Friday 18 October 2024


 " damn the words" 

Now i need nuthin'

but The Goddess....

there is only one,

to power me on

but why the WTF hasn't this  gone ' viral' or had more than 15 clicks even if i never hashtag or alogorithm game.  ...and never look at my own channels or comments or anything until I.. capital I in italics... need her

As i do... not cos of need but cos it's goddess power time...



ohhh my pictorial fotojournalism will get a lot more pointy hat


never mind ' conformity' ... even if it is laughable; a decade of the "self  righteous" ( god i love it she said that about Rory its a perfect poem in just those words ) ... of the SR lot so botheri g about their bodies...of course they nwver did jihad against injustice or otherwise... the CONFORMISTS and hope hurts 13 oct 1415ish

but FAR more important, info in from an under 30..." the thirty year olds remain sometimes rather lot getting better balance.. and the twenty year olds a seemingly getting their feet back on the ground"

Intouchables, fine....
but books, go into your soul and stay there...
good ones unlike anuthing rit here except Cusk...and her... ( bouncin' on her Tightrope)
like Reader on the 6.27
like Ove  but yes i agree dear librarian its a bit... not quite right

like ... Pereira Maintaims

lije ( with reservations, why oh why did she give a bloke purchase at the end after givin' her own dad, Rushbridger, one up the bum, twice,  by attacking his 'Guardian' in her glorious sedition piece, quite rightly i knew face to face what a miron he is as i was his book search man face to face...his actual hobbies my my how Telettubbie..).. How To Kill your Family

like .. a few other Eurobooks i shall list on how to live on and.... endure

like .... well... there is only Silas

* .... herding them, over their cliff, of thinking 'publicity' helps anything in a ( to quote Pilger before his death " big brother talk" ......oops: or was that someone else i forget as my life is remarkably full for someone spent the summer  being Siddartha plus Orwell's tramps combined.....) me guilty, cos....  the idea that the bossocracy may respond to ones ( their, plural) ' story' was so so fey 

...of metoo.... 


if ' story'  can be " shared" .. well made, undoubtedly not fake....  the camera necessary in that too...

Cathy... Roach's Cath.... even the fey BBC admitted over decades......

Came Home and vomited all over the then status quo... a bit.

Change is so so so

 ebb and flow . 

grain of sand moving up the beach

a bit

'n back out into their polluted seas...

And maybe one day...

( unless a Gwerk mermaid gets it stuck up her fanny)

gets repurposed into being a core constituent

in a shiny new pane of glass.

This one...i need to make, may be crystal clear and let out all of

what should never ever be

as clear as daylight

Or to be Polish 

( their etymological development ...a tautology in that etymology is development i guess.... damn the words..  of 'The  Sublime', so so superior  to the ' English' fey version


in fullest intellectual historical usage INHERANTLY implies

 " lofty intent" ....


( genfed neutral) 

just obvious goodness or descency

unlike the suspicious Turnerate usage historically so, in this sceptic Aisle  whereby he ate one of his own paintings sheltering from a powerful " vengeful" act of god in a cave  ... a merely routine  thunderstorm...

And as it wasnt organically certified canvas and oil and full of  real toxins  unlike the made up foodfaddist  imaginary ones... had a really bad belly ache for days after dribblin daiohrea over the  remenants of his great unseen  and part eaten work ...

as he was too pathetic to just persist, even in the rain....

so yes Polskis  use the word in a far more interesting manner....