
Monday 14 October 2024

Sarajevo to Israel an equation

 Hashtags apalling modern thick punditry,  or 'philosophy'.

hashtag THE ' human rights' equation. the real one in a world where all is  only sophisticated PR for 30 years... the last 25  especially.

or the one big ' question';  or indeed judgement.

Hashtag Alexei Sayle isn't as thick as he acts.

in your head
 but even GREAT younger human rights scholars have probably had disatrous wanky education that missguides them into knowing what just.....merely

hashtag don't trust America, something REAL and deathcult weird ongoing for years:

#1 cause of death on under 40ish folk, opiate overdose.

BUT... young folk arent stupid and DO talk or text endlessly about drugs....

the massive wave of fentanyl deaths in even teens is painted as inadvertant - a doctored joint....

one puff if fentanyl laced with just a few atoms if the stuff, you are a dead parrot...

But the narative is they dont know of the lacing.... all inadvertant tragic death of many teens and young adults first puff...

beware... they know more than a patronising bossclass  ( and bereaved parents) admits...

i think really you have the next wave of the ultimate in self harm

they know they are playing Russian Roulette....

it takes away from their humanity ( even if warped) to label it all some accident  ...

but did deadduck in Cranberry sauce, Dolores know????  
she was toking at a death sentence,  as i believe was cofactor in too early death? dodgy drugs.... 

a real tragedy such a great artist

when we need great ones to live to be wise old sage stuffed " birds" more than ever....