
Monday, 28 October 2024

Newish.... 'testament'


Even if i know not what the peeps want, and anyway it isn't up to my cohort, but it would be interesting in time to have an informer... from within the ranks of those whom just may be able to save us...

On this planet, now...

But all i know is you need (i MUST find a better word! especially having heard a fine mind critique the 'Eastern' philosophies, no disrespect to Vietnamese boat folk but ehhh... they haven't a clue...)

Actual real 'zen' or just smiley Socractically riffing in the street  - two on the same side ... " ehhh... your boss....(s)he said look after my garden or else!" 

And it's nice to be up to your knees in divine mud... actually looking after it and all the plethora of creatures tortured divinely by sending them to have to tolerate the one beast whom pees in its own waterways... via a water company or not, as the case may be...

But how 'INTERESTING'... the... history will doubtless fail to record, just how easy it would have been to actually use the right (lefty) 'arguments' to get things back into  a bit more balance..

Or maybe one day someone will find my 'content' smouldering on a compost heap i hope...

So i better get to work making it a trifle more palatable or at least digestable,  to...

Now i have perfect....quiet.... 


which is still the wrong side of the 'equation' in that ...two per woodburner or petrol can... sure is a quick and efficient way to .." we will meet nett zero..." and not burn up one's children's' planet... in your dreams. 

As is speaking only of the ratio of co2 to hot it is the POLLUTION - all forms of it, that have caused the real Apocalypse already...

 And surely if  ... i don't get a couple of things: the silence of late, and also that those peeps of the book...s? i know not enough... how they miss all the first bit about all the splendid beasts being created, only to have 3/4 of them (above the size of a snail)  polluted out of existence, in 50 ish years...


To be cont but from the beginning, soon.

Maybe not here...maybe on the other only 5 were given... the actual walkers...i need a second opinion. 

(i find it extraordinary how few ambulate in this region - except tourists on the path or 2km dogwalkers, which never suffices for a good long sweaty walk,... so now i understand ... i guess i was thought some 'eccentric' by hertoo... funny old world being the way to get older and be healthier being older is .. 30 or 50 kms...a week...roughly not obsessively... you can drop a week but every third you have to make up the average if you do.... but you do have to keep it up - for life.. past early is who we were back in even 500 BCE... read Hardy  - loads of walking.... ...or you don' on (on average).. and it is even worse than lasterregion here the disdain to the random walker...  us islands have very good senses as to what folk are thinking... often...and the great majority  - of drivers of course or even tony speakers and gossips... really don't celebrate just that keeping up those kms... not my world i give up)