
Friday, 25 October 2024


 "interesting" someone said....

Lets hope they have jolly good redesigned superstrength gussets to keep the dribbles in...

At g force ten

As they prepare to reenact their fave porn channel ... well it has to be said simply superb cinema..

lets hope they are ready for excuses or moanin' though it would be interestin' to see the People o' the Book's pilot  operations manual and see if the religious bonkeratti have anythin' innit  about goin' off on Rag*ead turkey shoots, on the rag...

( ohh woe is us there is a next one coming, 2025, too... ehh may be a small problem.... there being there may not be a '25 left..)

And one is quite sure that the other sex are far better pilots the way that for 15 years they manage to avoid paying bits of a landman's ..wages...

Cos that's beyond 'Maverick' bein' used to be Commandment number one 

Righty ho.. cannons aimed and primed...

But who the fux, one - not that i believe in 'one' as silly Peterson tries to 'debate' Dawkins on the archetype...

What a dire so called man at least babes just scream .... tally ho as they 

as that's in approved one sentence Fakebookeese...

My my... try writing to any of them in more than three paras one discovered a decade ago...

But i only have one ponderated mergalation...

what will they have on the Walkerman as they head out over them hills and far away...

There bein' little doubt Bonkers Ben...  ho had ...

Now this isn't Aunty seems ...anything...

And as aforestated even the 'Zion' department are quite right to rant " you pick on us"  being that whipping the soles of PAlly workers for fun as they detrain 

.... well no more bein' terms and conditions of bein' labour - cheap, slave, or otherwise got a bit too complex..

Now... Eckhart I am indeed surprised he ain't a Cluck...

If so called 'civilisation' were to end in a big bag of their mushrooms (cut to film of one of .... him and his 'crew' at Clun Green Man so called fayre MAy beforelast... his eyes gleamin'  - in exact harmony with the next but one  track... with is little cut glass pots of pricey Mush... ' " hey man this is what the smart people now are into ..  we sell mountains of it...and under the counter are the slightly less countertop approved versions.. ")

My last thoughts may be how curious in fact there probably is some deep Montaignian or Platonic pattern that could be philosophised about..

bein' a poor neighbour.

Attempting to recreate or claim Utopia up the road..

However art is art... And it must have been more or less the same year as seein' Saint Joan De Black Bushe ... there... 

oops I'm not that old...

even if sad never met anyone worth boppin' with...

All gone nuts tryin' to be new when you have to understand you before you can be anythin'..

Anyway...  rev it up babes.. i believe my recommended track for some of the greatest loud soul ever would be that moment in about 1978...

oops that photo didnt Artificially intelligently focus itself despite the hype

When they waked out and somewhere in the back of one's mind one could remeberate something about bless err...Ayn RAnd bein' their leader...

my my what a force of 'nature' i still cannot decide who the ferk she was or what she said even if a splendid book the choo choo one...

But when an Ayn RAndist  - undoubtedly a dubious 'philosophy' comes out lookin'; a bit wonky and his chaps strike the first loud chord.... 

In the Liverpool Empire just up the road from Bling central (never ever believe a Scouse ever... Waterfront tells you whom they always were... viscious bi*ches who will do anythin' for bling...)

Anyway if i had the button under my thumb.. t'would be timed to be pressed exactly as ...  eleven gees upside down....

I lookin' at their so called nuke bunker eye to eye...

And as for what 'after' in fact i blame the Peterson man for everything...

For havin' nuthin sane to QUIETLY say ever about

just the same ole cant and vanity