Wednesday 16 October 2024

How to 'deal' with

 Arsiness, fraud (ref wages - very common in UK landwork the last decade), children dressed as 'personality' curators or costumed Gwerkians...  and the 99% whom cannot STOP and not bite back digitally or otherwise... both sides of your equation.

Next....already in the can. Even if my phone filled up with et more silly video so the work required to move files here and there and backup all is often a two hour thing .. tough when unless one became even more ultra zenvannedmindfully... that would have been on an hour of battery each predawn...

But i got 'there'....

Soon. And thus .. soon, all will be put right all holes filled in.. soon. There is now 'purpose'. Which is only about tomorrow.

Damn i forgot that line " a great parentwoman will teach i was randomly lucky to be taught in 1992... by the most hard to figure one of them  all.. and she hates me as i did, in time....  katrina taught me with kids it's ONLY about what you do..NEXT...only... ever... ever ever ever....yesterday irrelevant next, only"