Saturday 5 October 2024


 ( cont... from earlier audios on substack - started here maybe 6 months ago, having the last month had  time to ponder a deeper level ...sort of....- THE only great service on the web, easyish to use at my end,  free to use and listen to your end, you don't have to  subscribe or pay ... unlike others my waffles are always free...Dawkins, Daum, Weinsteind Taibbis [ he not worth looking up to see if i have spelt him rite.] ...all use it...its a grown up service ...for attempting to write say video the more intelligent things.)

the hard sentence " give service" etc.... hard because as animal apreciator and eco  carer i dont appreciate " human"s too much, rather prone to piss in their own drinking water...metaphorically.... bjt know you have to love one or two propper, and thats possible...and useful, and utilitarian, and magic, and the foundation of who we are no matter what the Atomised may say... 

but I've never been too keen on most, but somehow for 18 years ( with breaks as SO depressing) doing some excruciatingly tough part time emergency therapy-legal help....  deep down i guess the 'esteem' from at least doing ones bit...  WITH NO THANKS.... cos the helped arent in any state to thank, and ALL the luvvies... middle class incomers  to my oast rural regions gad their ugly heads in the sand about terrible injustices in UK ... didnt want to know despite calling themselves goodies... so no one evwn undwrstood what i did about 1/3  of my wirking hours  over 18 years... i.e. operating in a 100% vaccum filled with smoke and mirrors only.... 

but it isan ingredient ( maybe essential?) of true happiness no matter what...

do your 'cause'

it has to hurt and cost you tho i guess...