
Thursday, 24 October 2024

" moraity" define

 ...or just, better word, propriety...

or what one 'owes' into a

 ' common good' 

the common good.

"....  but has he any children...?  yes i knew he would .... look, yes he 'opened' his home to you, for initial government  payment it must be understood....  and you have stayed on ... and you have cared for him i can see it in your eyes you really do care.... but don't you understand yet!? you a bookkeeper back before Mister Cokehead Dynamite got silly....  and a tad grandiose... . 

" what is your national debt maybe 500 billion..? [ totally wrong subsequent factchecking described, 150 ish] ..  .. here,  it is five times more.... and a LOT of that is from exactly what your predicament is....  he cannot even wipe his own bum ... never mind wall around his own kitchen to make tea if no 9ne is there to help... and UK gets paid subcontractors to do that a bit.... as it also does when  problems occimur in the family with kids .... whisks em off to extremely expensive child fake cate  farms... and ditto argy bargy warring couples...   the state will intervene rather than the village ... but it is not VIABLE any more like you have discovered if you go bavk to the muvvafucked land for a holiday...and to see the family graves ... to keep family ongoing and functional....  no one here will care for him....

"because it is no longer the ' culture' which is insane evwn mafia state Yoocrane managed to keep some standard social program called family intact .. as the books are balanced that way...our way... not  

" you have no moral need to put him first ... even if you have come to love the extremely lonely  old bugger a bit....  you cannot suffer...your family links must NOT morally  be secondary to the fact....ahhh you see it all around do you...?  families smashed to pieces wouldnt want to shake hands at even Christmas...  ghosting each other... phantom... the family is merely some imaginary ghoul for many here, now.... 

" Believe me you have no moral requirement to put him first... even if your heart says you should from human descency...shared hugs and all that...

" you need to have a clear conscience...  it was the CULTURE here... 'bought bohemian',  atomisation.... total dystopia ....  druggie boozy all sorts but the worst offwnders rhe London media and tv culture creative elite who are as uncreative as a limbless zombie on soma ...

 "absurd slewing to  samesex which are only 3%... free country more power to their elbow!! .. used mainly for wankin'..... and anyway samesex marriage lasts, the datapoint says, 7 years if blokey, and only six if girly..... etc etc.. not exactly a stable arrangement into old pissinpants age  .....  that .. the culture the messaging..... which then allowed his children to pretend their dad ..  no longer exists.... 

"and the absurd ferral children io Starmerstan want even more paid ' care' for infants and oldilies...   i think one load of politicians is on even worse drugs than poor little Zallystan.... ..  but when Sam Harris thinks the future is psycho dellice ... as do many absurd new smarthinkers of much of Britain in his wake...well, their funeral.....  ...    

"and Gwerk thinks . Yahoo Nasca..lines of it, for brekkie.....  is it .. ... to get mystical insight.... ehhhh...  .. where do you think that actual 'war' is...anyway no other European country went down this bonkers Yankee dead end  of privatising the family and all of that.... "