Sunday 20 October 2024

" struggle"

silly man wouldn' even be able to stop and think of ALL that matters: having, as lasternight, 9 magnificent hours sleep....

indeed i think..
 but this is against the RULES that should be added to the Nurenberg Code if i am Miss Taken....

he referred to using sleep ' medication'  in his dire few thousand pages ..

but accusing another " human" of anything medical without seeing their doctor's notes 

be it " you are narcissistic / Asp-her-gers / [or as it used to be before they spent all night up on their stupid forums ] .. bipolar..or BPD or ' on the spectrum' " as is now common parlance for every Brit i ever meet.... especially female
should be an OffToTheHague crime... 

making slanderoys aspersions HasBurgers or otherwise is evil..

especially whem i have sat with maybe 5 or 6 officially Court Commissioned  " psych reports" on parents in front of me your UKtax paid a few grand for, to tyranise ...torture in fact...real torture ( i got a new  one on my laptop now) ...quite adequate parents... that are - the expert dictats i mean, in language and intent,  worse than anything Goebbels wrote ..
yankstoo i am sure even if their in"human" whorecrime, is just get the shut up by shootin' em....

so yes there is more  

i merely operate always every morning on the " if i die today " what does one wish to sumarise, for some next generation.. ... most days


about 10 more segments to be uploaded...soon


How astonishing, i admit all my foibles...

Having grown up... beyond their bible which is gonna get your Irangeman in again....

rather than the greatest ex junkie in history ... cos publicshame he must have suffered many years   is perhaps the greatest hurdle of all... RFKjr ... if i were rewriting the magnificat Moor's Utopia  today with his " the community leader you want in charge is the one whom doesnt want to be in charge.."  him second sighting JC the second cummin' of so called Christ 500 odd years later

i think a new commandment guideline for today  is  you really DO want a fully recovered ex junkie in charge...of the world...

cos apart from the whole world being ruined by ...compulsions.... 

a really really  ex junkie ( you cannot find in UK,  as their NA and '12 steps' are fake,  i know a few been there done that... it   largely, almost always) fails just as Russell remain " human"....knows one thing 

that lying to yourself is the root of all naughty step behaviour...and problems...
so, don't

and truly moving on,  into the next 'moment' ... 
where he is every atom different to his ex junkie bodily atoms  of thepast, every seven years we are
( oops i forgot to add in that to her)
i doubt there has ever been a better example to our yoof or anyone...or more trustworthy politician.. than the magnificat Mister didn't Croak .. but grew up ...even if with a croak

Anyway have i wonkybonce rongheaded disorder? 
1983 i know the  exact day i found that song..... 

out of the blue

And being am unYank actual modern human....

I always until this morning always had my interpretation of her genius lyrics... first line

my most played number of the 80s .... rarely far from my turntable

" ive got The Apple in me...original cinamon style" 

i always just assumed, being MODERN,
.."The Apple"... was the Big one, 
and they were sat at a Bowry diner in The Apple.... her tjoughbubbling me James [ very European in fact]  Joycean style her stream of Molly Bloomate  consciousness...

It set the whole tune for me... modernest woman critiquing all of modernity so magnificatly

But forty one years later...

what an utter madman braindead fool...!!

 the 'apple' caputalisation is.... 

that one...
 from their nonsense Miss-O- munched-the-fruit loop, book... 

Even if being a genius she latterly wrapped it all around in a modern sweetwrapper of a setting... and you never quite know exactly what she means...

oh well you live and learn