
Friday, 25 October 2024

move over Scarlet...

 ... i think thou mayst have been overturnerated lower than this one..... 

Pondering the soundtrack and thank god it's a free world ... excepting the small priblem of Mammon all thet ever fight, for..

double mm... at last i had time to look it up

( may as well open this up for temporary derision  all so called vollaborators ghost too...)

 at least i know what it means..

and in the case of the middle aged, far less attractive...and youthful.... 

if you dye uour hair just one of tnousands of Mammonesque madnesses....

( i have in superb double sourced chronicle this year - half a dozem wiser  ollder birds being interviewed on why they look so so fab... silverygray.... as i started to create an art installation on 15 years ago...i am constant... nothing new: wars for hydricarbons to make chemicals to make people look older and smell poisonous ) 

unlike eveey other commentariat ( as you can see in The Mayor .. a really scary movie about how for decades the 'aid' bought yet more fancy sofas ...  in Ramallah.... deliberate parody Miss spelt... of i know the Koran,  and it says " dont waste your spirit and time down there on ' worldly goods'.."...

Indeed a fabulous movie if one can tjink for onesself and has meandered a little around Arab lands....

my my they live their expensive sofas....qhixh always have a price.

lets just hope their "ai" is smarter than Oggle whereby if you put in " battlestar galactica soundtrack" - i have yet to find that Max Webster fabulous heavy metal track in rhe film i wouldnt lower myself to see, along with ANY horror mivie..  

into youtube search you get:

bbc apocalypse live 

but if i put that in this webservice ...owned by Oggle ... post creation' search youtube' box 

it doesnt even list the one with the exact title 

but hark what is THIS that doth come up

looks like a copy right royal bullshit infringernation to me.... 

cos there werent any bongo bongos in the good one....

you could hear and feel through every bit o yer 2006...

or the worst ever version of a fine fable....

all modern' culture' suffering the same fate: when you try hard, to be good or even as good,  it's no good... 

oh yes it's a free world ish not  if you are one of the 2 billion whom wouldnt be allowed to be in lead warplane...or even cleanin' its pee tube.. or in the case of that fine equalacist whirecriming peeps ... femitube is it? i heard dome silly middle aged woman not a van one squeam at using the word thistersummer....

ohh yes a shewee....

the towny neurotic's version of piszin in the hedge

Anyway a fabulous symbolic moment 95% likely....  

I hope the first fully non binary ( ive actually forgotten what that means it was always so dull a word)...and will be forgotten as sure as ferrits are ferrirs,  when the price of diesel doubles...

.... when woke began, no not James" gig...

nuthin like as good as Blackbushe....

no posturing

no one noticed Joan wasn't as white as Graham Parker or even Junky Eric..

But no one was told they are the greatest, either.....

wonder what the poor Iranian Revolutionary Guards are tjinkin....

i hope they know the truth: mere random Misstake...pisstake... Khomeini got the job in '79.... a gang of others...more ' moderate'  imtheir names in the hat for top dogtoo... ... 

And by dint of simple twists around fates long crooked neck

The number one fanatic got oast the line first

Irrelevent other than..  you just knowthat 99% or at least 75 of British whilst saying for weeks " i have disconnected from the news" ..

whereas in private caves in their not open ( the more time i spend among the Southern god their obsession with onion layers and secrecy now i know why most are actually sick openness or sunlight cure to most tjobgs in the head) head...

sorry...The ZimmerHook 2006 was....better

die young, of silly die way before you reach...your real peak.

Bet they're fuellin' up now... .

"hey girls....  we may be sterilised as a right if passage for reasons of military efficiency....... but someone tweet  its only girlybombs ...worlds first wirld first equal war of front line girlies with big ones ...and were all on tbe blob....  that means you dont get the 77 virgins if we ... accirding to your version.of sky faery....dust.... soon"