursuit .

Except do it based on truth. Real ' pain' ...oops getting near to banned subjects as blokes can't hint anything ref not needing a paracetamol as stone age cavewomwn had no choice *

real pain is a splendid thing and defines the...lines...

* ... its astonishing still the Yanks, and other so called modern peoples, those Polskis too... cannot manage one simple line

" even in stoneage Newcastle Brown addled UK, by about 1975 certainly early 80s... every bloke there knew and wouldnt even hint after ten Newcey Browns... that what a woman does with her womb is any other 'human's business to EVEN THINK about,  ever... not for one millisecond" ... and no one ever did...

( copyrite moi,  the above, ten years ago simple para developed to get dull men using the internet to understand other cuntries,  whom also think they understand the US legal structures via their dumbfuck internet,  to shut the fuck up...)

As some backwards country like USA or is it some lesser European place is still unable to manage simple Payneian rhetoric