Sunday 20 October 2024


 ... along me timbers; not rottin' like hers cos i look after my wood no matter what 

I am now officially a Homerist.

Plus how to nuke two and a half milennia of their dodgy self pityin' duff book.

Homer got there, to the meaning of life a few hundred years before their " rit in 500 years BC" bullshit Torah version.... albeit with a few life-hack, albeit yuckword, quite good tips... such as turn the other cheek.. Most of The Time

sometimes just run.. 

no time to change this version to  the hypertext in one word in link below entitled  = bed  

the day i finish it  off ....

The kairos moment.... as finishing it off, in the sunshine....

i hit ' audio' "why not... i had enough of all the...." 


and maybe back in the day.. of Holy Homer, maybe babes weren't as literary as ( quite likely) MUZZ Shakespeare ( who hired a gentry chappie to use his name as sometimes was the gender neutral case back in 'William's' day - hiring a well known pukka name as penname....... a good analysis of why much of Shakespeare,  as indeed ..far more likely baberit of late.... .. and back 300 years before " and God said [ quite likly Misstranslated as God rather than TheWord .. there being many options in the original muvvatongue as to translation of that 'n'word...] " ....oppressed by dint of " shut up and skin a goat,  or at least go and fix the fence, babes can do just as good as us litblokes... but writing's for men"... into not being able to write the word of the Bedgod