Saturday 5 October 2024


 now, being a student ( reader of) magnificent Pilger in the 80s... etc

one...'we', as in the 80s into 90s a good 25% of young punk-politicised Brits, had great writers on reality, whom we did value.... and educate ourselves via...   

What 'we' have lacked for at least a decade, is good overview writing or broadcasting on REALITY. Its all become so showoff,  twee; then add in the bullshit self regarding ( my word for 'narcissism that doesnt warrant a stay in Broadmoor)  "manifest"  ' positive energy' pollution of grown up thought, you have a pandemic of fatal Teletubbieitis. .. 

One candidate for chief failed Pilger, cos he looks good on the cover of Rolling Stone - a source not known for actual real deep nianced thought,  Mr pinnup Matt. Makes me feel a bit ill.

But at last one feels fully ill, with at last a good long chat avout reality: no one xares any more about 'rights'.

And UK adopts the  YouEssay zeitgeist, subtly...always... far moreso than Europe

And its pretty bleak, the so well put, at LAST real stories of  no one cares... 80s a violation by the state of basic rights = uproar across society; nowadays hardly a  whimper.

And i was a fool not go have clarified this to myself earlier ...

Even if 2020 some of my people in very aside lands   pretended to wish to get back to healthier anti rat race basic balanced decency ..locally and further afield....No point the imability to even understand basic rights was ruined years ago....

but i didnt know it was THAT bad... and Matt+Brett = i kindof do trust their conclusions, via REAL stories  .